Meeting his family for the first time....


Well-Known Member
My current relationship is different as I've posted here. This guy is actually serious and is now bringing me to meet his aunt who's his adoptive mother and his uncle. He's already told them about me which is fine but my family knows nothing of him. This is so early and I don't want to rush and introduce him and things burnout cause that will be embarrassing. He's ok with that but makes remarks that our families have to meet because in Haiti that's how they do it. I'm scared because as soon as that happens I think he will want to marry. As much as I want to marry I don't want to rush. Everyday I grow to love him and really at this point I would be very heartbroken if he walked away so I have to really decide what my next step will be. I'm hoping his aunt and uncle like me but my biggest concern is my side of the family. They're so judgmental.

Question how soon did you ladies meet SO immediate family? And when did he meet yours?
I met his family 3 weeks into dating, he met mine after two weeks and that was simply due to an impromptu occurrence where my mother needed a repair and he volunteered his services.

You have to try and put your fear aside. His introducing you to his family is a reflection of how serious he is about you. I say go, meet his family, and when you are ready introduce him to yours. Who cares of their judgments? If you're truly serious about this man it shouldn't matter what they may think. Don't let fear dictate your relationship or its potential to blossom.
Is this the same guy you don't really like but are forcing yourself to stay with?

Foxglove I never said I don't like him. On the contrary I'm falling in love with him. My concerns were about him being new to the country but that is not an issue once I got to know him. He doesn't have a car yet and I've accepted that for now because he's managed to come to meet without me having to go get him so can't even complain about that anymore. The more time we spend together the more I respect his hussle. He's working 6 days a week, has his place and treats me with respect. He's handsome, takes very good care of himself and I a man of God. He literally worships the ground I walk on and proved this to me every day. I am not letting him go because he makes me happy despite his flaws. I have flaws but he does not even notice. If you read back on my threads you will see that yes I was very uneasy in the beginning but the more I've gotten to know him the more I do not regret my decision giving him a chance.
I met my SO's cousin about 2 weeks after we started dating. He met mine after 4 months. Most of his family lives in another country but his brothers who live in a different state will be visiting in July so I'll meet them then. I'm not really one to hold off on introducing people to my family because I like to get their opinions. I want my FH to fit in with my family because my ex definitely didn't and things were always awkward when we were all together. My fam and SO hit it off on the first day and that was very important for me.
When you meet the family means very little to me.

I use to work with his mom and brother before I met him. I met his sister within the first 3 weeks and his daughter sooner. I met his father months later as he lives in another country. I met his buddies fairly quickly. I met his aunts (tons of aunts) within the first 3 months at a dinner.
I met my ex's daughter the first time we met up (not really a date), his mom years later as she also lived in another country and his sister years later but she lived in this country. My official bf before that was college days and I don't really remember when I met her. Maybe within the first month? It was during summer vacation that we got together.
I think he met everyone close to me quickly too and like the poster above said, I want their input so the sooner the better.

SO met my grandmother last October and she LOVES him. Like just yesterday this 97 year old woman tells me to tell him she loves him and that I have to watch her with him, she's so cute. :look:
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