Meet the new neighbors...they're black


Well-Known Member
I know your probably thinking...what does that have to do with hair but...surprisingly it does

I washed my hair today with the last of my rx shampoo and some cream of nature. I put some cantu leave in and castor oil in and let it air dry. I put on a thin headband and did my lil curly afro.

We just got new neighbors move in across the street and they are black. Which is big on my street. *no racist* So its a man and a woman and they are in their late 20s early 30s so they were really fun and down to earth. After they gave me a tour of their house we were in the kitchen and the woman said "I think I'm getting tired of these relaxers and I'm thinking of going natural. I really like your hair it is so beautiful and shiny and healthy looking" Honestly I was taken aback. I've never really left the house without a wig on my head for the past year or so and I felt really good. So I told her how I've grew out all my relaxer in a year. She told me that she wishes her hair would just magically become natural and she could keep her length. I told her "you and me both girl. This was a year in the making" I ended up telling her about how my mom has been natural for 5 yrs now and we both love being natural. I told her how I became a member here and I told her that she should join, or atleast lurk for a little while.

I felt good. I got a compliment on my hair which I really wasnt expecting and I put someone onto this wonderful site. I just thought I would share this with you guys because I was def. one of those that doesn't really like wearing their hair out. There is nothing wrong with my natural hair at all. I'm just not used to it yet and I really only left the house because I kind of liked my big afro. I ended up putting it in a puff on the top of my head and I will say it looked great. I wish I had pictures but I'm going to a party tomorrow so hopefully I will have pix up soon.

I think this really motivated me to really stick with being natural and wearing my hair out more. I think I will wear it out more atleast until it gets colder. I was going to get a full head weave towards the end of the month but I'm starting to wonder if I want to now.

Okay let me stop typing. LOL Just thought I'd share my experience earlier.
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Thats a nice story.

I'm not natural anymore but I do like the fact that more women are going natural.

I'm glad you told her about the site!
What a sweet story. I hope she uses the info.

Unfortunately lots of women on here have stories of people asking for advice and never using it after they take the effort to provide them with all this info.