Meadowfoam oil


New Member
I have just started oiling my hair (and putting a little on my scalp) with Meadowfoam oil, and I must say, it's by far the best for my hair. After using it, my hair feels sooo soft and is very shiny and not sticky or greasy. I would recommend you guys try it out. I was thinking of using Jojoba oil, but I may stick to this. I think I will even stop using olive oil.

For those of you who mix oils together, how can I tell if Meadowfoam oil is okay to mix with other oils? Do I just do it and test it out on my hair?

I bought it from here: and here is some information about it: It is unique in that it contains over 98% fatty acids having over 20 carbon atoms. Meadowfoam oil is said to moisturize the skin and hair better than most oils and help prevent moisture loss. In shampoos and hair care products, it helps add shine and moisture to the hair and scalp.
I've used it before and I liked it. I got mine from FNWL too. Liquid shea butter is better for me though.

Do you just MELT your shea butter? Or is there such a thing as liquid shea butter?

I've heard about that Meadowfoam Oil, will definitely have to try it in the future.

Shea butter melted never worked well for me. My hair always looked dull and it appeared to build up. That was when I was natural, but I used it after texturzing too. Also, it always resolidified after melting, even if I mixed it with other oils. It would get solid while it was on my hair when I used it as a hot oil treatment too. I stopped using it and threw it in the garbage. I found liquid shea butter/shea oil at It is sold elsewhere ( and others ) as well, but the only place I've ever purchased from is there. The solid portion of the shea butter is separated from the oil, leaving only the oil, so there is no melting needed.

It leaves my hair very soft and non-greasy. I mix it with Elucence Moisture Balancing Conditioner as my deep conditioner. I also use it as a hot oil treatment. Many people use olive oil, but liquid shea butter works better for me.
Thanks! I might eventually try this.

Yes, olive oil is too heavy on my hair, too.
My oil of choice is jojoba.
I really like meadowfoam seed oil myself. I like its odor, shine-generating ability and softening qualities. You might want to look at and compare prices. That's where I got mine.

You can mix meadowfoam seed oil with whatever oils you choose. Just decide how you want to use it. In terms of weight, meadowfoam seed oil is comparable to jojoba, maybe a tad heavier.

I like using meadowfoam seed oil in the warmer months as a leave-in, mixed with aloe, or alone as a leave-in and then airdry my hair. Great results.

Don't ever stop using olive oil /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif It's one of the best oils on the planet and I'm sure sometime you can find some use for it. Tha'ts what's so great about having so many oils to choose from and use whenever /images/graemlins/wink.gif

Hello Ladies,

I ran into meadowfoam oil by accident on the web. Apparently it helps prevent moisture loss on the skin and hair. Which is exactly what I am looking for since I have stopped using all hair care products, because they all dry my hair out. My hair absorbs water much better now, but the problem is it evaporates eventually. So I'm looking for something to retain moisture better.
Please post your results with this oil.
Does anyone know of any other oil that has the same relationship to water?
Thanks in advance!