Me: I live someone - Him: Is it serious?


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Me: I live with someone - Him: Is it serious?

This conversation transpired today on the bus with the BUS DRIVER mind you.

I was standing in the front waiting for my stop and he summoned me over. I went over to see what he wanted and it was to introduce himself. Okay, fine. He then proceeded to ask if we could exchange numbers and I said "I'm sorry, but I live with someone" in a nice tone of voice.

He then asks me if it's serious? I'm like WTF? He says "The reason why I'm asking is because I lived with someone and it "wasn't" serious." Da hayle? Right then and there I felt bad for a chick I didn't even know, because I knew "she" believed it was "serious". I told him that yes, it was and that I loved my baby deeply, yada, yada, yada.

He was so stupid. Even if I was interested, when he told me how he used a woman for her place (and sex) was an immediate warning sign that he wasn't *ish or worth my time. I didn't like him anyway. There was something in his mannerisms that seemed like he might be a potential bastid along the way.

See? A man will let you know within the first five or ten minutes what he's about. We just have to learn not to ignore the signals.

Freakin' jerk.

For the record, I don't have anyone and I'm quite content on NOT having anyone to avoid unnecessary drama.
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Re: Me: I live with someone - Him: Is it serious?

See? A man will let you know within the first five or ten minutes what he's about. We just have to learn not to ignore the signals.

That is so true. I think alot of women need a reminder from time to time. Some Men these days have no respect for women or relationships.

Today someone on my twitter stated that due to Supply and Demand, women should lower their standards. I think thats the biggest pile of dog poo. Like you, I would rather be single than with a loser. I have only met 1 woman with what some would call completely unrealistic standards. We are way more likely to settle.
Re: Me: I live with someone - Him: Is it serious?

That is so true. I think alot of women need a reminder from time to time. Some Men these days have no respect for women or relationships.

Today someone on my twitter stated that due to Supply and Demand, women should lower their standards. I think thats the biggest pile of dog poo. Like you, I would rather be single than with a loser. I have only met 1 woman with what some would call completely unrealistic standards. We are way more likely to settle.

When you lower your standards it never works out.

I agree with you, most women aren't requesting anything outrageous. You just want someone that you're physically attracted to, shares your common interests, has a job and is down for you.

The problem comes in when the person isn't what you want and you go about trying to "change" him into "Mr. Right". We then get mad at him for not becoming that person he never was to begin with. This is what causes conflict.

Unfortunately, many men, because the women before you basically let them get away with disrespectful *ish feel they can do that to you as well. I'm not about training a grown man on how to be a man. If he doesn't come as close to it as possible, then there will be no long term relationship with us. You can predict the future immediately.
Wow. Like... for real? LOL

Yup! He was a bastid anyway. I could tell that just in his mannerisms and the way he was talking. Dumb arse.

He's probably still living with someone. I really hate when men try to get with me that are in relationships. I don't care what the woman is doing to you or that you need to stay for the children. If you're unhappy and want to date other women, then you need to leave HER and get your OWN place.

They like to move on from one woman to the next. You hear about it all the time. Julia Hudson's boyfriend or ex was living with ANOTHER woman that got herself pregnant from him. Yet, he was still up Julia's arse too. Useless, trifling, good for nothing men will ALWAYS have some low self-esteem chick as his saving grace.

They can't be fixed nor can they be cleaned up. Just leave 'em in the street where you found them.
My favorite one, it's such a classic:

"Oh, so you mean to tell me that married women can't have lunch?"

This is not only disrespectful but a sign of desperatism by the man that makes the request. Some folks will say it's a "challenge" to the man, but I find it to be more annoying than anything else.

So many single unattached women, but you wanna go after someone who is taken?

Next time, you should say hold on a minute while I get my husband. If he says it's okay, then all three of us can go to lunch together. How about that?
Re: Me: I live with someone - Him: Is it serious?

That is so true. I think alot of women need a reminder from time to time. Some Men these days have no respect for women or relationships.

Today someone on my twitter stated that due to Supply and Demand, women should lower their standards. I think thats the biggest pile of dog poo. Like you, I would rather be single than with a loser. I have only met 1 woman with what some would call completely unrealistic standards. We are way more likely to settle.
this is some bs (read: propaganda) they want us to believe:wallbash:... they're roughly 6 billion people on this planet- 1/2 males and you're going to give me that bs on men shortage... BS!!!!... i live in a world of abundance not scarcity!
My favorite one, it's such a classic:

"Oh, so you mean to tell me that married women can't have lunch?"
Add that right there with "Oh, so you can't have friends?"
:rolleyes: Right. "Friends." Not the type you're into, buster.

Some men honestly never cease to amaze me with their lowness. I bet he wa still living with someone. The fact that he even fixed his lips to ask that shows that he probably came across quite a few women who were "willing" even with his, or their, living situations. :nono:
Add that right there with "Oh, so you can't have friends?"
:rolleyes: Right. "Friends." Not the type you're into, buster.

Some men honestly never cease to amaze me with their lowness. I bet he wa still living with someone. The fact that he even fixed his lips to ask that shows that he probably came across quite a few women who were "willing" even with his, or their, living situations. :nono:

Oh, no doubt that he has. He wasn't ugly. Quite handsome actually and he knew it. He was dark brown with naturally curly 3c/b hair and hazel eyes. So you know chicks probably give him a ton of play, but it takes more than looks for me to think about you in that way.

Honestly, I'm quite content on being by myself for awhile. Men aren't going anywhere. They'll be here forever.
Oh, no doubt that he has. He wasn't ugly. Quite handsome actually and he knew it. He was dark brown with naturally curly 3c/b hair and hazel eyes. So you know chicks probably give him a ton of play, but it takes more than looks for me to think about you in that way.

Honestly, I'm quite content on being by myself for awhile. Men aren't going anywhere. They'll be here forever.
exactly... plus he already let you know what he was about - NOTHING GOOD!!.... as soon as you said you live w/someone he should've backed off out of respect (whether who knew this to be true or not)...
exactly... plus he already let you know what he was about - NOTHING GOOD!!.... as soon as you said you live w/someone he should've backed off out of respect (whether who knew this to be true or not)...

I've found that men will just bypass the "do you have a man" question and just ask you out. Every time I tell them (the ones I don't want to be bothered with) that I have someone it's always followed by something stupid. I really can't stand desperate men. Sometimes I just wanna curse them out something fierce and say "Didn't you hear what da f___k I said?!! I have a MAAANNNNN!! How much clarification do you need? Daaaaammmmmnnnnn!!!"

Then of course, they'll wanna curse me out and tell me I ain't ish anyway and I should be lucky to even have them grace me with their presence, etc.. Okay.
I'm going to play devil's advocate here:

The phrase "I live with someone" is not indicative that you are in a relationship with that person. I think if you would have said "I have a man" from the beginning that might of put an end to all the 'extraness'

...but then again, you may not of gotten the info which proved him to be a scumbag. But then again, he wasn't man enough to approach you. He summoned you.....I personally don't think women should respond to such approaches.

Just another way of looking at things.
Well, we are in a recession. There are some couples who are only living together until they have enough finances to roll out. :blush: Maybe he was just trying to access your situation.

There was a time when I told a dude I live with to get to stepping. Most of the furniture in the place was his, I told him to get a U-haul and take everything. He was lollygagging. I don't know if it was because he wanted to still work it out or what. We were never at the place at the same time. I wanted to be nice and give him some time to do what he needed to do. I would leave messages for him asking when he was leaving. I ended up changing the locks on him because he was taking too long.

In that situation, I guess we were still living together as all of his stuff was still there and he was there when I wasn't. But he definitely was not my man anymore after I told him to kick rocks. So you never know.

Maybe the chick that he lived with was the one who didn't want to be serious "anymore". Maybe she cheated on him and had kids and he didn't want to put her out until she had somewhere to go. Not that I'm saying to get involved with someone in one of these situations (because I wouldn't), but you never know.
I'm going to play devil's advocate here:

The phrase "I live with someone" is not indicative that you are in a relationship with that person. I think if you would have said "I have a man" from the beginning that might of put an end to all the 'extraness'

I'm sorry, but if someone told ME they LIVED with someone after asking me for my number I consider that to mean they have a girlfriend or wife. Regardless, I've also said "I have a man" which still didn't stop anyone. Usually some other stupid desperate question follows.

I don't have time to play those games. You either got a woman or you don't. Period. Doesn't matter if you're not "serious". As long as you're sharing the same bed with her and she considers you her man it's "serious". Fool.

...but then again, you may not of gotten the info which proved him to be a scumbag.

When he told me he lived with someone and it wasn't serious for HIM he basically let me know he was a scumbag.

But then again, he wasn't man enough to approach you. He summoned you.....I personally don't think women should respond to such approaches.

You're right and I usually don't. He was the BUS DRIVER, so I thought he wanted something else. Maybe my tap card didn't ring the amount properly, I didn't know. I was hoping it was for "business".
Well, we are in a recession. There are some couples who are only living together until they have enough finances to roll out. :blush: Maybe he was just trying to access your situation.

I'm aware of this, but until I get an "Ok" from the "ex" that it's cool for him and I to hang together it's not gonna happen. I wasn't feeling him anyway. It was more than just the conversation. It was his whole vibe that said "I'm an ******* and will cause you difficulty later on."

There was a time when I told a dude I live with to get to stepping. Most of the furniture in the place was his, I told him to get a U-haul and take everything. He was lollygagging. I don't know if it was because he wanted to still work it out or what. We were never at the place at the same time. I wanted to be nice and give him some time to do what he needed to do. I would leave messages for him asking when he was leaving. I ended up changing the locks on him because he was taking too long.

Been there done that. Isn't amazing how these men refuse to leave and will continue to stay way past their expiration date? This is why I don't want to live with anyone, unless I'm really sure our personalities will mesh right.

In that situation, I guess we were still living together as all of his stuff was still there and he was there when I wasn't. But he definitely was not my man anymore after I told him to kick rocks. So you never know.

You're right, but I didn't care. Either you live with someone or you don't. Period.

Maybe the chick that he lived with was the one who didn't want to be serious "anymore". Maybe she cheated on him and had kids and he didn't want to put her out until she had somewhere to go. Not that I'm saying to get involved with someone in one of these situations (because I wouldn't), but you never know.

Again, don't care.
He's probably used to women going for the okeydoke: "He fine, got a job, I'll just bet he got a car too. Gurl, he just live w/ his "Baby Momma" 'cause SHE so triflin'."

Consider the source, he probably tries this stuff all the time on YOUNG ladies all day long. JUST NASTY!
I remember my husband telling me when he heard about a man trying to date me when I was pregnant with my daughter. "Don't be flattered by that. It says alot about that man to send a woman roses when she's married and expecting a child with her husband."
I remember my husband telling me when he heard about a man trying to date me when I was pregnant with my daughter. "Don't be flattered by that. It says alot about that man to send a woman roses when she's married and expecting a child with her husband."

Ewwwwww! Is sure does.

What in the desperate hell?????