MD/DC/VA Ladies...Black Castor Oil?


I have been searching everywhere for this stuff...most stores around here (even the West Indian Ones) have never heard of Black Castor Oil, and I can't even find it on the internet! Please don't tell me I gotta hop on a plane and head waaay south to find it! Any suggestions? I really want to try it in conjunction with my Mane N Tail...I'm feenin for it...and that doesn't happen to me very often :lol:

e.t.a. While I was searching, I kept finding statements that said raw castor oil contains a poisonous protein...anyone know anything about this?

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Mochalolita said:
e.t.a. While I was searching, I kept finding statements that said raw castor oil contains a poisonous protein...anyone know anything about this?

I saw the same thing but I think (don't quote me) its poisonous to ingest...Not used topically.
I have 2 gallons of Haitian made castor oil at home- I'm not selling it, I can never get organized to get people's money or meet them at places so I can make the exchange- If anyone in the DC/MD/VA region wants to contact me, I'll give them my phone number and they can come pick up a bottle at my house for free.

ITS- Yes Castor oil has RICIN, which is a poisonous component to it. Third World Women have been known to consume the oil to abort their babies-

Castor oil is extremely versatile and unique in its composition. Castor oil consists of 90% unsaturated C:18 ricinoleic fatty acid. It is a major source of sebacic acid.

The poison ricin is made from the byproducts in the manufacture of castor oil.

About 1% of the global castor oil production goes into medical or health store products. It is used to ease constipation and as an emetic to induce vomiting. Consumption of large amounts of castor oil (below lethal doses, such as one bottle) can induce labor in near-term pregnant women. It is notorious for its strong taste, which was for many years a standard gag in comic strips and Our Gang
I actually just bough the jamaican black castor oil from a bss in my area (in new york) on a whim. I hear it is good for your hair so i have been oiling my scalp with it every other day and the same with my little girl. Is this a good method? What other ways should i use it on my hair?
I don't know if this has been addressed, but what's the difference between the black castor oil and the yellowish kind? Is one supposed to be better for thickening? me and tell me when and where and I'll be there!!!!!.....I am in Baltimore and am pissed because over the past week I saw black castor oil and couldn't buy it because I was with my SO who is "helping" me to not be a pj!!!!! Well, anywho, a few days and several stores later, I for the life of me cannot remember where I saw the black castor oil. I thought that over the weekend I was going to have to retrace my steps......Please, please, please pm me.....If I get it from you, I won't have any bags or receipts for evidence!!!!!! .....Lawd after reading this....I am pathetic!!!!!!! :lachen: Anywho, hook a sista up!!!!!
what's the difference in black castor oil and regular castor oil??? How would you guys compare black castor oil with WGO???
Mochalolita said:
I have been searching everywhere for this stuff...most stores around here (even the West Indian Ones) have never heard of Black Castor Oil, and I can't even find it on the internet! Please don't tell me I gotta hop on a plane and head waaay south to find it! Any suggestions? I really want to try it in conjunction with my Mane N Tail...I'm feenin for it...and that doesn't happen to me very often :lol:


bumpin for reponses