Maybe long hair just isn't for me...

Yeah, you can use it as both, i just slap it on my hair after i co-wash.
Have you been doing daily co-washing BTW?
My hair is super thirsty and that has worked wonders for my hair.
A tip, when you co wash, load up with some cheap conditioner, you really don't need the fancy expensive ones, let it sit for a minute then stick your head quickly under the shower head. Not to rinse out but to soak you head, then it is easier to de-tangle. and when you are done de-tangling, don't rinse out the conditioner, just squeeze out the excess water and slap some more conditioner on and use it as a leave-in. This is what i do and my hair is super-moisturized.

Yeah, I jumped on the daily co-washing bandwagon and it tangled too much. Honestly I think my hair benefits from low to no manipulation, I just hate being stuck up in a bun all the time...guess that's a sacrifice I'm gonna have to make.
Yes I do, it's the only thing that will stretch my hair out. Cute siggy! :)

Try rollersetting and sitting under the dryer. I know it's harder for natural heads, but it's much better for healthy hair and strong ends. I rollerset and then flat iron. It takes forever, but my hair is extremely healthy and longer than ever before.
I am sorry to hear about that, but your hair is so thick and pretty. I am sure that a few tweaks will give you the length you need. Protective styling, frequent DCs, and infrequent trims
OP, I think your hair is beautiful.:yep: The ladies have given great advice so I'm sure you'll find a solution. Good luck.

What's up with the tags? :nono::spank:
Instead of blowdrying just try small braids, then unbraid them and flatiron lightly. I have been doing that for 6 weeks now and my hair is responding very well. My regimen is finally agreeing with my hair. I have no splits and my ends are finally looking good. Get some SMB for that heat though if you want to try heat for a long while ;)
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HIDE YOUR HAIR RIGHT AWAY!! Sorry for yelling but uh....whenever I feel like this, I just hide it.

Gee thee in braids, sew in, whatever!!! Hide it for a year and don't think about it.

If you aren't APL in a year, I'll shave my head!

Thank you.

OMG, I can't stop laughing.....I know that's right!

Hey Ms. Angala,

I feel you girl. But there is hope. You will make it. Count your blessings that your hair is getting thicker. That is an excellent sign of a healthy scalp. Hang tough.

I am in the same boat. I wanted to be full WSL after 3 years on hair boards AND another 3 years before that I was struggling. Right now I am shy of APL because of all the "faux pas" I've made. Finally, I am on the right track. It takes some of of longer and I do beleive that natural hair is far more challenging the curlier the natural texture.

When you make it the WSL (and I KNOW you will), you will be among the RAREST. Most folk give up.