May Big Chop Update!


Well-Known Member
I know it hasn't been that long, but I've had a few requests to get my butt in gear and fix my fotki! I request to be respectfully kicked out :buttkick:of the HYHC so I can give you ladies an update. I chopped 6 inches of scraggly hair in May, taking me from just touching BSL to a little below shoulder. Exactly 3 months later and I appear to be almost to APL in the mirror, but looking at my pics I may already be there.:scratchch

Please excuse the blurry pics, my digicam is old. I promise to get my fotki back up within the coming week. Thanks for all your support friends!:blowkiss:
Way to go Lav! :yep:Your hair is beautiful and that was so quick. I remember when you cut it. Seems like it was just yesterday. :reddancer:
You go girl.:rosebud: You are going to beat me to BSL...

I doubt very seriously I will beat you. You hair is gorgeous and it looks like you are just about there. I am definitely running along behind you though! Thanks for the encouragement!:giveheart:
OMG!! You've got one of the fastest growing heads I've seen! I can't believe that you're hair grew back so fast and so much fuller...Great progress!
Wow!! Your hair took off quickly! Congrats on your progress! Your hair looks great and it looks like it's APL already!