Soaring Eagle
Singin’ the praises of the baggy method
Just wanted to let you (or anyone else that may be interested) that I went ahead and got the My Curl Squad Rollers. After doing some research, and watching some videos of different brands of these rollers, some people said that their rollers would break after a few uses. Which is one of the reasons Protective Princess decided to make her own, because she also experienced the rollers from other brands breaking after a while. Her rollers do to seem to be more durable than those on Ebay and Amazon.
I am actually very pleased with them. I had been experiencing knots and tangling on the ends of my hair whenever I did twists or braids, and no matter how much I trimmed they would keep coming back. Since I've started using these, I haven't had to cut one knot from my ends and retaining my length have gotten easier.