Maxiglide is the TRUTH! pt. 2 with my natural 4/b pix


Hi there!
Grrr, first off, I can't believe that I deleted the original thread by mistake. I thought I was just deleting my last reply, but it got rid of the other posts (about 5 of them) :(
To sum it up.............

(((disclaimer: I don't work for Maxiglide or any of it's affiliates)))
(((disclaimer 2: I don't advocate the use of heated styling tools on a regular basis because I feel that it defeats the purpose of naturally beautiful and free hair)))

....I just bought a Maxiglide at Bed Bath and Beyond yesterday. I think it worked pretty darned good considering how thick my hair is (and my mom's as well). My hair will never be so straight that it's sticking to my scalp, but I like fluffy hair with body lol. I couldn't beleive that I could comb my hair from root to tip with a fine toothed comb! Other flat irons would always leave the ends kinky. The iron has a maximum heat setting of 10...but I only needed a 3-4 to get the job done. It cost 80 dollars and I think I'll keep it! : )
Ok, Mission accomplished. What took so long was me goofing around with the camera uploading the pix and resizing them. The ironing itself took a little over an hour. All of the pix were taken this afternoon and tonight (well, 6/10). It's now 2.30 am 6/11.:) Yeah, I'm a bit style-challenged :lol:

Oh, I used a heat protectant after I washed my hair. It's by Fantasia IC and it's in the clear pink bottle (6.99 @ Sally's or any drugstore)

I'm sure I'll put the pix in an album soon, but for now.......

Before pix...
First off, this was me on the day that I cut all of my relaxer off just shy of one year ago (7/17, to be exact)

4 day old twistout....

Freshly washed and conditioned .....

After Maxiglide.....



My mom's hair (she'd just washed it and plaited it) with a small section that I used the Maxiglide on. She's been all natural for 2 1/2 years....


This is my mom goofing around lol. This was about 10 months ago.:lol:
i want to say that i like your moms hair.

i love all grey/white hair. It's simply beautiful.

Your hair is growing fast! and yes, the maxiglide is the TRUTH :lol:
You and your mum both have gorgeous hair!

Good maxiglide results, I like how you've worn your hair with the green headband.
I'm loving mommy's hair :love: so beautiful

MAXIGLIDE is the way to go if you are natural and require a straight style, I love your results :)

wow! I might have to go pick one of these up! I like your hair, and your mom's hair too---Beautiful!!:)
I love your mom's hair. You look like Pooh in that last pic. I love your hair hair natural or straight.

Does your hair feel different after using the maxiglide? I want to straighten (sp) my hair in the fall. I need to let this color settle first. I got my hair colored in April. I will probably wait 6 months before adding heat.
Why, oh why doesn't my hair grey like your mom's? Her hair is so beautiful!

I love your results and you answered a question I had about that IC protectant. I've been eyeing. I recieved my Bed, Bath and Beyond coupon and now I'm going to buy the MaxiGlide. Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you all! ..and my mom thanx you all too! :) :) :)

I'm sorry for having two of the same thread wandering around here. Wish I could put them both together lol. Ah well, live and learn lol.

*to answer Country hair feels softer after using the Maxiglid. My natural hair, detangled, can feel like a wiry bush around the sides and front. Sta-so-fro is what I use to tackle that situation...just wish it wasn't so sticky. Must be all of that glycerine. Everythig hair just drinks it and laughs :lol:
I just got the Maxiglaide too. I haven't really used it yet. I bought mine for Linen-n-things.

F.Y.I - If you purchase from Linen's, you can use their online coupon for 20% off and then request in-store pick-up. You can pick it up like the next day.

I LOVE your Mom's hair!!!!!!!!!!!!
toosexy1 said:
how did you bump the ends? i want to do that with the headband thingy next time i maxiglide. gorgeous. you and your mom :)

To bump the ends, all I did was follow the instructions on the dvd that came with the iron. Just start gently rotating the Maxiglide in a over and over (or under, depending if you want an 'up flip' or 'under flip') circle motion until the hair slips out of the iron. For better flips, I think that the Miniglide would work a bit better for my length of hair.
I agree maxiglide is the truth, I used mine for the first time this weekend as well! Both you and your mom hair are beautiful!
Your mother has some beautiful hair! My hair wants to be like hers when it grows up. Your story sounds just like mine. I'm wearing my hair flat-ironed now from the Maxiglide I bought from BB&B a few months ago. Your hair looks great!
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Aquamarine said:
....I just bought a Maxiglide at Bed Bath and Beyond yesterday. I think it worked pretty darned good considering how thick my hair is (and my mom's as well). My hair will never be so straight that it's sticking to my scalp, but I like fluffy hair with body lol. I couldn't beleive that I could comb my hair from root to tip with a fine toothed comb! Other flat irons would always leave the ends kinky. The iron has a maximum heat setting of 10...but I only needed a 3-4 to get the job done. It cost 80 dollars and I think I'll keep it! : )



Ooh, your hair turned out nice and bouncy. I didn't know they sold those things at Bed Bath and Beyond, I may have to get one to use on occasion when it gets cold out. Oh and BTW, my grandma's hair looks JUST LIKE your mom's hair (she's been natural for 85+ years :lol: ). Both of y'all have pretty hair. Keep up the good work.