Maxiglide is the TRUTH! part 2 with 4/b pix


Hi there!
Grrr, first off, I can't believe that I deleted the original thread by mistake. I thought I was just deleting my last reply, but it got rid of the other posts (about 5 of them) :(

To sum it up.............

(((disclaimer: I don't work for Maxiglide or any of it's affiliates)))

(((disclaimer 2: I don't advocate the use of heated styling tools on a regular basis because I feel that it defeats the purpose of naturally beautiful and free hair)))

....I just bought a Maxiglide at Bed Bath and Beyond yesterday. I think it worked pretty darned good considering how thick my hair is (and my mom's as well). My hair will never be so straight that it's sticking to my scalp, but I like fluffy hair with body lol. I couldn't beleive that I could comb my hair from root to tip with a fine toothed comb! Other flat irons would always leave the ends kinky. The iron has a maximum heat setting of 10...but I only needed a 3-4 to get the job done. It cost 80 dollars and I think I'll keep it! : )

Ok, Mission accomplished. What took so long was me goofing around with the camera uploading the pix and resizing them. The ironing itself took a little over an hour. All of the pix were taken this afternoon and tonight (well, 6/10). It's now 2.30 am 6/11.:) Yeah, I'm a bit style-challenged :lol:

Oh, I used a heat protectant after I washed my hair. It's by Fantasia IC and it's in the clear pink bottle (6.99 @ Sally's or any drugstore)

I'm sure I'll put the pix in an album soon, but for now.......

Before pix...

First off, this was me on the day that I cut all of my relaxer off just shy of one year ago (7/17, to be exact)

4 day old twistout....

Freshly washed and conditioned .....

After Maxiglide.....



My mom's hair (she'd just washed it and plaited it) with a small section that I used the Maxiglide on. She's been all natural for 2 1/2 years....


This is my mom goofing around lol. This was about 10 months ago.:lol:
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Oh wow. You have had great hair growth. You and your mom hair looks really good with that Maxiglide!

I have that same heat protector. I will remember to pull it out when I use mine.

Thanks for posting the pictures.
You and your mom are so cute! I am loving how much growth you've gotten and your mom's white hair :love:.
Nice. You have had some major growth! Your mom looks sweet, love the white hair! I love my maxiglide as well!
OMG, your mom is to cute, and I love love love her hair, makes me want to go white.

*holding on to my generic CHI*
Cooyah said:
OMG, your mom is to cute, and I love love love her hair, makes me want to go white.

*holding on to my generic CHI*
Me too!!! I just found two grey hairs and I'm all excited! But, can you "go white" by lifting your natural color? (Just a curious question)
I LOVE the color of your mom's hair. Beautiful!

And good job w/ the maxiglide. You hair looks so full and bouncy
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Hey thanx everyone! The sweet comments made my mom's if she wasn't already a big enough ham :lol: She just turned 69 back in March, btw, and I think she looks really good. She's been totally gray for a long time. When I was a kid, she had a white streak in the front that looked really cool, but she'd color it.

Yeah, she really is a sweet lady :) . She was natural back in the 70's for a while, then she went for the relaxer like we all did. She's also a pro with the old fashioned pressing comb because she used to be a beautician back in the 60's. When she pressed my hair, it was very long and healthy. She was reluctant to relax my hair when I was a kid, but I wanted to be like my classmates and the rest is relaxed history.

About 3 years ago, with the help of stupid beauticians, my mom began to have problems with her hair. They'd relax, and put color rinses in to cover her white hair, then they started using TOO much heat (marcel irons, super hot dryers, etc). Her relaxer seemed to thrive better when she'd do the wash and set with rollers. But it seemed that the stylists became impatiant with all of that hair. ...

So to make a long story short, her hair started thinning and her scalp started flaking horribly! I urged her to chop off those scraggly relaxed ends and go natural. Eventually, she did.....after she was left with a bald spot at the crown and a teaspoon full of thin, relaxed hair. Ever since then, she's been hair galore! I guess her scalp just couldn't take any more abuse. Smart move.

As for me, my hair held up pretty good today after I slept on it and spent the day at the movies and mall, etc in this Texas heat.
It's very fluffy and light and I can still comb it from root to tip. It's a bit poofy/big, but this was my first time using the Maxiglide and I really didn't use any other product except for a little of the heat protectant serum (Fantasia IC). I also used a low heat setting as well. I'm sure the results will be more obvious (straight) with more product to weigh the hair down a little more or a wrap to sleep on......but I was kinda scared, so I erred on the side of caution. the longer my hair gets, the more I can do with it straighted, I'm sure.

Last night, as a test, I washed the bang area with a little shampoo and water and my wave pattern returned within a minute of lathering, as if I'd never done anything to it. That's a great thing! I love my shrinky-dink kinks lol.

I'm definatly keeping the Maxiglide to help curb those 'need to relax' urges that I tend to get.
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