maxi glide vs miniglide


New Member
Which one works better to straigten your roots only? I know that the maxi is much larger, but it has a temperature control knob and the steam burst system,
The miniglide is much smaller, but has no control knob or steam burst system, so which one should I purchase? Ladies who have used both, please let me know which you think would be most appropriate to flat iron roots only.I only want to purchase one, and I dont flat iron my hair, only the roots. I really want to use this to help me with my streach. Thanks
When just want to do my roots (i.e. after rollersetting), then I use my miniglide. I only use the maxiglide when I want to flatiron my whole head.
I ordered the miniglide but sent it back after realizing that it had no temperature control. I would NEVER use the miniglide. Heat damage is no joke and I would not want to see you lose your hair. I thiink there was another person who talked about this on the board. I believe she used the minglide and it burnt her hair out. If I were you, I would said no to it but the maxiglide is great!