Married to your NG, or just flirting?


New Member
Oh my, oh my, oh MY! Am I the only one who cannot stop playing in their NG?? I'm stretching right now (8 wks post) and I haven't really paid attention to my texture in years. (Been in relaxers since I was 13). Now that I'm focusing on making my hair healthier, obviously I'm paying attention to it to make sure that it's moisturized and strong, but it goes so much DEEPER than that. I'm finding my curl pattern so yummy! :lick:. Although I don't know my type, I like it! I worry that when/if I do relax again, I'm really going to miss this, but honestly, I'm afraid to go natural. I have no idea how to take care of my natural hair (I know, I know, very widely used excuse) and worry that I might turn to relaxing again anyway. (I'm a college student and am barely keeping up with my studies--learning all new products would be so difficult!) Are there any other relaxed heads dealing with this problem? Are there any natural ladies who felt this way, and went through with a transition/BC but regretted it later? Do you LOVE it now? Not that I'm going to base my life on what everyone else does, but I thought it might be good for people who feel like they're on the proverbial fence :).

Ooh and PS.
Could this texture be the "scab" hair I hear everyone talking about? When do we know when our "real" texture grows in??
I know just how you feel. I LOVE looking at my wavy ng when I put it in a pony. Its so pretty, UNTIL I wash it and have to detangle. I've contemplated going natural, but I prefer to be texlaxed. I really feel the difference in thickness between the texlaxed hair and bone straight hair.
This is very true. I often forget about the arduous process of detangling :nono:.

I know just how you feel. I LOVE looking at my wavy ng when I put it in a pony. Its so pretty, UNTIL I wash it and have to detangle. I've contemplated going natural, but I prefer to be texlaxed. I really feel the difference in thickness between the texlaxed hair and bone straight hair.
LOL! Is there a specific reason? Are the two textures annoying to deal with or is it just the NG?

I was just kidding. The newgrowth isn't too coarse or anything like that, it's just so thick! Once my hair dries I usually can't reach my scalp through it. The newgrowth responds well to products and smooths easily, but I don't manipulate it too much because that leads to breakage for me.

I guess we admire each other from a distance.
Cute title...I get "hand in hair" disease starting at 4 weeks post. Before LHCF my ng was my enemy, but now we're associates and with every stretch we become closer & closer...I hope we can be best friends one day. I would love to stretch for 6 months without using direct heat...right now my longest stretch has been 11 weeks
I'm in love with my new growth, I love how it feels when I'm washing my hair - it's so thick and soft, when my hair dries and my new growth coils up - oooooohhhhh. LOL!

I'm a transitioner...
me and my ng have a love affair up until about week 16 then we have a falling out. lol.
right now Im 8 weeks post also and around that time I starting thinking maybe I could transition but by week 16 its over. Plus I would wear my hair straight most of the time and I dont really want to deal with reversion and using too much heat. what's a girl to do?
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I am natural. In the beginning, I had some of your same reservations. I wanted my hair healthy above all else. It wasn't until 11 months or, so my natural hair started to take over, and I love how thick and coily it was. Now almost 3 years later, I have a real problem with keeping my hands out of my hair. When I wear my puff it is the worst; I will sit at my desk, and molest my little coils all day.
Long story short...I'm married to it!

ETA: I would suggest to try going natural because you learn a lot about your hair, and you can always go back to relaxers if it suits you. I didn't know anything about natural hair either, but I learned via this site. I never thought I'd be so happy with a decision. I get compliments, but the best thing is I have watched people transition and even bc that I work with, and that makes my heart glad because I like to think I had a little influence on them.
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You aren't the only one...I put my hair in Kinky twists to help me stop playing in my NG. Even then, I still find a way to caress those NG waves poking out of my braided roots! lol
^^^I pull my little coils out messing up my neat puff, but I can't help it. I never played with my hair when it was relaxed.