Married Ladies - Question


I do what I want...
What is your love story -

How/ when did you meet? Who made the first move? How long did you date before you both got engaged?

When you got engaged, was it a surprise? Did you both talk about marriage before hand? Did he wait too long to propose? Did you pick out the ring, give him a picture or let him do that on his own?

Did you have a big wedding, big bridal party? Elope? How long was your engagement?

Lastly, now that you are married and the honeymoon is over- what has changed positively and negatively about yourself and your husband? Did you have one of those "I don't think we are going to make it" issues? How far into the marriage did the issue(s) come? What advice do you give women who want to be or will eventually be wives? ETA - how long have you been married and every anniversary- it is a big celebration or something small and intimate?

Not sure if anyone made a thread like this - but nonetheless- thanks in advance for answering...
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At work so I can't answer all the questions. But yes we did have a don't think we're going to make it was after the babies. .about 4 years into the marriage. I'm not sure how we made it thru. We didn't go for counseling. Will think about this some more.
At work so I can't answer all the questions. But yes we did have a don't think we're going to make it was after the babies. .about 4 years into the marriage. I'm not sure how we made it thru. We didn't go for counseling. Will think about this some more.
OK come back when you can- would like to hear your story!
How/ when did you meet? We met in 15 yrs ago at a black org meeting on campus
Who made the first move? We cant agree on this...I say he did.
How long did you date before you both got engaged? 3 yrs

When you got engaged, was it a surprise? Did you both talk about marriage before hand? Did he wait too long to propose? Did you pick out the ring, give him a picture or let him do that on his own? yes, it was a surprise. I knew it was coming but not right then. Yes, all the time. No he did not. He said he would propose after I finished undergrad and he proposed 2 months after graduation. He chose the ring, he did not like my taste at the time.

Did you have a big wedding, big bridal party? Elope? How long was your engagement? big wedding, medium sized bridal party, engaged 13 months.

Lastly, now that you are married and the honeymoon is over- what has changed positively and negatively about yourself and your husband? We got married at 25...we are not the same people we were back then at all. Positive - we grew up, Negative - we are quite comfortable after 15 yrs if you can call that a negative.
Did you have one of those "I don't think we are going to make it" issues? - In 10 yrs? Of course, lol.
How far into the marriage did the issue(s) come? 1,7
What advice do you give women who want to be or will eventually be wives? Marry him for who he is, not who he could become.
ETA - how long have you been married and every anniversary- it is a big celebration or something small and intimate? 10 yrs, we barely celebrate. We were supposed to renew this year but I'm really not interested in planning another party. We will do it next year, just the 2 of us.