Marriage Pressure Points...


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
I found this online and thought it would be a blessing both to those who are married and to those who may be single now, but as preparation for their future marriage.

Please don't think that Marriage cannot happen for you (those of you who are now unmarried). If Marriage is your desire than indeed God will bless you.

It's too late to tell me otherwise... :yep:

So! Here's the website: Enjoy!

I added this one on purpose, cause lots of men ARE reading these posts.

Yup! :yep: They really are. :yep:

For the Men: Hop to it!

Four (4) Guaranteed Ways to Make Your Wife Happy! :yep:

Let’s just jump into it. Every guy knows that a happy wife means a happy home. No one desires to have a displeased wife of a displeased God. However, WE masculine, logical guys don’t want to be emasculated to be a good husband, but we do want to to make her happy. We want to save the day, be admired, respected and be the hero in our queen’s eyes. You CAN receive all these things by following these 4 simple steps.

1. Chase After God with All your

Mark 12:30-31 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. When we as men pursue a relationship with God with all our heart, that journey creates in us a pure, holy and audacious spirit. In short, we are better for it because we have more of Him in us, guiding us, leading us, shaping us. This pays dividends in our marriage. That goes for both spouses. The closer you are to God in your personal relationship the more that pours into your marriage.

2. Stay Connected to the Vine

Read your Bible. It’s not easy. We get distracted, busy and often loss momentum. I’m a busy guy too, as I like to juggle multiple projects, that’s how I’m wired. Knowing that, I found a way to get my Bible reading, prayer and mediation in that works for me. I listen to audible versions of the Bible on my drive to work or meetings. It works for me. I encourage you to find a rhythm that works for you and commit to it. Reading the Bible is a way Christians receive communication from God. We learn our history, get examples and receive instructions on how we should live through His God-breathed word. If you’re like me, you still forget. Get a pocket Bible and bring it with you wherever you go. No excuses now, right?

Read. Meditate. Pray. Repeat.

3. Love Your Wife

Ephesians 5:25 , reads ‘Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.’ God knew that in the heart of conflict that we men would have trouble loving and being patient with our wives. He knew that we would default to our logical, rational nature and lose the desire to operate from a place of love and understanding.

He commanded us to love our wives as Jesus loves the church, which is unconditionally. Jesus gave His life for the church, the ultimate sacrifice. We men have to sacrifice our pride, logical nature and die to self at times to make sure she is heard, understood and given new love everyday. Love is not flowers and chocolate, it’s making attempts to connect and understand her heart, when we don’t want to. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 to understand God’s clear meaning of love.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Men… love your wives.

4. Chip in Businessman with courage and superman concept

I’m horrible at this. But I know it, so I have to work on this daily. In the majority of homes, our wives do most of the housework and handle the kids. Men, we need to chip in with the cooking, cleaning, mopping, getting the kids teeth brushed, bedtime stories, even the… dishes(Bleh!). Be a help around the house and explore how you can help out more. It’s no secret that women find it sexy when her man is doing some chores around the house. Jump in!

That’s it! 4 simple steps. Don’t believe me – try it and watch your marriage improve.


Shimmie's thoughts: :scratchch:

I think this article is pretty cool. :yep:

My focus is keeping Marriages strong and lasting long. And .... encouraging those not now Married to just be ready. God has not forsaken you and He never will.

Let me tell you what God is doing. In the light of the maddness of the social standards being reduced with gay marriage, God is more than honored to save, heal, deliver and to betroth One Man, One Woman in Holy Marriage under Him, as He so designed and will always ordain and bless.

Let your hearts be filled for the joys of being happily married. Allow God to prove it to you. Marriage will always be, One Man, One Woman, under God. No man-made faux law can ever change it. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
I love this article. Many of the points he made could relate to women as well. Well, at least as a woman I am going to take these pointers to heart!
I love being in the Marriage Ministry. God knew just where to place me. :yep:
Shimmie, even though I am single I also have a passion for marriage as God intended it. I was at a retreat recently and one of the speakers has such an amazing marriage. Man, when God is the 3rd person in the relationship, it is not of this world!
Shimmie, even though I am single I also have a passion for marriage as God intended it. I was at a retreat recently and one of the speakers has such an amazing marriage.

Man, when God is the 3rd person in the relationship, it is not of this world!

Amen, to that! This is one of the ultimate reasons (among multiples) that gay marriage will never work; it will never gel, for the simple fact that God is not in it. Not at all. :nono: