Marriage Prayers for Singles - It is God's Will for You to be Married

A Heart's Cry:

For you in despair...God knows your cares and is surely coming to rescue you from every deep sorrow.

Psalm 71:14-21

14 But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.

15 My mouth shall shew forth thy righteousness and thy salvation all the day; for I know not the numbers thereof.

16 I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD: I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only.

17 O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works.

18 Now also when I am old and greyheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.

19 Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high, who hast done great things: O God, who is like unto thee!

20 Thou, which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth.

21 Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.

22 I will also praise thee with the psaltery, even thy truth, O my God: unto thee will I sing with the harp, O thou Holy One of Israel.

23 My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed.

24 My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long: for they are confounded, for they are brought unto shame, that seek my hurt.


I love these verses here...5-8

5 For thou art my hope, O Lord GOD: thou art my trust from my youth.

6 By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee.

7 I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge.

8 Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day.


How can we dare not trust Him? Ask and it shall be given unto you. Just ask and let Him give.

Thank you so much Shimmie. I want a husband and I have been praying and believing. It hurts so much. I feel like life is dangling prospects in my face, but nothing seems to ever happen. I feel like I am being teased and something is telling me, you've screwed up too much in life. You are not getting a husband.
Thank you so much Shimmie. I want a husband and I have been praying and believing. It hurts so much. I feel like life is dangling prospects in my face, but nothing seems to ever happen. I feel like I am being teased and something is telling me, you've screwed up too much in life. You are not getting a husband.
Hey Little Sister...:kiss: No one is laughing at you. :nono: Your heart means too much to God. He cares and He has heard your prayers.

Hold on to these gentle words from our Loving Lord and Savior...Jesus.

"Be not afraid, only believe..."

Thank you so much Shimmie. I want a husband and I have been praying and believing. It hurts so much. I feel like life is dangling prospects in my face, but nothing seems to ever happen. I feel like I am being teased and something is telling me, you've screwed up too much in life. You are not getting a husband.

I'm going to add a statment that someone on this board wrote, I can't remember their name, but their statement changed me, so whoever wrote this Thank you! I love the last paragraph:

"By the time I met my hubby, I'd been out with the coolest dudes in the world. I'd been to heaven and back and been treated like a queen, and I'd also been hurt deeply. When I did hit rock bottom w/ one rlp, I decided to make "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things [you wish for] shall be added unto you" my life's theme. The verse had just been explained to me clearer than ever before: That you must seek to live in the realm where God is King; meaning a life where He rules. He must be first in every aspect of your life. (I used to think the verse meant "seek to go to heaven", but this new explanation spoke volumes.) By the time my last rlp ended, it was obvious to me that I was lousy at choosing a mate on my own. I had tried so hard to be the best g/f I could be, and had come up empty yet again. I should also mention that I also suffered from the Cinderella Complex. I had to have a man. I needed someone to care for me. I felt incomplete w/o someone to love. I mean, I had so much love to give that it hurt when I had no one to share it w/. So while I didn't go out seeking a mate in clubs or the like (I'm shy you see), I'd pray to have any guy I took a fancy to. And usually I got whomever I asked for. But where were they now?

When I decided to live above the level of mediocrity where only God mattered, I lost the yearning I so desperately had. When they say God can fill any void, it's no lie. But I did do sth. I did write God a letter (a variation to praying on my knees) and tell him the sort of guy I would like someday. I made sure to write the things I liked in past relationships and to leave out the things I didn't care for. Someone said God answers specific prayer so I made the list as detailed as possible. And then put that matter to rest. My focus now was to hang out w/ Father at all times. I was alone but not lonely. I would chat w/ Father about doing laundry or not feeling like going to the store just yet. I'd discuss options when I had to choose one thing or another. I didn't speak out loud; I spoke to Him in my heart. And what fun it was! For the first time in my life, I was not yearning for anything. I was single, sane, secure, satisfied, and (I might also add, in this day and age) safe.

When I first talked to my hubby, I wasn't interested in a b/f-g/f rlp. I was so whole/content in my single state that I really just wanted a buddy to hang out w/. I had so much growing to do that I didn't have time for anyone else, and actually told him from the get-go that I wasn't interested in a rlp that was anything more than platonic. This was over the phone. And he wasn't either. It seemed the big brother/friend I always wanted all my life (I'm the eldest) had finally arrived. I now had a buddy to go to movies w/. He'd had a bad rlp and needed space too. (Now, I do know guys can bluff their way into a rlp like this; but I had God ruling so I didn't even sweat it.)

Now one thing I want emphasize: God knows your heart more than you realize. Remember my letter to God? I said it was specific, but the one thing that didn't matter to me anymore - and yet it was always the most important thing - was looks. To me a beautiful heart mattered more to me at that point than outward appearance. (To understand how serious I was, when I saw The Elephant Man with Anthony Hopkins, I was smitten by John, the EM himself. I remember thinking if I had met him back then, I'd have fallen in love w/ him in a heartbeat, if he was really as beautiful a person inside as depicted in that movie.) So I didn't care if I got a bald, short, fat man (My ideal used to be tall dark and handsome); as long as he could love me as much as I'm able to love and treat me well, I would be the luckiest woman alive. But again, this prayer wasn't for a mate NOW. It was for a mate in the future, ie, the next time I fell in love, whenever that'd be.

Anyway, back to this new friend that I got to know over the phone before we ever met (thanks to a mutual friend). The day he showed up to take me to the movies, I remember being almost hypnotized by his good looks. But I wasn't in my former frame of mind where I'd want to snag him by hook or by crook. I was just flattered that my big bro, who'd be hanging out w/ me would be such a knockout, talk of the perfect accessory.

To cut a long story short, the friendship grew into a courtship and finally a marriage over a period of 5 years. And believe it or not, he's everything I prayed for to a T (When we'd have a disagreement, I remember thinking "Now why did I forget to mention he had to be different on that area in my prayer?" LOL) But on a serious note, where God proved to me He is Omniscient and really could've done w/o my so-called spec list is in not only sending me a man that was tall, dark and handsome (my former must-haves) but also throwing in a body like a god's. That last bit just seemed so unattainable considering my past encounters. In fact, I only saw such bodies in magazines. But God knew the apple of my eye and when I left it up to Him, He surprised me by nailing it.)

So I say, seek to live your life in a realm where God rules. Nothing should be done w/o consulting w/ Him. Ask him when you're unsure, and let Him guide you. Proverbs 3:5-6 If this guy tries to put pressure on you, be honest and tell him you're not looking for a rlp of that sort w/ him. But if you allow God to be part of that date, you'll have a wonderful and stressfree rendezvous, and there will be no awkwardness whatsoever.

One last thing I'd like to point out, still along the lines of seeking first the Kingdom of God: anytime something becomes so important to you that it occupies your mind more than God, that thing is turning into an idol. And if you've asked God to direct your life, then you can bet that He will not allow that obsession into your life. (Exodus 20:4-5) Until you surrender that desire to Him...until you make God the most important thing in your life so that those desires lose their grip on you, they will not be added unto you. God wants to have a relationship w/ you that matters more than any other relationship you'll ever have. Once that vertical bond is established, the horizontal one will fall into place. Like a triangle, the closer you draw to God at the apex, the closer your life will draw to one chosen for you by God as the triangle shrinks. Even if you started off w/ someone who wasn't godly, the closer you grow to God and the more you pray for that person, the closer you will find yourself growing to them - again the triangle shrinks."
I'm going to add a statment that someone on this board wrote, I can't remember their name, but their statement changed me, so whoever wrote this Thank you! I love the last paragraph:

"By the time I met my hubby, I'd been out with the coolest dudes in the world. I'd been to heaven and back and been treated like a queen, and I'd also been hurt deeply. When I did hit rock bottom w/ one rlp, I decided to make "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things [you wish for] shall be added unto you" my life's theme. The verse had just been explained to me clearer than ever before: That you must seek to live in the realm where God is King; meaning a life where He rules. He must be first in every aspect of your life. (I used to think the verse meant "seek to go to heaven", but this new explanation spoke volumes.) By the time my last rlp ended, it was obvious to me that I was lousy at choosing a mate on my own. I had tried so hard to be the best g/f I could be, and had come up empty yet again. I should also mention that I also suffered from the Cinderella Complex. I had to have a man. I needed someone to care for me. I felt incomplete w/o someone to love. I mean, I had so much love to give that it hurt when I had no one to share it w/. So while I didn't go out seeking a mate in clubs or the like (I'm shy you see), I'd pray to have any guy I took a fancy to. And usually I got whomever I asked for. But where were they now?

When I decided to live above the level of mediocrity where only God mattered, I lost the yearning I so desperately had. When they say God can fill any void, it's no lie. But I did do sth. I did write God a letter (a variation to praying on my knees) and tell him the sort of guy I would like someday. I made sure to write the things I liked in past relationships and to leave out the things I didn't care for. Someone said God answers specific prayer so I made the list as detailed as possible. And then put that matter to rest. My focus now was to hang out w/ Father at all times. I was alone but not lonely. I would chat w/ Father about doing laundry or not feeling like going to the store just yet. I'd discuss options when I had to choose one thing or another. I didn't speak out loud; I spoke to Him in my heart. And what fun it was! For the first time in my life, I was not yearning for anything. I was single, sane, secure, satisfied, and (I might also add, in this day and age) safe.

When I first talked to my hubby, I wasn't interested in a b/f-g/f rlp. I was so whole/content in my single state that I really just wanted a buddy to hang out w/. I had so much growing to do that I didn't have time for anyone else, and actually told him from the get-go that I wasn't interested in a rlp that was anything more than platonic. This was over the phone. And he wasn't either. It seemed the big brother/friend I always wanted all my life (I'm the eldest) had finally arrived. I now had a buddy to go to movies w/. He'd had a bad rlp and needed space too. (Now, I do know guys can bluff their way into a rlp like this; but I had God ruling so I didn't even sweat it.)

Now one thing I want emphasize: God knows your heart more than you realize. Remember my letter to God? I said it was specific, but the one thing that didn't matter to me anymore - and yet it was always the most important thing - was looks. To me a beautiful heart mattered more to me at that point than outward appearance. (To understand how serious I was, when I saw The Elephant Man with Anthony Hopkins, I was smitten by John, the EM himself. I remember thinking if I had met him back then, I'd have fallen in love w/ him in a heartbeat, if he was really as beautiful a person inside as depicted in that movie.) So I didn't care if I got a bald, short, fat man (My ideal used to be tall dark and handsome); as long as he could love me as much as I'm able to love and treat me well, I would be the luckiest woman alive. But again, this prayer wasn't for a mate NOW. It was for a mate in the future, ie, the next time I fell in love, whenever that'd be.

Anyway, back to this new friend that I got to know over the phone before we ever met (thanks to a mutual friend). The day he showed up to take me to the movies, I remember being almost hypnotized by his good looks. But I wasn't in my former frame of mind where I'd want to snag him by hook or by crook. I was just flattered that my big bro, who'd be hanging out w/ me would be such a knockout, talk of the perfect accessory.

To cut a long story short, the friendship grew into a courtship and finally a marriage over a period of 5 years. And believe it or not, he's everything I prayed for to a T (When we'd have a disagreement, I remember thinking "Now why did I forget to mention he had to be different on that area in my prayer?" LOL) But on a serious note, where God proved to me He is Omniscient and really could've done w/o my so-called spec list is in not only sending me a man that was tall, dark and handsome (my former must-haves) but also throwing in a body like a god's. That last bit just seemed so unattainable considering my past encounters. In fact, I only saw such bodies in magazines. But God knew the apple of my eye and when I left it up to Him, He surprised me by nailing it.)

So I say, seek to live your life in a realm where God rules. Nothing should be done w/o consulting w/ Him. Ask him when you're unsure, and let Him guide you. Proverbs 3:5-6 If this guy tries to put pressure on you, be honest and tell him you're not looking for a rlp of that sort w/ him. But if you allow God to be part of that date, you'll have a wonderful and stressfree rendezvous, and there will be no awkwardness whatsoever.

One last thing I'd like to point out, still along the lines of seeking first the Kingdom of God: anytime something becomes so important to you that it occupies your mind more than God, that thing is turning into an idol. And if you've asked God to direct your life, then you can bet that He will not allow that obsession into your life. (Exodus 20:4-5) Until you surrender that desire to Him...until you make God the most important thing in your life so that those desires lose their grip on you, they will not be added unto you. God wants to have a relationship w/ you that matters more than any other relationship you'll ever have. Once that vertical bond is established, the horizontal one will fall into place. Like a triangle, the closer you draw to God at the apex, the closer your life will draw to one chosen for you by God as the triangle shrinks. Even if you started off w/ someone who wasn't godly, the closer you grow to God and the more you pray for that person, the closer you will find yourself growing to them - again the triangle shrinks."
China Doll, this is beautiful. It's a letter from God, Himself. All we have to do is 'seek' Him first; then ask..."Him."......

Thank you, angel :kiss:
Shimmie / ChinaDoll

God used both of you to minister to my spirit and give me confirmation!

May God continue to bless both of you and use you in a mighty way.

Much Love-Peace & Blessings
To God be the Glory....Amen!

Precious Pink, is the color of the love in your heart. Soft, delicate and very gentle to behold. You are a 'welcome' comfort to someone 'elses' inner struggle; inner burdens. Just continue to love...:yep:it will not be rejected. :love2:
WOW! God is an on time God.
I sit hear with open arms ready to receive the husband, father and companion that you have set aside for me. I know that Your will is the ONLY will for my life. I know understand that through praying for others, and never really asking for specific things for myself, I haven't truly asked you for the desire of my heart. Lord, You know that I love You more than ANYTHING. No matter what day, hour, or second that my blessing of a soulmate comes, I will forever be YOURS!

WOW! God is an on time God.
I sit hear with open arms ready to receive the husband, father and companion that you have set aside for me. I know that Your will is the ONLY will for my life. I know understand that through praying for others, and never really asking for specific things for myself, I haven't truly asked you for the desire of my heart. Lord, You know that I love You more than ANYTHING. No matter what day, hour, or second that my blessing of a soulmate comes, I will forever be YOURS!

And so it is and so it shall be...:love2:

ETA: Be avoids delay. God is moving sharp and quickly in these days. Be specific without hesitation or fear. This way you will recognize him when he comes....Be specific :heart2:

ETA 2: I need to clarify; just specify what's truly in your heart. Your heart is so pure and precious that there's no way God will deny you.
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Shimmie / ChinaDoll

God used both of you to minister to my spirit and give me confirmation!

May God continue to bless both of you and use you in a mighty way.

Much Love-Peace & Blessings

Actually I didn't write that essay but I felt like I needed to share for those feeling sad. It's a constant reminder that the Lord works with us not against us. I thought of something the other day: If my soul is patiently waiting for God to return, why can't I wait for my future husband? I can tell myself that I'm ready but my Lord knows me better, so I let him run my life, and so far everything is pretty good. :grin: Praise Him...
This is great Shimmie! I'm going to add it to my favorites so I can read it when I loose focus. Thanks again
Even should you feel 'off focus', know that God's focus is still upon precious you and the desires of your heart.

Enjoy loving Jesus... :heart2:
Actually I didn't write that essay but I felt like I needed to share for those feeling sad. It's a constant reminder that the Lord works with us not against us.

I thought of something the other day: If my soul is patiently waiting for God to return, why can't I wait for my future husband?

I can tell myself that I'm ready but my Lord knows me better, so I let him run my life, and so far everything is pretty good. :grin: Praise Him...

This is beautiful Chinadoll...:heart2: An awesome word on love and patience.
Thank you for this beautiful prayer Shimmie. I was deeply moved by it and it touched me in so many ways on so many levels. I was moved to tears praying this prayer with you, and had to send it to my girlfriend who is currently struggling with her marriage (hope you don't mind.) Although I am faithful, I am also human and I can get discouraged at times. Thank you for reminding me of God's unconditional love and all His promises. It was right on time.:huggle:
Hi Shimmie- I wanted to add something else and share with the other ladies...
I purchased a book a while back entitled "Love & Respect" by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, whom is a Christian author.
The book is written about the husband loving the wife and the wife respecting the husband. I did not grow up in a home with both of my parents, therefore, I did not get to see the love and respect between a husband and a wife; spouses being submissive one to another. I had a mind set that I’m a strong, independent woman but I came to realize that’s a dangerous mind set to bring into a marriage. This book has opened my eyes on so many levels that I wanted to share with my LHCF sisters. I believe this book will help prepare and give us an idea on what to expect in a godly marriage.

Thank you for this beautiful prayer Shimmie. I was deeply moved by it and it touched me in so many ways on so many levels. I was moved to tears praying this prayer with you, and had to send it to my girlfriend who is currently struggling with her marriage (hope you don't mind.) Although I am faithful, I am also human and I can get discouraged at times. Thank you for reminding me of God's unconditional love and all His promises. It was right on time.:huggle:
Meaganita, I wish you love unending; showers of blessings, and ongoing :huggles: all the days of your life...with him, the 'One' God sends. :love2:

I wish loving blessings for your friend and her marriage and that God fixes all that was broken...:heart2:
Hi Shimmie- I wanted to add something else and share with the other ladies...
I purchased a book a while back entitled "Love & Respect" by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, whom is a Christian author.
The book is written about the husband loving the wife and the wife respecting the husband. I did not grow up in a home with both of my parents, therefore, I did not get to see the love and respect between a husband and a wife; spouses being submissive one to another. I had a mind set that I’m a strong, independent woman but I came to realize that’s a dangerous mind set to bring into a marriage. This book has opened my eyes on so many levels that I wanted to share with my LHCF sisters. I believe this book will help prepare and give us an idea on what to expect in a godly marriage.


PinkPebbles, I love this book! Did you receive the complimentary DVD with yours? Many of the books come with one. Dr. Emerson Eggerich is not only gifted with wisdom but this man has a wonderful sense of humor and that's how he delivers his messages.

I love how he describes the marriage relationship with the diagram of a clock. At the top (12) is Love, at (3) there is Respect, at (6) there is Love and at (9) there is Respect. And he gives a wonderful explanation using this format.

"For a woman, without Love, there is no Respect; for a man, without Respect, there is no Love. And it continues around this cycle.

Men do not feel loved unless they are repected (or feel respected) and in turn they do not know how to release love to his wife. Women need to feel loved by her husband, otherwise it hinders the respect that she renders to him. Dr. Eggerich also shares that when men do not feel respected, it is as if his wife is standing on his airhose, and during a 'conflict' of interest, the husband yells, "Get off my airhose..." It's funny when Dr. Eggerich expresses this illustration. :yep: :giggle:

It's a very vital aspect for marriage, Love and Respect for the two go hand in hand, in the same manner as a man and a woman go hand in hand and become 'One'.

Walmart has this book with the DVD included. It's worth the amount of money to have this. Also here is an online Christian site to see and purchase the book as well.

Thanks so much for sharing this, Pink Pebbles. Eveything you've shared is so true. You've added a vital message to this thread. You are a precious jewel and I wish you love all the days of your life..."Love and Respect." :love4:
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This entire thread is so moving. I thank God for you and for your obedience in posting this for all of us in need of it. I know what my desire is, but I think that I am really enjoying God for the first time in years and I kinda want to keep it that way for a little while. I find that I am falling in love with Him all over again. Also, when my hubby arrives, I want to be ready and I know that I have to learn how to treat God and truly submit to Him in all aspects before I can learn to properly submit to the wonderful man that God has for me. With that being said, I am in no rush....not anymore anyway:grin:.

One thing lesson that God gave me about a God ordained marriage is that He will put people together that truly match each other. Meaning that He is not going to send a God-fearing man that has been dedicated to God and totally surrendering himself to God to someone that is in and out of God's will depending on what day it is. He is not going to send someone who is working hard to better themselves and achieve more for themselves to someone who is lazy and just looking for someone to come along and take care of them.

God allowed me to realize that just like He loves me, He also loves that man of God. So, if I am in a place where I am not productive in the Lord and not productive in life, I can't expect to get a man that has all of that in place because while it would be beneficial to me, it would not be beneficial to that man.:nono: It is not all about me.

A lot of ladies have a tendency to just say "My man has to be like this....he has to have that", yet they think that God will allow them to offer this wonderful man any ol' thing and it be alright just because we are the woman. Just like I wouldn't want God to set me up like that, God is not going to set him up like that either. It was a real eye-opener and it really caused me to examine myself. Right now, I am content with working on me and my relationship with the Father. When I am ready, my husband will come. Until then, I'm in no rush. :grin:

Thank you ladies again for the Word. Shimmie, you are a blessing as usual. God bless you.
This entire thread is so moving. I thank God for you and for your obedience in posting this for all of us in need of it. I know what my desire is, but I think that I am really enjoying God for the first time in years and I kinda want to keep it that way for a little while. I find that I am falling in love with Him all over again. Also, when my hubby arrives, I want to be ready and I know that I have to learn how to treat God and truly submit to Him in all aspects before I can learn to properly submit to the wonderful man that God has for me. With that being said, I am in no rush....not anymore anyway:grin:.

One thing lesson that God gave me about a God ordained marriage is that He will put people together that truly match each other. Meaning that He is not going to send a God-fearing man that has been dedicated to God and totally surrendering himself to God to someone that is in and out of God's will depending on what day it is. He is not going to send someone who is working hard to better themselves and achieve more for themselves to someone who is lazy and just looking for someone to come along and take care of them.

God allowed me to realize that just like He loves me, He also loves that man of God. So, if I am in a place where I am not productive in the Lord and not productive in life, I can't expect to get a man that has all of that in place because while it would be beneficial to me, it would not be beneficial to that man.:nono: It is not all about me.

A lot of ladies have a tendency to just say "My man has to be like this....he has to have that", yet they think that God will allow them to offer this wonderful man any ol' thing and it be alright just because we are the woman. Just like I wouldn't want God to set me up like that, God is not going to set him up like that either. It was a real eye-opener and it really caused me to examine myself. Right now, I am content with working on me and my relationship with the Father. When I am ready, my husband will come. Until then, I'm in no rush. :grin:

Thank you ladies again for the Word. Shimmie, you are a blessing as usual. God bless you.
This is a beautiful message and I've taken it to heart. I love the 'balance' that you have made plain to us as women. We cannot give the men God gives us, just 'anything', especially when we have such high expectations of them. We have to give what we wish to receive.

There is something that both the Lord and your future husband 'know' of you. That you are surely, "The Girl to Love". :love2:

God bless you in your comings and goings; in the city/out of the city; in the country and out of the country. No matter where you are Grace, Love, Favor and Mercy follow you always.
PinkPebbles, I love this book! Did you receive the complimentary DVD with yours? Many of the books come with one. Dr. Emerson Eggerich is not only gifted with wisdom but this man has a wonderful sense of humor and that's how he delivers his messages.

I love how he describes the marriage relationship with the diagram of a clock. At the top (12) is Love, at (3) there is Respect, at (6) there is Love and at (9) there is Respect. And he gives a wonderful explanation using this format.

"For a woman, without Love, there is no Respect; for a man, without Respect, there is no Love. And it continues around this cycle.

Men do not feel loved unless they are repected (or feel respected) and in turn they do not know how to release love to his wife. Women need to feel loved by her husband, otherwise it hinders the respect that she renders to him. Dr. Eggerich also shares that when men do not feel respected, it is as if his wife is standing on his airhose, and during a 'conflict' of interest, the husband yells, "Get off my airhose..." It's funny when Dr. Eggerich expresses this illustration. :yep: :giggle:

It's a very vital aspect for marriage, Love and Respect for the two go hand in hand, in the same manner as a man and a woman go hand in hand and become 'One'.

Walmart has this book with the DVD included. It's worth the amount of money to have this. Also here is an online Christian site to see and purchase the book as well.

Thanks so much for sharing this, Pink Pebbles. Eveything you've shared is so true. You've added a vital message to this thread. You are a precious jewel and I wish you love all the days of your life..."Love and Respect." :love4: are so sweet Shimmie :kiss:. Unfortunately, my book did not come with the DVD...I wish it did!!!

Many Blessings to You
This is a beautiful message and I've taken it to heart. I love the 'balance' that you have made plain to us as women. We cannot give the men God gives us, just 'anything', especially when we have such high expectations of them. We have to give what we wish to receive.

There is something that both the Lord and your future husband 'know' of you. That you are surely, "The Girl to Love". :love2:

God bless you in your comings and goings; in the city/out of the city; in the country and out of the country. No matter where you are Grace, Love, Favor and Mercy follow you always.

Thank you so much Shimmie. You are such a wonderful lady. I can see your heart in the words that you speak/write and I thank God for allowing me to encounter you (even if we have never met:grin:). God bless you, you awesome woman of God!
I just renewed my subsciption to LHCF, so I'm able to post again. But if you notice, back in Aug 2006 when Shimmie first started this thread, I was the first to respond because I really appreciated her post and felt that God was speaking to me. Well, 2 months later (in October 2006) I met the man who would become my husband. He is an awesome man of God and we fell in love INSTANTLY. We just knew that it was the will of God for us to become one. So 9 months after meeting, we got married. I say all this to simply encourage all the singles.

I first had to TRULY fall in love with Christ. When He realized that I was devoted to Him, he gave me the desires of my heart as it pertained to marriage. I feel so blessed. YOu simply have to wait on the Lord and be patient.

I must also say that you have to enjoy being single. Enjoy being able to sprall out in your bed ALONE. Enjoy being able to try out all kinds of funky hair conconcotions on your hair without offending anyone. :look: Enjoy being able to spend as much time in the Lord as your please. While marriage is wonderful, I do understand why Paul said if you can remain single - then do it. When you marry, you now have to give up time that you would have spent with God, focusing on your marriage. As a single, all my time was mine. I didnt have to think about anyone else except for me, and I spent a lot of time, just focusing on the Lord. Now that I'se married, I still spend time with the Lord, but its not humanly possible to focus on my marriage and spend the same amount of time with God as I did when single. Now my marraige is my number 1 ministry. This is what Paul meant.

I am happy that it was God's will for me to marry because its a beautiful thing. With all the pro's that I gave about being single, they are many that I could give about being married (which is obviously why so many of us want to marry.) I could go on forever, but I just came across this post and God reminded me that he ALWAYS does what he promises and I hope that my testimony inspires you to patiently wait on the Lord (and keep yourself pure :yep:). You never know what God has in store for you and how a simple prayer can change your life overnight.

Be Blessed ladies!!!!!
I just renewed my subsciption to LHCF, so I'm able to post again. But if you notice, back in Aug 2006 when Shimmie first started this thread, I was the first to respond because I really appreciated her post and felt that God was speaking to me. Well, 2 months later (in October 2006) I met the man who would become my husband. He is an awesome man of God and we fell in love INSTANTLY. We just knew that it was the will of God for us to become one. So 9 months after meeting, we got married. I say all this to simply encourage all the singles.

I first had to TRULY fall in love with Christ. When He realized that I was devoted to Him, he gave me the desires of my heart as it pertained to marriage. I feel so blessed. YOu simply have to wait on the Lord and be patient.

I must also say that you have to enjoy being single. Enjoy being able to sprall out in your bed ALONE. Enjoy being able to try out all kinds of funky hair conconcotions on your hair without offending anyone. :look: Enjoy being able to spend as much time in the Lord as your please. While marriage is wonderful, I do understand why Paul said if you can remain single - then do it. When you marry, you now have to give up time that you would have spent with God, focusing on your marriage. As a single, all my time was mine. I didnt have to think about anyone else except for me, and I spent a lot of time, just focusing on the Lord. Now that I'se married, I still spend time with the Lord, but its not humanly possible to focus on my marriage and spend the same amount of time with God as I did when single. Now my marraige is my number 1 ministry. This is what Paul meant.

I am happy that it was God's will for me to marry because its a beautiful thing. With all the pro's that I gave about being single, they are many that I could give about being married (which is obviously why so many of us want to marry.) I could go on forever, but I just came across this post and God reminded me that he ALWAYS does what he promises and I hope that my testimony inspires you to patiently wait on the Lord (and keep yourself pure :yep:). You never know what God has in store for you and how a simple prayer can change your life overnight.

Be Blessed ladies!!!!!

Awesome! :grin: I was so happy reading this, God bless your marriage, and Thanks for your testimony. :heart2:
I just renewed my subsciption to LHCF, so I'm able to post again. But if you notice, back in Aug 2006 when Shimmie first started this thread, I was the first to respond because I really appreciated her post and felt that God was speaking to me. Well, 2 months later (in October 2006) I met the man who would become my husband. He is an awesome man of God and we fell in love INSTANTLY. We just knew that it was the will of God for us to become one. So 9 months after meeting, we got married. I say all this to simply encourage all the singles.

I first had to TRULY fall in love with Christ. When He realized that I was devoted to Him, he gave me the desires of my heart as it pertained to marriage. I feel so blessed. YOu simply have to wait on the Lord and be patient.

I must also say that you have to enjoy being single. Enjoy being able to sprall out in your bed ALONE. Enjoy being able to try out all kinds of funky hair conconcotions on your hair without offending anyone. :look: Enjoy being able to spend as much time in the Lord as your please. While marriage is wonderful, I do understand why Paul said if you can remain single - then do it. When you marry, you now have to give up time that you would have spent with God, focusing on your marriage. As a single, all my time was mine. I didnt have to think about anyone else except for me, and I spent a lot of time, just focusing on the Lord. Now that I'se married, I still spend time with the Lord, but its not humanly possible to focus on my marriage and spend the same amount of time with God as I did when single. Now my marraige is my number 1 ministry. This is what Paul meant.

I am happy that it was God's will for me to marry because its a beautiful thing. With all the pro's that I gave about being single, they are many that I could give about being married (which is obviously why so many of us want to marry.) I could go on forever, but I just came across this post and God reminded me that he ALWAYS does what he promises and I hope that my testimony inspires you to patiently wait on the Lord (and keep yourself pure :yep:). You never know what God has in store for you and how a simple prayer can change your life overnight.

Be Blessed ladies!!!!!

This is such a blessing and I thank you so much for sharing it with us. I am rejoicing with you and I definitely know what you mean about falling in love with the Lord first and being devoted to Him. I am enjoying my singleness for right now (but hopefully not for too long:look:). I thank you once again for sharing your testimony with us. God bless you.
Thank you so much Shimmie. You are such a wonderful lady. I can see your heart in the words that you speak/write and I thank God for allowing me to encounter you (even if we have never met:grin:). God bless you, you awesome woman of God!
So are you, angel...:yep: Indeed so are you. :giveheart:
I just renewed my subsciption to LHCF, so I'm able to post again. But if you notice, back in Aug 2006 when Shimmie first started this thread, I was the first to respond because I really appreciated her post and felt that God was speaking to me. Well, 2 months later (in October 2006) I met the man who would become my husband. He is an awesome man of God and we fell in love INSTANTLY. We just knew that it was the will of God for us to become one. So 9 months after meeting, we got married. I say all this to simply encourage all the singles.

I first had to TRULY fall in love with Christ. When He realized that I was devoted to Him, he gave me the desires of my heart as it pertained to marriage. I feel so blessed. YOu simply have to wait on the Lord and be patient.

I must also say that you have to enjoy being single. Enjoy being able to sprall out in your bed ALONE. Enjoy being able to try out all kinds of funky hair conconcotions on your hair without offending anyone. :look: Enjoy being able to spend as much time in the Lord as your please. While marriage is wonderful, I do understand why Paul said if you can remain single - then do it. When you marry, you now have to give up time that you would have spent with God, focusing on your marriage. As a single, all my time was mine. I didnt have to think about anyone else except for me, and I spent a lot of time, just focusing on the Lord. Now that I'se married, I still spend time with the Lord, but its not humanly possible to focus on my marriage and spend the same amount of time with God as I did when single. Now my marraige is my number 1 ministry. This is what Paul meant.

I am happy that it was God's will for me to marry because its a beautiful thing. With all the pro's that I gave about being single, they are many that I could give about being married (which is obviously why so many of us want to marry.) I could go on forever, but I just came across this post and God reminded me that he ALWAYS does what he promises and I hope that my testimony inspires you to patiently wait on the Lord (and keep yourself pure :yep:). You never know what God has in store for you and how a simple prayer can change your life overnight.

Be Blessed ladies!!!!!
To God be the Glory. Poetist, I'm lost for words...truly. Yet, I can say that I am so very happy for you. God proves His word. Yes He does :yep: He is so 'faithful' to us.

God bless you and your husband. I wish you the peace of God and love everlasting and that the biggest challenge you will ever have is 'NONE' that has not already be conquered.

I'm in tears (joyful) over your testimony. Praise God forever and ever. Amen. :heart2: