Marriage Doesnt Equal Love ...another Goodie From Our Friend G.l. Lambert


Well-Known Member
Some snippets:

We live in a culture where if a relationship doesn’t end in forever, it was a mistake. There are a lot of you reading this who parents aren’t together, does that make you being born a mistake that should have been avoided in retrospect? People have this limited idea love and marriage that is based on fantasy, not the reality of how humans today operate. If a man loves a woman and a woman loves a man, they stay together forever or it wasn’t love in the first place. You probably just nodded along like a church lady on a pew because you too believe this juvenile idea of “it’s only love if you die together.” What Bradgelina had for over a decade was probably a love deeper and more passionate than people that have been married for 40 years have. Yet, society is in the habit of celebrating those couples that stick together for the sake of the kids, even though they dislike each other after the first ten years. No one applauds the courage it takes to stop being comfortable and move on in life, they only see it as failure to keep someone happy (with the finger pointed at the woman). This is total ********. Love isn’t staying with someone just to say you made it work, love is salvaging your own sanity and happiness by exiting once you have proof that it will no longer work.

Take today’s men, no matter how much you submit to him, flatter him, and **** him to sleep, if he doesn’t see you as the type of woman he could marry, he won’t just reject you, he’ll waste your time. By the time he’s finished wasting your time and you realize that he never intended to be anything serious with you, it’s a few years later… add another year wasted on the bench because you’re still too hurt and bitter to date again, and there you have it, some of the best years of your life wasted in pursuit of false love that you could have easily avoided if you awakened your inner Spartan.
Can someone explain his reasoning behind naming the blog black girls "are easy"? Is it easy in the negative sense of the word? I used to see his blog in search results but the title was a turn off.

I think the name of the site is just an attention grabber. You're supposed to say "wait, what? Not me, nuh uh"

The articles are informative, useful, and he gives it straight with no chaser.

The title is befitting, imo
I think the name of the site is just an attention grabber. You're supposed to say "wait, what? Not me, nuh uh"

The articles are informative, useful, and he gives it straight with no chaser.

The title is befitting, imo

Thanks. Still not a fan of other races seeing the name and misinterpreting that but I guess it's not for them in the first place.

But your explanation makes sense, I guess he has a weird sense of humor.
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Are you sure? Because most of the advice is for black women so shouldn't it be Black MEN are easy?

I think he meant it as a bad thing. Like we are easy to fall for the bs because of what our culture teaches us and he's here to teach us what the men are really thinking.
First of all this exchange is giving me deja vu like crazy lol and second

...Black Girls Are Easy (BGAE). The title is deliberately misleading. No woman is easy sexually. Some have lower standards, but it’s always her choice. The “easy” I was focusing on was a tongue-in-cheek way to take on the stereotypes of the African American female. The media consistently showed black girls as one of two things, eye rolling ghetto queens ready to rip a *****’s weave out or as humble church-going victims of circumstance ready to sing for America’s votes. Black women are far more diverse, and aren’t this difficult group of women. Black girls are easy to understand, easy to relate to, and most importantly, easy to love if you take the time to get to know them intimately.

Direct quote from his first book
Any WOMAN who likes advice "straight with no chaser" appreciates truth, willing to get her feelings hurt in order to break down her own ego and learn a thing or two about herself and her relationship with men..

Any woman willing to challenge her fixed beliefs and those of her female elders and other influential women in her life...and do the dirty work of reprogramming her subconscious ...will EASILY fall in love with this man and will wish she had a good male relative or friend her life that taught her all this stuff when she first started dating.

I LOVE this man for what he has done...and there are a select few out here who are doing what he is doing. I hope more follow suit.
ITA. I couldn't understand why so many people were almost giddy about Brangelina breaking up. The relationship ran its course and they called it quits. Doesn't mean it wasn't real.

But then again, like him I don't understand people who stay in bad relationships "for the kids" either. Such a waste of time and usually the kids suffer for their parents' foolishness anyway.
ITA. I couldn't understand why so many people were almost giddy about Brangelina breaking up. The relationship ran its course and they called it quits. Doesn't mean it wasn't real.

But then again, like him I don't understand people who stay in bad relationships "for the kids" either. Such a waste of time and usually the kids suffer for their parents' foolishness anyway.
Say it again! I dont think they heard you in the back. I pray that is destroyed.
I want to repost this article on social media. It reminds me of all of my friends in shitty marriages and relationships trying to make me feel like my standards are too high, when all I want is a man who's phone calls I don't want to send to voicemail. I refuse to entertain a man simply for the sake of being able to say I'm not alone.
I've gone on the BGAE website a few times and its generally a straight up run down on how men think...haven't found it offensive so far

I didn't mean to distract from the subject of this thread, was just surprised GL Lambert runs the blog of that name. I've only heard "these girls are easy" in the negative sense of the word, so I wanted to understand his reasoning.

I'll probably never get his brand of quirky, but he is good at what he does.

But yes this thread should get back to relationships running their course. Lol. Feel bad for distracting a bit.
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I have been saying this since 2004 and I totally agree with his take on Brangelina and relationships.
I thought that somewhere on the blog he finishes the statement: "black girls are easy to love".

Just like somewhere in the book he finishes the title: "men don't love women like you, they worship them"

I just thought that was part of his shtick lol.

It is, the title is strictly for shock value. He explains it in detail and ends it with Black girls are easy to love, understand, get along with, be with etc etc.
Hmm I wonder if he comes from a broken family. He sounds immature in parts of that blurb, Deep and passionate 24/7 in any relationship is a delusional lie sold by Disney. Marriage is about commitment (yep getting through the mundane parts) love, purpose and family. There are highs and lows in marriage because it exists in all facets of life.

Another key point is SO/DH should not only be your lover but your friend, someone to laugh with, cry with, hang out with, partner with, learn from and grow with. I think these are big points that people miss.