March-APL, May-BSL???? Pics Included


Well-Known Member
Ok so I decided to straighten my hair for the first time since March when I discovered I was finally APL and now it looks as if I am BSL...Am I tripping or can I claim it?

First Pic is from March 20, 2011 and the Second is from today May 7, 2011


  • APL.jpg
    399.1 KB · Views: 577
  • BSL Hair1.jpg
    BSL Hair1.jpg
    487 KB · Views: 596
I hope I am not raining on your parade but the bra position in your second pic is much higher than the first (looking at their positions on your body). However, I think you can claim it if you want to! Whichever position you think is more accurate.
Hey, OP. It looks like you're in a fitness challenge. If I'm not mistaken, I think it's working. Good job!

And oh, your hair is lovely.

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Aww Thanks Hun! Yes I am in the 8 Better Body Challenge and so I put more of my focus on my body lately and thankfully it must be affecting my hair too!:yep:

Hey, OP. It looks like you're in a fitness

challenge. If I'm not mistaken, I think it's working. Good job!

And oh, you're hair is lovely.

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Yes, definitely two different bras that's why I was chiming in here before I dared to claim BSL, either way I am pleased with my progress.

I hope I am not raining on your parade but the bra position in your second pic is much higher than the first (looking at their positions on your body). However, I think you can claim it if you want to! Whichever position you think is more accurate.
Still waiting on the reggie!!! I'd say you're BSL your bra is much lower in the first pic, I think it sits more at MBL there. The second pic your bra seems at the "accurate" position.
Yeah, the bra straps are in too different positions but the first one seems extra low. Idk, maybe it's just me. I'd claim BSL just because. :lol: But if you wanna see your progress, I'd say put the first bra back on and then take a pic. Congrats on the progress! :grin:
Are you sitting down in the 2nd pic? I know when I sit down my hair goes down my back farther than when I stand up....if that makes sense.

Either way it looks great!
My hair regimen for the past couple months has been putting my hair in weaves for 4 weeks at a time after I wash with Organix coconut milk Sulfate free shampoo, DC with Hair Mayonnaise. I leave my hair out for 2 weeks to let my hair breathe in between weaves and to check progress. Weaves have definitely made my stretch easier. I do self installs so I make sure I leave my edges out and I do not braid tight but it is enough to hold good. While in weaves I oil my scalp weekly with WGO. I am currently on week 17 of my stretch. Last year I did 7 months so we shall see how far I go this time.