March 30, 31, April1...What are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans???

Well, I was supposed to henna last weekend, but never even got around to mixing it.

I've cowshed twice this week just to salvage my curls that I've been lazy with this week, but so far, I haven't paid for it yet. (knock on wood)

I've had my henna mixed for 2 days now, and considering that it'll be raining all weekend, I'll have henna in my hair, do or die, dang it!

Henna, poc, avocado dc(with heatcap) , then leave in - oil - seal - bun.

Rain or shine, this weekend, it's join' down!
in the morning, im gonna go to the gym and get in the steam room to DC. I'll mix Shea Moisture Restorative Conditioner with honey and olive oil (or Coconut), put on a shower cap and sit in the steam room for 5 minutes or longer if i can stand it. Then Ill go home, rinse, moisturize with my AVJ/aPhogee Provitamin Leave In conditioner spritz, a tad bit of the shea moisture conditioner on my ends, and seal with coconut oil. air dry and bun it for the weekend. Cheers to the freakin' weekend! lol
It's wash day this weekend. I will stick to my reggi which is giving me good results, I think:

1. pre-poo w/Coconut oil on the scalp and tea rinse
2. "wash" with SM's Purification Masque
3. DC w/SM's Deep Treatment Masque
4. Tea Spray leave in
5. Seal w/my butter cream mix (coco, shea, mango)
6. flax seed gel to twist (for twist out)
FoxieRoxie said:
This is week #3 of my b2b journey. Using Shea Natural products this week. Washed and put a leave-in conditioner in my hair. After coating strands of my wet hair with the souffle, I wrapped each strand around curly rods. Waiting to see how my hair looks after it has completely dried. No blow dryers, hair dryers, or other thermal appliances planned. Will condition again with Miss Jessie's baby Creme, for added moisture and 'cause I love the smell!!! Shalom!

I took my curly rods out too soon! Since my hair is BSL it will take a full 48 hours, on curly Rods, for the curl to dry completely. NTW, curls are still intact. Going to air dry damp ends. Then apply Miss Jessie's Baby Creme to moisturize & condition.

Tonight: I will DC on dry hair with AOHSR conditioner overnight.
Tomorrow: I think I might start using Hydrothermal Naturals products that I purchased this week. Either way I will still wash and reconditioned my hair. I will probably do a light protein treatment as well. I will then put twist back in my hair. I have been wearing twists since the beginning of January, my prospective style.
Wash and deep condition with Creme of Nature Argan oil products. I will air dry and roller set with caruso rollers.
DC'd overnight with my MT protein mix. Now about to cowash with my Deva Curl No Poo, and Wen. I use Oidad leave in, and one of my two favorite butters to M/S. Then air dry, twist, and put up in pillow rollers.
Washing and DC'ing with my CON Argan Oil products. I love, love these. I'll also be researching a few products and looking for new buns via Youtube.

Since we're all here :look: how does everyone feel about Elasta QP Mango Butter?

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Just washed and conditioned it with CON. It's now in about 12 braids for a braid-out tonight. It's set with Aphogee Pro-Vitamin Leave-In. Then I'll moisturise with S-curl and a bit of oil tonight :)
take wig off to let my scalp breathe. Deep condish With hot oil treatment. With olive oil. Coconut oil. Air dry and bun.
Doing a henna treatment tomorrow then may do a moisturizing dc afterwards depending on how my hair feels.....using giovanni leave in then going to try darcy botanicals madagascar vanilla twist cream blow dry on cool to strech b4 twisting.....i love the weekend!
Washing and DC'ing with my CON Argan Oil products. I love, love these. I'll also be researching a few products and looking for new buns via Youtube.

Since we're all here :look: how does everyone feel about Elasta QP Mango Butter?

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SuchaLady, It was only a little moisturizing for me. It mostly felt waxy and kind of weighed my hair down, no matter how little I applied, so I just started using it to lay down my edges and smooth the tops and sides when I was wearing buns. It worked really well for that. I have fine, low-density hair though, so that's probably why.
It smelled amazing though. I wish all my hair products smelled like that lol.
FoxieRoxie said:
This is week #3 of my b2b journey. Using Shea Natural products this week. Washed and put a leave-in conditioner in my hair. After coating strands of my wet hair with the souffle, I wrapped each strand around curly rods. Waiting to see how my hair looks after it has completely dried. No blow dryers, hair dryers, or other thermal appliances planned. Will condition again with Miss Jessie's baby Creme, for added moisture and 'cause I love the smell!!! Shalom!

Finished styling my hair after using Miss Jessie's. What d'ya think?

Thanks Chaosbutterfly. I'm not a frequent moisturizer but I know it's necessary the further I get away from my relaxer.

SuchaLady, It was only a little moisturizing for me. It mostly felt waxy and kind of weighed my hair down, no matter how little I applied, so I just started using it to lay down my edges and smooth the tops and sides when I was wearing buns. It worked really well for that. I have fine, low-density hair though, so that's probably why.
It smelled amazing though. I wish all my hair products smelled like that lol.
Got my hair washed and blown straight yesterday by some Dominicans. It was the first time I used heat since probably last Sept. Once I wash my hair next week I'm back on my no heat regimen.
sprayed hair with distilled water
detangled with blend of rosewater, castor oil and HS 14-in-1 and denman brush
made 5 flat twists
Hey ladies, I have put spiral rods in my weave using setting foam to wet and set the hair. I wanted a new look for the last week it is in.
Right now Im doing an egg,honey, castor oil treatment and going to wash and DC, cant figure out how Im going to style my hair though, Im kinda tired of braid outs, might try a twist out or something,
Sitting here with henna on my head. Will wash out and deep cond with SSI Banana Brulee and Shi Natural Tea Rinse. LI, Moisturize and put into twists. Done.
Had a very protein rich regimen this weekend in anticipation of a relaxer thursday night:yay:
Proteins used since friday: keratin, milk, glyco, SAA and soybean. Tomorrow I plan to use almond and collagen protein. I'll limit my oil rinses to the length of my hair and do my final cowash tuesday. Relax on thursday:grin:
dc with AO White Camellia on dry hair, shampoo'd with one n only argan oil moisture repair shampoo, used kerapro intense treatment for about 5 mins. towel dried, put redken smooth down heat glide, blow dried, and flat ironed.