MARCH 2010 - Lauryn's Update - PICS


New Member
I'm on BKT #4 with Dream Hair keratin... after seeing Good Hair I got annoyed and decided to do this fourth BKT and blow my hair out... please don't ask me what length I am.. I don't know what length I am... the front still is right under my chin... the back it's right above my bra strap but there's a length in between that chin - to - bottom of shoulder blade ... area.

Okay it's THICK and healthy.... but it's like NOT GROWING!!!!! :look: Shouldn't I be longer by now?

I'm about to flatiron... but here's my OLD pic from October 2009:


Before the BKT application.... no product:


After the long arse blowout:



ETA - done flatironing



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you have such a pretty face. I'm loving that second picture - so natural and happy!

oh yeah, love the hair!!
The first pic is from 09' and the last pic is recent, you've made progress not as much as you would like to see but there is a difference in the fullness of your hair from the first pic to the second. Instead of growing down it's like it grew out and thickened up.
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it looks like it's growing to me and thick!

i also agree with the poster above, you are very pretty!
It's growing and it's definitely thick, can't wait to see your hair after you flat iron it.
I'm on BKT #4 with Dream Hair keratin... after seeing Good Hair I got annoyed and decided to do this fourth BKT and blow my hair out... please don't ask me what length I am.. I don't know what length I am... the front still is right under my chin... the back it's right above my bra strap but there's a length in between that chin - to - bottom of shoulder blade ... area.

Okay it's THICK and healthy.... but it's like NOT GROWING!!!!! :look: Shouldn't I be longer by now?

I'm about to flatiron... but here's my OLD pic from October 2009:


Before the BKT application.... no product:


After the long arse blowout:



Your hair looks great! It seems like parts of your hair have grown. You appear to be closer to bra strap lenght, atleast to me :yep:. Congratulations to you and kudos to you for all your hard work.

What was annoying to you? :perplexed
Beautiful skin, hair, and lady! You have definitely made some progress, I also love the thickness of your hair. Keep up the good work.:happydance:
Thanks! I was annoyed with Good Hair because it didn't promote any rejection of "good or bad" hair... just basically said "Oh be happy with what you have"..."Black people have no control over the black hair industry although we are the largest spenders of hair and weave"... made poor women look like fools with their $1000 weaves and nobody focused on the need for health and hair care... outside of a weave or perm....

Then it was like "Oh yea... you know you kinda relax your kinks to relax white people and you exploit yourself financially to make them happy"

Chris Rock at the end was like, "Oh I'll just tell my daughters that it's what's on the inside of their heads that's more important than what grows outside of it..." and this "hair is hair" attitude... even though... he shows Black dudes talking about how a Black chick is expensive because she wants weave money and that means maintenance and that her 'fake' hair hinders intimacy... so "some" of them prefer white chicks because of that...since they "love when you touch their hair..." and let's not mention asking all the Black celeb chicks about going in the water... *rolls eyes*

I'm not spending lots of dough on weaves... I buy wigs as a protective measure.... THE END
Thanks! I was annoyed with Good Hair because it didn't promote any rejection of "good or bad" hair... just basically said "Oh be happy with what you have"..."Black people have no control over the black hair industry although we are the largest spenders of hair and weave"... made poor women look like fools with their $1000 weaves and nobody focused on the need for health and hair care... outside of a weave or perm....

Then it was like "Oh yea... you know you kinda relax your kinks to relax white people and you exploit yourself financially to make them happy"

Chris Rock at the end was like, "Oh I'll just tell my daughters that it's what's on the inside of their heads that's more important than what grows outside of it..." and this "hair is hair" attitude... even though... he shows Black dudes talking about how a Black chick is expensive because she wants weave money and that means maintenance and that her 'fake' hair hinders intimacy... so "some" of them prefer white chicks because of that...since they "love when you touch their hair..." and let's not mention asking all the Black celeb chicks about going in the water... *rolls eyes*

I'm not spending lots of dough on weaves... I buy wigs as a protective measure.... THE END

Girl, I so feel ya!!! Part of me thougt it was funny and entertaining and it was and but when you think about "EVERYBODY" seeing it it became not so funny. I can only hope that it will bring better versions in the future.
It's growing. Your hair appears to be straighter in the fist pic than it is in the March pics.

It is... the March pics are from the blowout... I'm flatironing now with my sister's pink GVP (Sally's) on 410... it's been a LONG and slow process but LOL I need to learn how to do my hair...

I'm thinking it's time to start letting it out... :look:... for a while

I see little short hairs along the front perimeter... and I think I can attribute that to the wigs. I don't have any 'bald' spots, but it's kinda thin where my "wig's combs" were in the front.

I want to focus on revitalizing the entire perimeter of my hair... so that I don't have a "broken" kitchen and so that my edges don't look so bad.

I am contemplating leaving my hair out... my sister and other people say do it... but when I say I literally spent just about ALL DAY doing my hair, I'm serious. I started in the shower at like 1:50 and it's 9:20 PM... I was done around 8:45 PM.

Excuse the boobies please. ETA Boobies removed



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your hair has gotten so much thicker!!
and i definitely see the growth pretty lady!

i need to thicken up my hair lol
LD, girl bye. Your hair has definitely grown! You can definitely tell in the front... it kinda looks like its trying to catch up with the rest of your hair... and your hair is so think too!! So... Umm yeah when my hair gets longer, I'll pay you to do my BKT....I'm too lazy lol
Hey Lauryn your hair looks great! Do you think the BKT has helped with you retention? Did you let them wear off before doing the next one?
Hey Lauryn your hair looks great! Do you think the BKT has helped with you retention? Did you let them wear off before doing the next one?

Thanks. I think it helped with the retention but to be honest, my regimen has been DC, braid and wig for about 3 -4 years off and on. I started BKTing in the late summer/early fall... so I haven't experienced the BKT long enough to say "that's exactly" why, but it does contribute to my maintenance. Now I don't mind washing my hair and letting it "breathe" for a day or two before I braid it up and put it back under the wigs.