Marcel Flat Iron On A Regular Cooking Stove


Indy Girl Growing Strong
I don't know if anyone on the board has one of those Marcel flat irons that the professional hairstylists use on their clients' hair. I have some questions that came to mind about the use of the iron. I've seen the stylist use a stove that you can put 3 or more irons in there to get them heated before using on the hair. Since most of those stoves are so costly in BSS and online, would it be possible to use a flat iron or bumping iron on say, a regular stove that you cook on?

I remember my grandma used an old fashioned Marcel curling iron on her hair, and she used a cooking stove to heat it up. And I know heat is an issue here, and to me using a cooking stove with a lower temperature can achieve greater results, just like a professional. I want to know if anyone has done this on their own hair or someone else's.

Note: I'm in the market of buying a Marcel flat iron to use on my hair. TIA

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Yes, you can use Marcel irons on the stove, but they hold lots of heat and its hard to judge just how hot the iron really is, until you fry your hair. Remember our grandma's used to use heavy thick curling wax or pressing oil with those Marcel irons.

I have a small barrel marcel curling iron, but I haven't used it in years, as the last time I did I burn the ends of my hair...

Be careful if you choose to do so...
In the past a loooooooooong time ago when my curling iron went out, I heated my grandma' curlers on the stove to curl my hair. It worked fine, I wouldn't dare do anything like that now! Use with caution if you decide to "test" this method out!
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My old hairdresser used to work out of her kitchen and instead of setting up the whole stove thing she would just put the 1 or 2 curlers she was using on the stove. It worked fine. I mean idk if it mattered that she had an electric stove. She used to test how hot the curler was by putting it on a towel before she put it on your hair. If it burned the towel, it was too hot and she'd let it cool off a little. HTH...
Ok Marcel irons only hold two heat settings: cold and FRYING HOT. I do not reccomend you using the Marcel Fryer on your hair. The heat is not circulated, therefore there are "hot spots" and they will fry your hair and make your ends look like this: vvvvvvvvvVvvvVVvVvvvv. Trust me; I know. If you need curls, use rollersetting techniques, or a ceramic iron.
I do it with lots of caution. Never use it if it is smoking. It will fry your hair!!! You can do a test on a piece of paper towel before you apply it to your hair. If it burns the paper towel it will burn your hair.