Manly Curls?!?? And 5-6 Years To Shoulder Length?


On break
There's a Manly Curls movement, I guess. Who knew?


How long it will take for the achieved visible length
To grow to shoulder length, you will need patience! I cannot emphasize this enough, especially for curly men. Your curls will take quite a while to achieve a shoulder length style and the hair at the top will, depending on your type of curly hair, take approximately the following amount of time to reach shoulder length (assuming growing from a near shaved/short length hairstyle):
  • Type I: 2 1/2 years
  • Type: II: 3 years
  • Type III: 4 years
  • Type IV: 5 years
  • Type V: 6+ years
This is one of the reasons why it is important to know your curl type and why I created such a guide, since the tighter your curls (read, Type IV-V), the longer it will take you to achieve visible length. I am a Type III curl head and it took me 2 1/2 years to get to shoulder length. Wow, was it an experience!


It did take me a while…

In the meantime, as you grow the visible shoulder length, your hair will be in a transient awkward phase. This is basically the time span in which your curly hair will be doing all kind of funky stuff and looking out of order and mildly unappealing as it reaches the final desired length. I will cover in the future the different techniques to deal with the awkward phase but, for the time being, stick through it and just tie those curls into a ponytail!