Mane and Tail Udate!! Southerngirl!!! You go!!!

Oh, not that anyone cares, but I recently read in one of the girlie mags that Jen Aniston uses this on her hair. I figure for someone who could afford to have her own shampoo created, it's nice to know she uses the cheap stuff too!
MonaLisa said:
I'm mad I went to the BSS across the street...and there was not one Mane and Tail product in sight! But everything else was there! I'll have to check the other two around the way or downtown.

I tried SG for my wash/condition day time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey MonaLisa,

I can't believe they didn't have the goods!! This is insane /images/graemlins/swearing.gif! They just don't understand what it has taken to get you to the point of trying this stuff.

Gimme the number- I'll call them myself! Better yet, I'll SEND you the MNT if you can't find it near you!!! Lemme know /images/graemlins/smile.gif- FOR REAL, I'll send it!!! /images/graemlins/rofl.gif
I am literally going outside with a plastic bag on my head with my pre-poo treatment on and a hat heading to the Black BSS to see if they have the Mane N Tail Conditioner - I went to my Dominican one across the street yesterday. One Mo Try.

If not there, have to wait until another time. But I will be using the Mane N Tail at some point SG. You got me! You got me! LOL! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Okay SG. You won. MNT made it just under the wire before I retired from PJism. I found the conditioner, still gotta track down the leave in.

I did a lil twist w/mine though..I had the MNT for the main layer of conditioner, then a light layer of Aubrey GPB on top of that. It wound up being on my head a lil over a hour...and I couldn't believe that my hair is 10 wks post touch up. I'm a happy camper.

So as the year comes to an end...I have my rotating staple conditioners through 2005 --

Protein: Mane N Tail, Aubrey GPB and UBH Deep Conditioner
Moisturizing: Keracare Humecto, NTM and Kenra MC.

I'm done. I'm happy. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Would MnT be good for transitioners or those with natural hair also? I heard that it contains alot of protein and someone told me that natural hair does not need as much protein as relaxed hair. I was considering jumping on the MnT wagon myself because I have used it before and I liked it but my hair is going through a change because I am getting more new growth so I need something that will be good for both textures.
musiclova said:
Would MnT be good for transitioners or those with natural hair also? I heard that it contains alot of protein and someone told me that natural hair does not need as much protein as relaxed hair. I was considering jumping on the MnT wagon myself because I have used it before and I liked it but my hair is going through a change because I am getting more new growth so I need something that will be good for both textures.

[/ QUOTE ]

Waiting for SG to swoop

When I read the ingredients...the Moisturizing version of Mane N Tail had Wheat Protein along with more moisturizing agents as opposed to the original version that has Hydrolyzed Protein which is stronger. Perhaps the moisturizing version would be more to your liking. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Your hair looks great, Southengirl! I'm a complete Mane n' Tail addict, too, so add my name to the "Mane n' Tail roll"!!!!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif After trying several different lines of products, I always go back to my "tried and true" Mane n' Tail. /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I had the priviledge of seeing SG's hair up close and personal yesterday....and if that's what Mane N Tail does for you after steady use, I'm going to sell everything I have and try to buy the company, lol! Her hair is GORGEOUS!!!!!

Hey Gals!!

Funny Mona, but when you posted this yesterday, I was probably sitting with Mochalolita in ASOLUTE AWE of her hair!!!! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif It is amazing!! I am so happy to be in great M&T company!!! I wanted to grab it, but I didn't /images/graemlins/smile.gif. Also, she's BEAUTIFUL you guys!!

I'm so happy you got the conditioner!!! Your technique sounds great, although I'm wondering which one you have if you don't have the leave-in? I don't know of one that you put on and wash out? Gotta do some checking. The leave in one looks just like the shampoo bottle. Tell me what your label says- also, I'll check online.

It may be a few hours before I can get back to you- the Fiance has season Redskins tix and the game starts at 4 and I'm no where near ready!!

Love ya,
Hey Miracle, Yeah! /images/graemlins/clap.gif Another Mane and Tail user!

I'm so glad you went back to what's tried and true. I have to see if you have an album I can see!

Hey MusicLova /images/graemlins/wave.gif,
ITA w/Mona (she's the MNT expert now) that the moisturizing one would probably be better for natural hair if you don't have much breakage. Honestly, I would experiment with both and see which one gives you better results. Just save your receipt and you can take it back if you get it at Sallys or a BSS that has a good return policy. Check first though B4 buying--- lots of them don't!
Try it again AudraChanell!! You'll probably get hooked like us. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I'll have to add your name to the other list!!
SouthernGirl said:
Try it again AudraChanell!! You'll probably get hooked like us. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I'll have to add your name to the other list!!

[/ QUOTE ]

There SG goes in pusher mode

I used the original Mane N Tail conditioner SG. I coulda swore u put it on your hair...then rinse

My cousin told me where to cop the leave in...still thinking on that one because I love my NTM Silk Touch Leave in. The conditioner does enough, please believe! Glad I listened! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks Mona for clarifying!!! Looks like you used what I use, only you rinsed it out and I leave it in.

Ahhhh! I think we're good now. I don't know if I'd worry about the other stuff at this point.

Later gator,
AudraChanell said:
OMG! Here comes my PJ tendencies *lol* I used it back in the day. Maybe it is time for a revisit ...

[/ QUOTE ]
Southerngirl strikes again. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Awwwwww....SG.....*Sniff*......such words coming from someone I've stalked...errr...admired for so long, lol. You're too sweet! /images/graemlins/kiss.gif

This is why I can't look at post like this. The itch is coming now I have to try this Mane & Tail Cond. OR should I call my PJ sponser????? /images/graemlins/confused.gif
C'mon Nappyme!! Wow, peer pressure is something else /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Allandra, LOL! I just can't resist. What can I say, I just love sharing!

Mocha- don't get me started on stalking b/c I stalk your album a lot too! BTW, I meant to tell you that your skin looked great at the meeting! You're new regimen must be great! Oh no, I feel another stalking coming on /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
SG, you need to STOP! My head's gonna start swelling in a minute...I actually added a skin care journal that I'm going to update along with my pictures. And I think I finally got the hang of my digi cam, so I'll be adding more hair pics...I have plans to wash on Wednesday /images/graemlins/smile.gif

THIS is exactly the reason I stay away from the hair board. I see y'all haven't changed your PJ ways one iota /images/graemlins/naughty.gif But I'm with Mochalolita, SG's hair is GAWGEOUS /images/graemlins/notworthy.gif She even let me touch it /images/graemlins/laugh.gif SInce I've cleaned out most of my supplies @ the mtg, it wouldn't hurt to try something new. So which MNT is this? /images/graemlins/grin.gif

mrslee, your hair is beautiful /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Armyqt said:
THIS is exactly the reason I stay away from the hair board. I see y'all haven't changed your PJ ways one iota /images/graemlins/naughty.gif But I'm with Mochalolita, SG's hair is GAWGEOUS /images/graemlins/notworthy.gif She even let me touch it /images/graemlins/laugh.gif SInce I've cleaned out most of my supplies @ the mtg, it wouldn't hurt to try something new. So which MNT is this? /images/graemlins/grin.gif

mrslee, your hair is beautiful /images/graemlins/smile.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh Snap! It's the movie star! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Hi Army! The pusher SG uses the MNT Original Formula. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
The chemical, methylisothiazolinone (MIT) is NOT listed in the line up of ingredients for the Original Mane and Tail conditioner.

I don't know about the shampoo. I told ya I was staying away from the shampoo.