Man Man Man I think I'm going to need a 1 to 2 inch trim


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like I'll make WL by July 22. That was my goal. WL by my b-day and I'm only about 3 or 4 inches away, but I think I'll need a 2 inch trim. I haven't really been babying my ends, although I do moisturize and oil them and I put extra protein on them, but they are split and the damage is done.

It doesn't look bad from a distance, but if I hold them close I can see the splits. Just a few centimeters long. I was thinking it was from the weekly heat, but now I think it's from the brutal brushing I do almost everyday. I use a very firm bristle brush to brush my hair and I usually focus on the end to make them lay smooth.

I don't have splits anywhere else, but my ends. I was also thinking maybe it's spliting bacause it's old hair from when I use to have very bad hair care. Do you think I should hold on to my ends until I get to goal length and then trim? I just need to know that I can get to WL as an adult.:crying3:
If you have 3-4 inches until you get to WL a July 22 goal date might be hard to reach. Instead, trim the splits (just a SMALL trim) and push your goal date to the end of the summer or even the end of the year. That will give you time to grow to your desired length and still get rid of the splits and don't worry, YOU WILL reach WL with happy, healthy, hair!
If you have 3-4 inches until you get to WL a July 22 goal date might be hard to reach. Instead, trim the splits (just a SMALL trim) and push your goal date to the end of the summer or even the end of the year. That will give you time to grow to your desired length and still get rid of the splits and don't worry, YOU WILL reach WL with happy, healthy, hair!

Oh My Gosh. Your hair is so beautiful. I'm going to looking in you fotki. I suppose if I don't put a time contraint on the time I want to reach WL I wouldn't feel so bad about getting a trim and I would still have something to work toward and I would feel good about starting over with fresh ends.

I'm going to get my first professional relaxer and I'll let her trim my ends. I've had the chance to observe this stylist do about 5 heads of hair before she did my sister's and a I loved her. How long did it take you to reach WL?
Oh My Gosh. Your hair is so beautiful. I'm going to looking in you fotki. I suppose if I don't put a time contraint on the time I want to reach WL I wouldn't feel so bad about getting a trim and I would still have something to work toward and I would feel good about starting over with fresh ends.

I'm going to get my first professional relaxer and I'll let her trim my ends. I've had the chance to observe this stylist do about 5 heads of hair before she did my sister's and a I loved her. How long did it take you to reach WL?

I didn't start out trying to grow my hair, I just wanted to see how long I could go without a trim. My last cut was 12/07 and I plan on cutting several inches in June so that I can get rid of some of my longer layers and even out my ends a bit. Then I'll try to go another 18 months without a trim and see what happens.
I didn't start out trying to grow my hair, I just wanted to see how long I could go without a trim. My last cut was 12/07 and I plan on cutting several inches in June so that I can get rid of some of my longer layers and even out my ends a bit. Then I'll try to go another 18 months without a trim and see what happens.

Wow, that's a long time. :yep: What's your secret for keeping your ends strong? Do you bun 24/7? Your hair looks very beautiful, full and healthy in your picture.
a lot of lovely hair in this post. :yep:
& i think you should trim instead of holding on to the dead ends..
you'll make it to waist length.. as an adult. take my word for it, lol. :)