Man, I Just Retouched My Own Hair, & I Love It!!!!


New Member
I retouched with Mizani Medium, but this time, after I rinsed the relaxer out, I applied Mizani Moisturefuse, put on a plastic cap for 15 minutes, then neutralized with Mizani Phormula 7 shampoo. This is soooooo much better than neutralizing first, then conditioning. My hair felt like silk! After spraying my hair with Mizani Thermaelastic leave in mixed with evoo, jojoba oil, and castor oil; I put shea butter mixed with coconut oil, jojoba oil, Mizani H20 Overnight treatment, and aloe vera gel on my ends. It is now air drying as I speak, in a single bantu knot.

I am really starting to love my hair, especially since with the help you you ladies, I have gained another inch and a half or so [I have not really measured]!

I love the LHCF!
I am so happy for you!!!!! I am sure it feels very empowering--especially if it comes out just the way you want it. I underprocessed my first time, but I am on my way to getting it right!
Good job girlie
. Your having better luck in the retouch dept. than me right now.
Where did you find your Mizani? I used Revlon and hated it. I've been using Mizani at the salonns, but can't find it on my own.
Thanks guys. You have been so supportive, and God knows I need it. I bought my relaxer on an Ebay auction I believe. They sold me 3 four lb tubs and I was thrilled because I was afraid I could not get a regular online store to sell it to me as cheap.
There's nothing like when your touch up turns out perfect and your hair feels like silk.
Congrats on your good results!

I can't wait to self-relax in a couple of months (I am two months post now...).
