Man, hold up...this is actually refreshing...


New Member
So I'm getting to know a new guy...he's extra smart, sweet, funny, hot, etc...but they all are in the beginning...I'm the type of person that gives people a chance to prove me wrong, instead of the opposite..but lately, I've been rethinking this policy...anyways....the other day I was in the mall with my bff and I tried calling him several times and it went to vm...I was like wow, ummmmm kay (cause HE ALWAYS answers)...When I got back home and logged on my cpt, it turned out he left a IM explaining that he dropped his phone in the water at work and it was drying out...and that he wasn't iggin me...

I was IN's been a minute since ANY guy as gone outta their way for me, that much...So I immediately told him I appreciate him sending me the message...and we talked on im until we got tired and went to sleep...
*sigh* And I'm trying not to get to hyped up about him or whatever...but it's
So I'm getting to know a new guy...he's extra smart, sweet, funny, hot, etc...but they all are in the beginning...I'm the type of person that gives people a chance to prove me wrong, instead of the opposite..but lately, I've been rethinking this policy...anyways....the other day I was in the mall with my bff and I tried calling him several times and it went to vm...I was like wow, ummmmm kay (cause HE ALWAYS answers)...When I got back home and logged on my cpt, it turned out he left a IM explaining that he dropped his phone in the water at work and it was drying out...and that he wasn't iggin me...

I was IN's been a minute since ANY guy as gone outta their way for me, that much...So I immediately told him I appreciate him sending me the message...and we talked on im until we got tired and went to sleep...
*sigh* And I'm trying not to get to hyped up about him or whatever...but it's

Really? I'm worried. I don't see anything in your OP that indicates that he went out of his way for you at all. In fact, the old "drop the phone on the toilet/sink/water" excuse is one of the oldest in the book. :ohwell:
Really? I'm worried. I don't see anything in your OP that indicates that he went out of his way for you at all. In fact, the old "drop the phone on the toilet/sink/water" excuse is one of the oldest in the book. :ohwell:

I felt the same way:perplexed, then I thought that maybe I expect waaaay too much....then I thought "No, I don't"!!!
So I'm getting to know a new guy...he's extra smart, sweet, funny, hot, etc...but they all are in the beginning...I'm the type of person that gives people a chance to prove me wrong, instead of the opposite..but lately, I've been rethinking this policy...anyways....the other day I was in the mall with my bff and I tried calling him several times and it went to vm...I was like wow, ummmmm kay (cause HE ALWAYS answers)...When I got back home and logged on my cpt, it turned out he left a IM explaining that he dropped his phone in the water at work and it was drying out...and that he wasn't iggin me...

I was IN's been a minute since ANY guy as gone outta their way for me, that much...So I immediately told him I appreciate him sending me the message...and we talked on im until we got tired and went to sleep...
*sigh* And I'm trying not to get to hyped up about him or whatever...but it's

i wouldnt say thats 'going out of their way', but i dont immediately think its a lie either, thats a little cynical for me. :perplexed
Well...IDK...I thought it was pretty cool...Cause his phone dried out...and we've been talking like nothing happend...

OP, I am happy for you. maybe we are a bit cynical. I just know that the wet phone thing is an oft-repeated excuse. But, it does happen too, so.... Just be sure to follow your intuition no matter what, okay?
Not trying to sound cynical, but why were your talking all night through IM? He doesn't have a house phone, and his cell phone didn't "dry-out" yet? I don't know girl, don't be a fool.
Nah no house phone...but I don't have one either...It's dried out now though...And yeah, I'll be cool...thanks for the advice/warnings!
Nah no house phone...but I don't have one either...It's dried out now though...And yeah, I'll be cool...thanks for the advice/warnings!

...but, I gotta say this, OP. I know you were tickled and saw it as refreshing that he sent an explanation via IM about his phone, however, I just want you to be careful about giving too much credit where it is not due. Honestly, him touching base and letting you know what happened with the phone isn't extra special. It's just average common courtesy. This post reminds me of Hopeful's "dear Sweet Angels" thread. We have to raise our standards and stop being impressed by the bare minimum. He owed you a call and an explanation. It wasn't something extra that he did.
I've dealt with some "doosies" during my short life, but when dealing with the opposite sex, I now live by: Guilty until proven innocent instead of innocent until proven guilty.
Good point Slick...He should have done that...I guess I got a little bit carried away with the "praise"...Like I's been a minute since someone has PUT ME FIRST...:yep: I guess I'm taking notice of it...
Dang y'all know how to burst someone's bubble, lol!!! Just enjoy it for now but don't go thinking extremely highly of him, we all know what happens when the novelty wears off, lol
Dang y'all know how to burst someone's bubble, lol!!! Just enjoy it for now but don't go thinking extremely highly of him, we all know what happens when the novelty wears off, lol

I know right! :lol:

Him giving you an explanation is what a good friend would do anyway. I'm glad you are meeting men of higher integrity. :yep:
Whats with all the negativity? Let her enjoy it until she has a reason not to gosh! Phones fall into water allll the time, it's happened to me twice! Get a grip!

OP enjoy it!! Don't let negative bad mind ppl get into your head!
HTown, enjoy your new relationship. Remember to ALWAYS trust your own instincts. In the beginning we all put our "representative" on display and once the relationship is no longer new sometimes the "real" comes on out bit by bit. Sometimes its just little things about a person that we are willing to put up with because after all none of us are perfect. Just take your time and make sure there are no huge flaws that could be damaging that you are overlooking.
Whats with all the negativity? Let her enjoy it until she has a reason not to gosh! Phones fall into water allll the time, it's happened to me twice! Get a grip!

OP enjoy it!! Don't let negative bad mind ppl get into your head!

:lachen: I know, I know. I think it's pms time for me. I would have ordinarily posted what you wrote above, but lately, it just seems that in this forum, there have been SO many disappointing stories about men acting up and trying to take advantage. :nono: I think there have been a regular run on them since late last year! I am sure the OP will have fun and be safe with it. :yep:
:lachen: I know, I know. I think it's pms time for me. I would have ordinarily posted what you wrote above, but lately, it just seems that in this forum, there have been SO many disappointing stories about men acting up and trying to take advantage. :nono: I think there have been a regular run on them since late last year! I am sure the OP will have fun and be safe with it. :yep:

I agree! And wish OP the best!
I felt the same way:perplexed, then I thought that maybe I expect waaaay too much....then I thought "No, I don't"!!!

No you are right.

Our expectations are just really low these days. Men do what they are supposed to do and they get a cookie. Women allow men to treat them like crap so when they meet a normal guy he seems like a King. I've been a victim of this jaded way of seeing things so i'm not judging the OP--i totally get it.

But either way, the point is you do have a GOOD guy. Make sure he keeps it up!
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I was IN's been a minute since ANY guy as gone outta their way for me, that much...So I immediately told him I appreciate him sending me the message...and we talked on im until we got tired and went to sleep...
*sigh* And I'm trying not to get to hyped up about him or whatever...but it's

Aww the first bolded statement made me smile, I could feel how happy his consideration made you feel. Every guy you date should treat you that way, they may not lol, but they should. Men who don't return calls in a timely fashion are not the business:nono:.

@ the second part I would just say don't get too hyped just yet, give it a little time. I sure hope he's a keeper though.
I have honestly lost about three phones because I am clumsy and I always get them wet.

I know my friends think I am lying because every 10 months or so I claim to not have their phone number because my phone got wet:perplexed
I have honestly lost about three phones because I am clumsy and I always get them wet.

I know my friends think I am lying because every 10 months or so I claim to not have their phone number because my phone got wet:perplexed

Your post made me laugh because I was thinking the same thing. Today I was getting a pedicure and dropped my keys in the water, my phone was in my lap and could have easily fell in there too.
Yeah I dont think he's lying about dropping the phone. One time I had a cup of juice between my legs that I didn't even want to drink, there was just no trash I'm typing on my sidekick and im done typing so as usually i just let the sidekick fall in my lap...SPLASH...the end
Dang y'all know how to burst someone's bubble, lol!!! Just enjoy it for now but don't go thinking extremely highly of him, we all know what happens when the novelty wears off, lol

WORD...I know I can be analytical at mens actions but darn it. They went in :lachen: Men have made us this way though :nono:
No you are right.

Our expectations are just really low these days. Men do what they are supposed to do and they get a cookie. Women allow men to treat them like crap so when they meet a normal guy he seems like a King. I've been a victim of this jaded way of seeing things so i'm not judging the OP--i totally get it.

But either way, the point is you do have a GOOD guy. Make sure he keeps it up!

This is so true.

I just want the OP to realize that an IM is no more than texting, and imo, that's far from going out of a man's way. Most have easy access to those types of things.

To me going out of his way would have been finding a telephone and calling her up--hearing each other's voice.

If the young man knows that a woman is going all goo-goo over an IM, he might not step it up a notch. He may stay "stuck" in that mode.

OP, I agree with all that say enjoy yourself. Have fun, don't compromise yourself and if he's as refreshing as you say he is, he's continue on that path.