Making Your Own Creamy Moisturizer


New Member
Hey, everyone!
I recently made my own hair butter that works like a charm (and smells wonderful!) from shea butter, olive oil, and a tiny bit of Carol's Daughter Ocean Bath and Body Oil (for smell). Since this homemade concoction worked so well, I was wondering if I could make my own creamy moisturizer.

I already did a search on homemade moisturizers and see that lots of you use a sort water/glycerin mix; I'm still transitioning, so spraying water in any form on my head in the morning will make my ends look stringy.

So, anyone have a recipe/idea on making a creamy moisturizer (think like Qhemet BRBC or AOHC)?

For my hair: shea butter mixed with coconut oil, olive oil, (sometimes safflower oil also) and aloe vera
For my body: shea butter mixed grapeseed oil, aloe vera, and glycerin

You can definitely make your own creamy moisturizer!
In the morning I juice.

Before bed I use my own concoction of: Shealoe butter + Silk Amino Acids + Pure Vanilla Extract
I'm thinking that shea butter/olive oil (for shine), water(for moisture), some sort of emulsifier (to hold the water and oil/butter together), and something for scent might give me the results I'm looking for...anybody think this might work?
ive made several mixes.

its usually shea butter whatever few oils i have on hand(evoo, coconut oil, grapeseed and aprikot or sweet almond) and aloe vera juice.
I usually mix shea, mango and/or avocado butter with aloe vera gel, jojoba oil and coconut or sweet almond oil, with a few drops of tea tree or lavender oil for scent. Sometimes a little water if it is too thick. I mix everything at warm room temperature, and it never separates afterward.
^^Thanks ladies! How much aloe vera would you all suggest using? When I made my hair butter, I kind of eyeballed how much olive oil to use based off of how much coconut oil people on YouTube used when making hair butter; How much aloe vera (gel? or juice? which is better??) in relation to shea?

I use the aloe vera gel for creamy leave-ins, and the aloe vera juice for moisturizing sprays. The juice seems to separate out more easily than the gel.

I don't measure much, but the aloe vera gel is about 1/3 of my whole mixture.