MAKING The Switch - Phytorelaxer & You


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies! :perplexed I'm a newbie and love the board . I am four weeks post touchup. Been using Optimum Care for years. I'm reading a lot on LHCF about lye vs no-lye and the new Phytorelaxer. I'd like to stretch my relaxer to 12 weeks and get a formula that's better for my hair. Can someone shed insight on Phytorelaxers vs. a Lye formula for the health of my hair? Also, is it even possible for me to switch from no-lye to a lye formula without risking damage?
Kaddy is our resident Phytorelaxer expert, but I can tell you that I made the switch from Lye to the Phytorelaxer w/ no adverse effects. :up: Also, the Phytorelaxer is no-lye, but is a different chemical make up than the traditional no-lye relaxers.
Thanks Kenesha. How do you like the phyto? How long did you stretch before you transitioned to phyto? (going to your Fotki albums). Your current length is where mine is currently. Aiming for the waist before it's all over! ;o)
ms_kenesha said:
Kaddy is our resident Phytorelaxer expert

Thanks for the compliment Ms_K. I can't say I'm an expert though...not yet. :lol:

Anyhoo on to the topic at hand.

I think a lot of ladies are wondering what this "new" relaxer called PhytoRelaxer is. Let me first say that while it is not a new product on the market, it is fairly new to some of us here at LHCF. There are some ladies that have been using this relaxing system for more than a year with great results and feedback.

The PhytoRelaxer is a no-lye relaxing system that does not contain the drying agents that other no-lye relaxers contain. This is perhaps why those of us who use it love it and the softness that we experience. It contains natural ingredients that aid in the breaking down of the tightly curled texture of our hair. This relaxer has also been used by other racial/ethnic groups as well that too have experienced the similar results as us. Here is the info from the website:
PhytoRelaxer is a luxurious experience of long-lasting control, manageability and versatility. A genuine innovation from PhytoSolba Laboratories, the formula incorporates a breakthrough discovery using active ingredients from 100% natural origin: the active egg extract relaxes and smoothes, while soya offers antioxidant properties and hydration. Simultaneously, PhytoRelaxer protects the hair shaft from dehydration and minimizes scalp irritation. After the application of this exclusive high-technology relaxing complex your hair will feel and look more silky, strong and radiant.

As far as switching from lye to no-lye, I think that depends on what you prefer and what you think your hair prefers. I know that my hair prefers no-lye relaxers although I have switched back and forth for many years. My hair doesn't mind the switching although I KNOW she is happy with the PhytoRelaxer and happy I am no longer switching. I can say that the PhytoRelaxer formula is gentle, IMO. The ingredients for the relaxer are from natural sources as well:

Product: Straightening Cream
Active Ingredients 1) Egg Extract & 2) Soya Extract
Actions: 1) Smoothes and relaxes the hair & 2) Hydrates

Product: Inductor 1 or 2
Active Ingredients: Guanidine Carbonate
Actions: Boosts the relaxing actives

I have been the biggest mouth here talking about this relaxer and how great I think it is. I think that with the tones of threads here, once you do a search on PhytoRelaxer you will probably be convinced one way or the other. Most ladies though, I must warn, opt in favor of the PhytoRelaxer. So, if you don't want to spend $60 on a no-lye relaxer then I would suggest you don't read....It's very good and what we write about it, well it makes it hard to resist. :lol:
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I did it in my normal relaxer window time, about 9 weeks. I really like it and I can tell the diff in the phyto relaxed hair it's softer than the other relaxed hair. I also like the fact that my hair felt "heavy" after I relaxed it, it wasn't like the relaxer took the thickness out of my hair it just made my hair straighter.

I'm aiming for mid-back when it's all over, but hey if it grows to my waist, I ain't complaining! :grin:

CantBeCopied said:
Thanks Kenesha. How do you like the phyto? How long did you stretch before you transitioned to phyto? (going to your Fotki albums). Your current length is where mine is currently. Aiming for the waist before it's all over! ;o)
Thanks Keniesha . That's sounds promising. I miss the thickness that I know my natural hair can have. I'm looking forward to going phyto now.
*Mo creeps into thread, taps on the microphone...*

{{{{KAddy is no joke!!! She ain't playin'! Straight droppin...Phyto knowledge!}}}

*drops microphone on the stage and walks off stage right to hand KAddy a bouquet of flowers."

Oh yeah...almost forgot..

Go Phyto!!!!
CantBeCopied said:
Hi ladies! :perplexed I'm a newbie and love the board . I am four weeks post touchup. Been using Optimum Care for years. I'm reading a lot on LHCF about lye vs no-lye and the new Phytorelaxer. I'd like to stretch my relaxer to 12 weeks and get a formula that's better for my hair. Can someone shed insight on Phytorelaxers vs. a Lye formula for the health of my hair? Also, is it even possible for me to switch from no-lye to a lye formula without risking damage?

CBC, I don't have any advice, but I wanted to ask if you were the same CBC that owns Sisternet on Delphi?
Hi Kitty,

Nah, I cannot take the credit for Sisternet. That's another CBC. I guess I CAN be copied after all huh? *lol* :lol:
