making my own braid spray


New Member
Hey Ladies,

I got my braids done yesterday and did not want to buy a braid spray. I hate the smell of all of them and I don't like the buildup I have experienced in the past. SO, i decided to make my own concoction. I have listed the ingredients below. What are your thoughts? Will this be sufficient? Do you think it will cause buildup? any feedback offered will helpful.

1/4 cup (estimated) water
1 quarter size dollop of suave vanilla floral conditioner
1 quarter size dollop of suave tropical coconut conditioner
10-15 (estimated) drops of tea tree oil
1.5 tbs (estimated) of jojoba oil
THANK you for this post. I am getting some braids this weekend for my two year C&G challenge and was just thinking the same thing. I COMPELTELY agree about the smell...I also hate how heavy and thick they are, how greasy my hair (and forehead:nono:) feel aftewards, the buildup, and how quickly all this makes me what to wash my hair.

I think your ingredients list looks good. I think I will borrow your receipe, increasing the H20 a bit and substituting your Suave for V05.
I'd love to hear how your homemade bray spray works for you. Especially how it combats build up. I made my own spray too, using a mix that someone posted here a few weeks ago. The OP used it as a leave in, not for braids but I thought I'd give it a try since I had everything on hand.

20% V05 Strawberries and Cream MM conditioner
30% evoo or carrier oil of your choice
50% water

I finally took down one of my braids this evening to get a feel of my own hair, and it felt great. My hair was soft and moisturized. I had very little build up and my braids have been in for 6 weeks. I've been co-washing 2-3x a week and washing with shampoo every 10 days or so. I try to DC with every shampoo, but my heating cap started sparking and I haven't replaced it yet, so it's been about two weeks. I use the spray mix every other day and I think the combination has worked out well. I hope you have success, too.
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It looks good. Most braid sprays have some type of protein in them though so it may be worth adding in some SAA's.
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Wow! Thank you - I will use this recipe. I may substitute the conditioners with others as we don't get Suave in the UK.
I do tweak my braid sprays with glycerine, but this may be even better!
I'd love to hear how your homemade bray spray works for you. Especially how it combats build up. I made my own spray too, using a mix that someone posted here a few weeks ago. The OP used it as a leave in, not for braids but I thought I'd give it a try since I had everything on hand.

20% V05 Strawberries and Cream MM conditioner
30% evoo or carrier oil of your choice
50% water

I finally took down one of my braids this evening to get a feel of my own hair, and it felt great. My hair was soft and moisturized. I had very little build up and my braids have been in for 6 weeks. I've been co-washing 2-3x a week and washing with shampoo every 10 days or so. I try to DC with every shampoo, but my heating cap started sparking and I haven't replaced it yet, so it's been about two weeks. I use the spray mix every other day and I think the combination has worked out well. I hope you have success, too.

I like this one too...even better since I have those exact ingredients on hand. Althought, I might add a bit of glycerin.
I hate commercial braid sprays...they always leave my hands and my hair sticky. Making my own spray was one of the best things I did for the health of my hair...I use it daily as an all-purpose moisturizer:

Organic Aloe juice
Protein Hair Mist from Lilypad
Rosemary EO
Lavender EO
Vegetable glycerin

I only use a tiny bit of glycerin (maybe 5%), and I usually use vanilla or coconut scented Protein Hair Mists...they smell great mixed with the rosemary and lavender EOs.
Is there someone here who makes a homemade protein based braid spray? If so, what do you put in it? Thanks in advance.
Is there someone here who makes a homemade protein based braid spray? If so, what do you put in it? Thanks in advance.
Yes, in the post right above yours, I list my ingredients. I make my braid spray using a Protein Hair Mist from my favorite etailer that contains aloe juice, wheat protein, and panthenol.

The spray I use is found here. HTH
I always make my own braid spray

  1. diluted moisterize (s curl, wave nuvea)
  2. peppermint E oil
  3. coconut oil
  4. tea tree oil