Making my LHCF Debut! Yall are so Lucky to Have Eachother! lol (Pic HEAVY!)


Well-Known Member
:hiya2:Hey Everyone! This is my very first post here I've been lurking for a little bit and I just love it here I love the free exchange of ideas tips, tricks and recepes I love the humor the drama and the outright hilarity that comes along with us sista's and our precious hair.

When I went natural in 2005 I had no idea about resources like this site and I had to learn what was good for type 4a/4b dry hair the hard way:nono: thru trial and devastating ERROR lol I did a long term transition and never cut my hair once I just let the permed hair fall away. Eventually I learned to wash in 8 braids I instinctively used heat protectant when I'd straighten and I'd pin my hair up at night rather then wrapping and every once in a blue moon I'd wear my natural texture out.

Slowly but surely I began to embrace wearing my coils out for the world to see and mastered the art of detangling after a fro style and voila! I am now a happy kinky natural. I am a textbook 4a/4b hair texture however the bottom half of my hair strands are 3c now though due to the years of heat but I work with it...

Things my hair likes: washing in sections and only combing under a stream of water with conditioner and lot's of oil. Moisturizers with Glycerin, GOTTA have my unrefined African Shea Butter for my body and my hair, extra virgin coconut oil, aussie moist is possibly the best conditioner ever created in my book and Lekair Cholesterol.

I was always hair obsessed but most people around me found it odd or vain when for me it was like an evolution of the spirit. Once my hair passed armpit length people started asking me for my advice and tips and I was always more then glad to supply the info because I can never stop talking about hair. I'm really glad to have found a place with people just as smitten with our kinks as i am:infatuated:

So many of you had this site from the beginning of your transition to help you along and I want to say you're so fortunate and lucky to have eachother from so early on in your heathy hair journey!! lol I sure didn't but thats okay I love getting ideas on new styles from you all I love to see you support the newbies and I love the community environment here.

Anywhoo.....I got tired of styling my hair once or twice a week and I was inspired by KinkyCurlyQueen's Tutorial on Pixie Braiding so I went ahead and did em myself it took me 2 days and I plan in leaving them in for a month and a half to two months. co-washing 1-2 times a week hopefully DCing every week. So far a week in this is the most care-free easygoing style I've ever had in my life its a wonderful liberation from styling and fussing like I usually do and its perfect for me going away to school in a few days. So I'll include pix of that and I'll also throw in some of my fave looks from this year since this is my debut and all lol:cool:.

Getting started on the Pixies....

Finished Dry Braids

Freshly co-washed:lick:

Shot of the back

Messy Bun

Length check! :o)


Here are Some of my Fave Styles I did this Year: :grin:
Fro Hawk! I pretty much did 3 buns and a bump in the front this really shows off my 4a/4b texture :)

How I rocked the Fro-Hawk


GREAT Texture shot (don't be fooled by my heat altered curly ends! lol)

Sophisticated Twist-out Updo

Braid-out updo and bun

Closer look @ the crimped effect

Afro Achieved with Jumbo Twist-out:


Last but certainly not least, the look I've had for most of my natural journey before I went totally coily this year....The Flat-ironed straight look:


Well, that's all folks!! I'm really glad to be joining you I look forward to posting with you!!!:bighug:

You have great hair and styling ability! I know it'll be great to have you on the board.

I have a question for you, how are you able to keep the pixie braids in that long? Does your hair get matted/tangled from all the washing and dcing? I feel like if I did that my hair would loc right up but maybe I'm not doing it right. Can you post a link to the tutorial?
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Thank you ladies! Feels so good to actually be posting with you!!:grin:

Well what I do is i take the approach of making sure I keep it moisturized every single day and always sleep with a satin scarf or pillowcase and I'm good I know when it starts lookin iffy and I wanna take it out, the key for me will be to use boatloads of oil, coditioner and a water/infusium spray and no tangle will be able to withstand that in my hair. i undo even the most tangled hasnt been combed in a week fro as long as its in 8 braids full of oil and little conditioner and water is cascading thru it :o)

I have coarse/thick strands as well which helps....:yep:

I also made sure to braid the top half of the braids very tight so that even when i co-wash it would stay snug, that worked beautifully.
Thank you ladies! Feels so good to actually be posting with you!!:grin:

Well what I do is i take the approach of making sure I keep it moisturized every single day and always sleep with a satin scarf or pillowcase and I'm good I know when it starts lookin iffy and I wanna take it out, the key for me will be to use boatloads of oil, coditioner and a water/infusium spray and no tangle will be able to withstand that in my hair. i undo even the most tangled hasnt been combed in a week fro as long as its in 8 braids full of oil and little conditioner and water is cascading thru it :o)

I have coarse/thick strands as well which helps....:yep:

I also made sure to braid the top half of the braids very tight so that even when i co-wash it would stay snug, that worked beautifully.


I think I need to work on my braiding skills. There's another poster, EbonyHairPrincess (it might be Haired), who does mini braids and twists all the time. I love her styles but I can never seem to get it to work for me. Maybe I'll try again.

If you take pics of your braids styled please post! It'll really help us style challenged folks out.
It's a pleasure to meet you. I love your style and will be stalking (i mean WATCHING) your profile for natural hair styles. Thanks for sharing.:welcome2:
welcome and great styles:), what did you put in your hair for the flat ironed straight look?

Whenever I straighten (which for years used to be every time I washed), I use a spray bottle of the liquid IC Aloe leave-in dilluted recently I've been adding infusium to the mix as well but its not totally necessary I would unbraid one section spray it down with that then blow it out and continue that way for my whole head, I would then press my roots because I'm a 4a and I dont care what flat iron it is my roots have to be pressed 1st lol especially since I'm 4b along my hair line then I'd flat iron my whole head and it was bouncy soft and awesome.

I never wrapped my hair, I always pin-curled.

I think when I get to my goal length which is mid-back I'll go back to old trusty straightening for the winters it holds up great here in NYC but for now I got into a great school and I'm going away in a few days I needed something that was cute but low to no maintenence cuz its go time lol

Hope that helped!!
You have a great head of hair! In the twistout updo pic, how did you get the coils on the ends if the front part of your hair?

I think I need to work on my braiding skills. There's another poster, EbonyHairPrincess (it might be Haired), who does mini braids and twists all the time. I love her styles but I can never seem to get it to work for me. Maybe I'll try again.

If you take pics of your braids styled please post! It'll really help us style challenged folks out.
Ahhh yes I'm familiar with EbonyPrincessH I did EXTENSIVE research on Fotki for the best mini braiders and if you wanna see some jaw droppers check out her, Nigerian-Queen and Hamira,

After seeing their progress how carefree the style was and drooling for the experience of wash and go hair I couldn't braid my hair fast enough!!! lol and its just been the most chilled out style EVER. When I have a daughter I'll do her hair like this in the summers so she wont ever develop a complex about going in the water or sweating the way many of us did.:yep:
You have a great head of hair! In the twistout updo pic, how did you get the coils on the ends if the front part of your hair?
Thanx love! Honestly, those ends are just a result of me being a straightened natural for the majority of my journey :lachen:lol so essentially the top half of my hair closest to my head is 4a/4b and the bottom half of my strands look like their 3c lol so I usually twist my hair 2/3rds of the way down then I'll take a fine toothed comb and twirl it just letting the ends do what they do:yep: lol I make heat damage look good don't I?? lmaooo

Thanx sweetyb!!! i really look forward to it any and all comments and feedback are welcome :o also LOVE the mini twists girl, they're FAB!!

thanx flowinlocks!! 'preciate it!!
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Ahhh yes I'm familiar with EbonyPrincessH I did EXTENSIVE research on Fotki for the best mini braiders and if you wanna see some jaw droppers check out her, Nigerian-Queen and Hamira,

After seeing their progress how carefree the style was and drooling for the experience of wash and go hair I couldn't braid my hair fast enough!!! lol and its just been the most chilled out style EVER. When I have a daughter I'll do her hair like this in the summers so she wont ever develop a complex about going in the water or sweating the way many of us did.:yep:

I'm gonna be up all night drooling over mini-braids:yep:.

They seem so easy and a great style for lazy people like me. But take down seems like it could be scary. Maybe not if it's moisturized well enough.

I think I'll try them soon.
I'm gonna be up all night drooling over mini-braids:yep:.

They seem so easy and a great style for lazy people like me. But take down seems like it could be scary. Maybe not if it's moisturized well enough.

I think I'll try them soon.
Yes you will because I used to be drooling over those albums on a daily basis before I had my own to drool over lol:lachen:

Easy is not even the word I don't even tie my head up at night I just put satin over my pillowcase and sleep free (first time in my life I've ever had that)

When I go into the shower I no longer need my shower cap I just clip my hair up because humidity wont do a thing but bring out my curlies @ the ends

When rain starts to fall i just smile and stroll a little slower lol co-washing and washing is a breeze and when you get outta the shower the only thing ur hair needs is a little moisutrizer and you let the air dry it.

I'm sitting here like what took me so long to discover this style?? This is like a god-send for me as a student.........heck as a woman!! lol I love the fact that it shows 75% of my length and to most people your hair looks like its simply loose and down but then when they get close they're like oh! cute braids! lol its seriously the best wish i had been doing this from when i was a tike, my moms coulda saved herself alota drama lol

The takedown is gonna be annoying but for two months of hassle free maintenence free hair....i can sacrifice that day, it'll be more then worth it. As a long-haired natural sometimes you need a breather! and this is it for me :yep:
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Thanx love! Honestly, those ends are just a result of me being a straightened natural for the majority of my journey :lachen:lol so essentially the top half of my hair closest to my head is 4a/4b and the bottom half of my strands look like their 3c lol so I usually twist my hair 2/3rds of the way down then I'll take a fine toothed comb and twirl it just letting the ends do what they do:yep: lol I make heat damage look good don't I?? lmaooo

Sure do! I was ready to believe that you had used a curling iron or at least a rod to set because it looks so smooth.

You are making those microbraids sound so great. I think it might be a great option during the winter when I can't cowash as often as I like because it takes so long to dry.
Thanks for sharing those fotkis.:love4: I was :drool:with desire as I poured over each pic. Then I realized, I just took down one month's worth of individuals (15 hrs. in/12 hrs. out) :peek::badidea: Can't do it , but beautiful to see though.;)
Sure do! I was ready to believe that you had used a curling iron or at least a rod to set because it looks so smooth.

You are making those microbraids sound so great. I think it might be a great option during the winter when I can't cowash as often as I like because it takes so long to dry.
Yes exactly once it get's cold I'll probably co-wash just once a week and just at night so it can be mostly dry by the time I wake up

Thanks for sharing those fotkis.:love4: I was :drool:with desire as I poured over each pic. Then I realized, I just took down one month's worth of individuals (15 hrs. in/12 hrs. out) :peek::badidea: Can't do it , but beautiful to see though.;)
lol i feel you, were those extensions because this was done on my natural hair with no hair added....

Beautiful hair...I really liked the Fro Hawk, that style was too cute!

Congrats on getting into school! :grin:
thanx hun!! I'm excited to be going. Loved that look too It was a show-stopper you have to be comfortable with all eyes being on you when you rock that style its a statement even for New York lol I think its moreso when you're hair is long and natural every kinky style is that much more exaggerated....*shrugs* meh well, I love it! its a very chic look :yep:
ri-freaking-diculous! i love your hair and the thickness! our hair looks similar and im gonna check for you for style ideas. make some youtube tutorials if you can, please

hey welcome! what an awesome head of hair you have!!
what kind of oil do you use to detangle in the shower?
:welcome: to the forum. Your hair is beautiful.
thanx sweety:blush3:

ri-freaking-diculous! i love your hair and the thickness! our hair looks similar and im gonna check for you for style ideas. make some youtube tutorials if you can, please

Thanx love! I HAVE made video tutorials I shot like 60 videos every one keeps begging me to post but I'm over here being a perfectionist tryna learn all the cool effects b4 I post even 1 video:rolleyes: I'm a mess. I'm really gonna do my best to post them even if their bare bones.....I'm really proud of them i did a straightening tutorial, i recorded myself twisting, braid-out, doing these pixies, deep condish you name it. I shall get my life together shortly don't worry lol:yep:

hey welcome! what an awesome head of hair you have!!
what kind of oil do you use to detangle in the shower?
Thanx hun!! I use whatever's convenient for most of the summer it was extra virgin olive oil that I was always using but now I'm using BB growth oil as long as its thick and liquidy it'll do the job, it really makes all the difference in detangling for me :grin:
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"lol i feel you, were those extensions because this was done on my natural hair with no hair added...."- BlackMasterPiece

I had extensions, but my new growth and shed hairs were ridiculous after only one month (I know what would happen if I went back into any kind of braids other than large ones or cornrows) The fact that those were natural is what makes them so unique and beautiful (but I didn't miss out on the comments about taking them out/switching them over)