Making ends look sleek


Well-Known Member
Okay-- I think I still have some overprocessed ends because they haven't really been behaving for my rollersets. It seems to me that when you go to a stylist,they know how to make even the most damaged hair look healthy. Okay, so until I grow out all overprocessed and less than perfect hair, I want to be able to do this as well.

Allandra (hey girl /images/graemlins/wave.gif) had suggested a serum or oil on the ends to help my ends. I tried oil but I think I may have to go back to magnetic rollers because it's easier to smooth against the roller.

I also think, however that I might need one of those serums or something to help my ends "appear" healthier than they are. I haven't finished my experimentation with the oil and rollersetting but want to have a recommendation on standby.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Davinne, my all time favourite is Keracare Silken Seal. Not the spray but the actual serum in the bottle.

Apply to wet hair, obviously concentrating on the ends only.

Use a fine tooth comb to comb through each hair section and sleek against each rollar !
By any chance, is your rollersetting routine posted on the board here anywhere? Let me know.

Do you use oil at all?

Tracy uses some pretty good serums. Maybe she can recommend one for you. When I roller set, I only use magnetic rollers. They always make my ends smooth and sleek. I also make sure that I have enough leave-in conditioner on all of my hair and keep my spray bottle of water handy (so my hair can remain wet as I roller set).
<font color="purple"> Daviine,
Besides making sure that your ends are wet when roller setting, I've found that applying IC Fantasia hair polish to my hair when wet or dry makes my ends look really healthy. Also a light coat of wild growth oil always leaves my hair very shiny and soft feeling even when damaged. I hope this helps a little /images/graemlins/smile.gif </font>
I agee about the magnetic rollers. I sometimes use the wire mesh rollers...but I found I have an easier time keeping the ends smooth when I stick to the magnetic rollers. There's nothing for your ends to cling to with the wire mesh(but they dry so much faster). I've come to the conclusion that if I want a smooth rollerset I need to stick to the magnetic rollers. I also use a little of my pomade on my ends..that may be contributing to the smoothness. Also I coat my hair with a heavy leave in(on soaking wet hair) Then I apply both Lottabody Creme(pomade on the ends)as I roll each section(not before)...I get better results this way then if I apply the setting creme and pomade on my entire head of hair before rolling...does that make sense?
Hmmmmm........even on dry hair? This may be worth a trip to Sally's...especially since I can return it if I don't like it (if I don't lose the receipt again /images/graemlins/blush.gif)
Yes that makes sense. I was oiling my hair section by section. Except, yesterday I was rushing and talking and afterwards I realized that I on some sections, I oiled more the length than the ends so not sure if that was a factor.

Rollersetiing is such a have to watch all your variables to make sure you can pinpoint your screwups!!! /images/graemlins/perplexed.gif /images/graemlins/rofl.gif

Edited to add:

And I like the wire mesh rollers becasue of the drying factor. I am really trying hard to make this work without having to switch to the magnetic rollers. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Hey Daviine. /images/graemlins/wave.gif

I agree with what everyone said here. I found the Fantasia IC serum to be very good (Razac's is good too). It was especially helpful this summer because I suffer from frizzy hair a lot.

I know you hate the magnetic rollers, but they are really good for making the hair sleek.
Hi, Daviine!

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
And I like the wire mesh rollers becasue of the drying factor. I am really trying hard to make this work without having to switch to the magnetic rollers.

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Have you tried any of the plastic mesh rollers? This might help you with keeping the drying time down and having your hair lay flat and smooth on the roller. Goody makes these and you should be able to find them at a drugstore. They sell two sizes here in VA at the local Rite Aid. Sally's also carries these.

If you are not familiar with these, visualize this: very hard plastic roller (much more rigid than the plastic magnetic) with holes all over the roller.

Definitely check with Tracy...definitely.


Hi Daviine,

I can tell you that when I was relaxed that the wire mesh rollers used to always make my ends crinkly, even when I used end papers. I think you are right about going back to the magnetic rollers because when I used them also, my ends looked a lot better.

As far as ends are concerned the Beverly Johnson's Constant Care for Ends really works great. Although, I'm natural now the hardest thing to get straight is my ends and I use it sometimes it not only does it gets them straight, it puts a lot of moisture on the ends.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
daviine said:
Okay-- I think I still have some overprocessed ends because they haven't really been behaving for my rollersets. It seems to me that when you go to a stylist,they know how to make even the most damaged hair look healthy. Okay, so until I grow out all overprocessed and less than perfect hair, I want to be able to do this as well.

Allandra (hey girl /images/graemlins/wave.gif) had suggested a serum or oil on the ends to help my ends. I tried oil but I think I may have to go back to magnetic rollers because it's easier to smooth against the roller.

I also think, however that I might need one of those serums or something to help my ends "appear" healthier than they are. I haven't finished my experimentation with the oil and rollersetting but want to have a recommendation on standby.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


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My ends are overprocessed. I like using a leave-in conditioner which contains oils (aroci) and roller setting my hair on the plastic rollers while dripping wet. This keeps my ends smooth. After drying I spray a little more leave-in conditioner, seal with an oil (all while hair is wrapped).
Thanks for your reply ladies. I do have one concern though. The girl at Sally's said she stopped using serums because they made her hair dry. Has anyone experieinced this or does anyone have any tips to combat this?

AmilLion--I will try once with wire mesh rollers and serum. I will also try the magnetic rollers w/o the serum and just the oil and see what happens.

I bought the Fanatsia Hair Polish but it's so huge. I wanted a smaller so that I could have an excuse to buy another one soon. A little goes such a long way and this bottle is huge for a hair polish....... /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif

I'll probably buy another one anyway. /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
Hi baby...:) didn't see this post.

Yes - I am the queen of silicone. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif Where's my crown? On top of my shiny hair!

I like these:

Diamond Drops by African Royale
Fantasia IC
Smooth &amp; Shine Light Serum
Kerastase Oleo Relax Serum

They all have different wieghts but are still on the lighter side of the spectrum. I use the Fantasia and Razac mostly when I'm wearing my hair curly to keep frizzies at bay (in conjunction with the Dudley's Product - which incidentally I also found to appear to thick and did not use for 2 months because of this. One I tried it I was hooked. Just wanted to mention that). I use the others on dry hair for shine or on wet hair to rollerset.

I think if you ever decide to try the magnetic rollers (I know you're trying to stay with the mesh) that you'll notice a marked improvement. The texture of the roller is what allows my hair to dry so smooth and I agree with the Hair Parliament here /images/graemlins/grin.gif it is MUCH easier to get your wet ends to lay flat to smooth rollers than a roller with a textured surface.

As to the dryness issue - as with everything else it affects different people different ways. Some people experience an almost over-sealing effet with silicones - the silicone blocks moisture from entering the hair shaft when you condition and sometimes the build up alone is enough to send people running. Not so for me. And maybe not so for you....try it and see. Any dryness? Dead 'em and move on... /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Good Luck. /images/graemlins/wink.gif /images/graemlins/kiss.gif
how are you liking the fantasia serum? i used to use aphogee's and loved it. it made my hair shine kept the hair in place and smoothed out the hair. i havent bought it in years mainly because i was in and out of braids and also all the talk about silicone and stuff made me view it as the enemy. i want to try it on wet hair to help keep the ends unfrizzy when i airdry. does this make a difference if you use a flat iron? i want to airdry and then to make sure the hair is completely smooth i want to go over it with a flat iron. would the serum interfer? God bless you all.
I bought the Hair Polish not the serum. What's the difference? I tied some of the Hair Polisher on my dry ends and I didn't notice anything great...I think I was expecting too much.

However, I think all my hair needed was water so I'm probably going to return it. I'm not sure yet though. I have to do a rollerset and see what heppens then.