Make This Fun... Signs Your Relationship Is Doomed


Well-Known Member
1.Even with lubricant you are drier than a sahara desert when its time to color.
2. You wonder how much money you can get for your wedding rinng
3. You work overtime just because

4. You refuse to buy lingerie.. like what's the point dry coloring=nothing
5. you wish you had a magic wand to make the person disappear
6. when they leave the house it's like paradise.. even a few hours is worth it.
7. when your single friends complain, you want to yell, "Are you kidding me", just get a sperm sample and store it to get pregnant, being a baby momma is more acceptable these days.
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He asks you for a divorce so that he can marry his friends sister, "just to prevent her from being deported"; and says he'll re-marry you as soon as her status is resolved.

You no-longer want to groom Ms Kitty though you know he really likes it groomed. Secretly you're hoping the change will keep him away.
-When it annoys you when he calls. So u personalize your ringtone, by putting his number on silent.

- when watching him eat makes you angry.

- you'd probably enjoy kissing your wall more.

- when u try setting him up on someone else or suggesting other girls/types he'd be better suited for. Yes, y'all still together.

- u start turning down invites to his family events or any event. Don't care who is offended.

Man, being with someone you don't want is mad draining. Best to just call it quits when u KNOW u don't want dude no more. Waste of time and energy.
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- When the thought of spending the rest of your life with someone makes you cry
- When attempting to plan a wedding makes your stomach quake and sends you to the bathroom
- When you take your time on grocery trips, or even long conversations in a car parked outside your home, to put off the inevitable of walking through the door.
- you'd probably enjoy kissing your wall more.

- when u try setting him up on someone else or suggesting other girls/types he'd be better suited for. Yes, y'all still together.

- u start turning down invites to his family events or any events. Don't care who is offended.

Been there, done that :lol:

When you let out an audible sigh whenever he:

-Open his mouth to speak
-Or comes through the door
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When he shows up to your apartment drunk and you refuse to let him inside. On your way to the gym in the morning, you open your door, step over his drunken passed out body, and head to the elevator without a second thought.

When you pick fights with his mother, hoping she'll force him to break up with you. Unfortunately it backfires and she ends up loving you more.

Everytime you argue, over any little thing, he begins to loudly cry and sob over the thought of losing you, until you shake your head and walk away in disgust.
whenever i borrow a book from a guy we are going to combust within weeks

i dont know how

i dont know why

thats just the way it happens :lol:

I just remembered (i.e. Flashback) that the song "Lean On Me" was either my get over it or warning that the relationship I was in was pretty much over.

Once I was riding with a (on again/off again) long time love interest when the song played on the radio (Mid-90's). I chuckled and he asked why. When I told him why, he got a lil'indignat was like: "You DON'T tell nobody that"; I shrugged and said it is what it is....... As he changed the station. Honestly I can't say how long it was before we broke up but I can say the finale was "EPIC".
  • The sound of him breathing makes you grit your teeth
  • Everything that comes out of his mouth sounds like whining.
  • You'd rather watch mindless tv than actually have a conversation with him
  • His friends tell you they'd still kick it even if y'all break up
  • His family members tell you you're better off without him
You hope he doesn't ask you for any
If he does, it's better if your tipsy beforehand
You can easily see a future without him
You feel nothing when he's affectionate -- actually, you feel pity and bad that you don't feel the same
You wish he'd be the one to just break it off so you're not the bad guy