Major setback....BIg Chopped thinking of not going natural and relaxing...


Well-Known Member
Well unfourntately i had a very major set back...all my efforts of going natural, the stress of relocating and finding a job, and braids and a sewin..has set me hair looked like it did before i chopped it off last year....caused alot of breakage....

I had to cut my hair short again....i guess this would be a Big Chop....

I still have not relaxed but from the looks of my hair im really leaning towards wanting to get a relaxer....

I went to Too Groovy today because i knew this would be the only way to go because I didnt want to relax and wantd to see where i only complaint is that my hair is so so soft(so flyaways is happening) and i look like i need a relaxer....i dont know what to do....the cut is okay...but im more used to a more tailored cut then this...

does anyone have any suggestions of what i should do??? because im so so lost right now :(

i have updated pics of my cut in my album....
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I am sorry for your set back. But I looked at your album and before you know it you will get your length back.

The cut is beautiful.

As to whether or not to relax, you have to do what is best for you and your hair.

Good luck.
thank you i mean i didnt have that much of major long length but i did come far from the beginning of my 1st cut...but thats okay i'll think of something and work this out for the best...but i know one thing no more weaves and braids for me...
I say go back to the wigs. You are my wig inspiration, I never wore wigs before seeing how well they worked for you and others here on LHCF. You look(ed) so cute in your wig pics too:). You seemed like you were doing fine with the wigs. The sew-ins and braids seem to be the problem. If you really really want to relax then I guess you could do it, but I think you should just give your hair a rest for a few months and see how you feel after that. Your new cut looks cute too. I have had many setbacks too, you just have to pick yourself up and try again.
bluediamond0829 said:
I went to Too Groovy today because i knew this would be the only way to go because I didnt want to relax and wantd to see where i only complaint is that my hair is so so soft(so flyaways is happening) and i look like i need a relaxer....i dont know what to do....the cut is okay...but im more used to a more tailored cut then this...

does anyone have any suggestions of what i should do??? because im so so lost right now :(
Hmmmmm, what made you think that Too Groovy was the only way to go? Perhaps you SHOULD try balisi.
hopeful said:
I say go back to the wigs. You are my wig inspiration, I never wore wigs before seeing how well they worked for you and others here on LHCF. You look(ed) so cute in your wig pics too:). You seemed like you were doing fine with the wigs. The sew-ins and braids seem to be the problem. If you really really want to relax then I guess you could do it, but I think you should just give your hair a rest for a few months and see how you feel after that. Your new cut looks cute too. I have had many setbacks too, you just have to pick yourself up and try again.

thank you so much for your kind are right i do have tons of wigs in my closet and new ones that i have yet to put on...what i'll most likely end up doing because i dont think my hair is going to hold up tomorrow morning with me exercising anyway is putting on a wig to least i'll be in the AC working so it wont be that bad wearing it...and then wait and keep getting it treated....and start using some of the growth aids i have hidden away in my closet and see how it works out....
balisi said:
Hmmmmm, what made you think that Too Groovy was the only way to go? Perhaps you SHOULD try balisi.

I dont know i guess hearing some of the good things about them...i still have your number so ill probably be giving you a call next weekend maybe sooner if you dont have any appointments lined up because i know this do is not going to hold up...i need to see what we can be done because i dont know if im even going to stick with going natural right about now from the looks of my head...

i just pm'd you....
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Awww...(((Bluediamond)))...I can empathize on setbacks. After growing my hair in braids to a length I was happy with, I took them out and found I was all thumbs managing it out of braids. My trip to a stylist to learn how to wear it out (eg shingling) ended up losing me 5+ inches. It's been years since I've had to deal w/ my hair this short and not in braids, so I'm sorta where you are now. So we could travel this journey together if you decided to stay natural.

I don't think your head looks bad, and wigs could work as a protective style for you if you can make sure your hairline is protected when you wear them. Take your time deciding what to do. And you might just start to find positives in having your hair at every length along the way. One of the things I found myself smiling about is that now that I have short hair, I can wear a puff and not worry about all the products rubbing onto my neck and clothes. Prior to my BC, I didn't use leave-ins at all. So I never had to deal with sticky neck/ears...but since I'm trying to learn how to care for my hair out of braids this time around from this short length, I'm listening to advocates of drenching hair w/ products and I'm grateful that I can wear my hair give no thought whatsoever to my collar and whether it's soiled.

Since you can pull off wigs, why not enjoy both worlds by wearing a straight wig one day and wearing your own TWA other times. Being versatile like that might bring you so much fun. Think of the times when you had relaxed hair and wished you could pull off a do you saw on a natural sis. Or the times you were natural and wanted to wear swinging hair. You can do that w/ wigs till you decide what you really want.

Good luck this time around. May you be happy w/ your final decision.

I can understand what you're going through.

I sometimes rethink my decision about going natural too. Lately, I've been wanting to at least texturize the roots a little or maybe just leave the relaxer on my roots for about 10 minutes just to soften the curl.

Well, one thing I decided to do is to do nothing at least for the moment, until I'm 100% sure!. I want to make sure I'm making a very sound decision and not waver back and forth.

You should just take a few weeks at least to figure out the pros and cons of your decision b/c you don't want to regret it. Maybe do a lite relaxer or something, it's still better for your hair health-wise.