Maintaining Pincurls at Night? How...


At the start of BSL! Patiently waiting for full❤️
I put a few small pincurls in my hair last night, came out great in the morning. How do you sleep with your pincurls at night? Would I have to keep doing pincurls everynight to keep my style? :ohwell:
I have a satin cap that I just put on my head.
It's like a shower cap but, it is made out of satin.

I tried pincurls once, and I'm not going to do them again because they made my hair wavier then I wanted it to be. When my hair gets longer I'll try them again.

Depending on your style it'll probably last for 2 days maybe.. w/o doing pincurls.
Yup you have to do it every night. And put on a satin scarf before going to bed.
If I don't do it the second night I may or may not have pretty hair the next morning. So why risk it? LOL Just do the pincurl again.
My friend pin curls every night. When she's being really lazy she just does fewer pin curls.
Yup, every night. When I get lazy, I also just do bigger ones with more hair. Turns out crappy that way because my hair is neck length so more curls are better for me. Pin curling is a heat-free way to style your hair. I pin mine flat against my head so I can sleep with worrying about smushing my hair. I use bobby pins (I don't get dents like others do). I cover with a satin bonnet or scarf. I moisturize each curl in the a.m. and fluff the roots with my fingers and go. My hair comes out in pretty spirals See you tube vids on pin curling. That's how I learned.
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