Made it to BSL

Please share your reggie on length retention moore.1506. I am 4a/b and I always find little broken pieces popping off AND I finger detangle.

I'd be happy to share my reggie and what I try to do to keep retention:
(its kinda long so bare with me)

-Start with finger detangling put in 7 or 8 large twists
-Spray the hair to wet it slightly (sometimes I skip this)
-Spray diluted apple cider vinegar into my scalp to loosen build up
-Apply my "homemade" deep conditioner (recipe: 2 tblsp plain full fat yogurt, 1/2 can coconut milk, 1 cup coconut oil, fill the rest of the large bottle up with treseme naturals conditioner)
-Apply the deep conditioner to each twist concentrating on ends and the length apply slightly less to the roots, undo each twist when applying and redo after covered in conditioner
-Cover with a plastic bag and towel for 1 hour
-Detangle with wide tooth comb and deman brush (this can be skipped if I did a thorough finger detangling)
-After detangling reapply a little bit of conditioner and put back on bag and towel for another 30 minutes
-Get in shower and undo 1 twist at a time apply regular lathering shampoo cleanse it thoroughly once clean add a little plain conditioner and retwist
-After all twists are clean I shower then do one final rinse with water (don't undo twists)
-Just added a final rinse with the diluted apple cider vinegar (this helped with the shine also keep hair twisted during this part
-Untwist one twist at a time apply kinky curly leave in conditioner break each twist into four sections and apply shea butter mixture (shea butter, coconut oil, olive oil, EO for smell)
-I might braid the twists to stretch them
-Don't do alot of maintenance during the week might put it up in a high bun at night or low bun and cover with a bonnet
-Diet // green juice for breakfast, usually only drink water, take multivitamin everyday along with fertility supplements, drastically cut down fast food, drastically cut down carbs use almost no bleached white carbs, eat kale chips for snack instead of potato chips

I think the shine is due to some new steps I added
-Add coconut co wash (as I am) after detangling
-Rinse with diluted AVC before getting out of shower
-Wash with a mud wash not a lathering shampoo
-leave in added glycerin, olive oil and avc
-spray water and glycerin mixture every other night and apply a quarter size shea mixture to whole head

-Moving more and more towards finger detangling I loose less hair this way
-Keeping my hair in 3 week protective styles, or up in a bun
-Don't do hair when im angry or tired
-Go very slowly with tangles try to get them out if I can't cut them out
-Don't do detangling in the shower I seem to loose alot of hair that way
-Don't manipulate too much the longer I leave it in a protective style the less hair I seem to loose
-Use Henna every 3 months or so
-Be very gentle with my hair cause its so thin it snaps when I pull it
Don't fret or worry. You look like you are about 3.5 inches from your waist, maybe 4 inches maximum.

Hope this answers the reggie question :yep:

Based upon your info above, that still works out. Why? Because you are considering hiding your hair for next year, which is 12 months, right? If your hair grows close to .5 inches a month, that means within 6 to 12 months, you WILL be at waist length if not beyond it! :grin:

Claim waist length for 2014. That is neither wishful thinking on my part, nor is it polite discourse. Your current progress is a testament of your past and your future success to be. Just continue what you have been doing. You'll see. And so we'll we. Please post your results when you hit waist length next year in 2014. :yep:

Thank you so much for the kind words! This is helping me lean towards going ahead and hiding my hair for the next year. :drunk:
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Congrats! You're definitely MBL. I like that you included your diet. A healthy inside promotes healthy hair.
Gorgeous hair!

You are the kind of natural that makes me think of throwing my relaxer in the trash! I think I have a texture similar to yours.:yep:

And yes, you need to update the thread title. You look MBL to me too.

Good luck hiding your hair!
I agree now looking at the pics I may be mbl! :grin:
I guess I just feel like its only bsl cause the front and middle pieces don't hit the bra line yet.

Great progress!

How do you wear it day-to-day?

Day to day i wear it in buns cause I hate wearing my hair down during work. But I usually take it out of the bun as soon as I get home. I usually redo the bun every morning.