Made a huge mistake. Relaxed again (long)


New Member
As I am typing tears are falling from my face :crying3:. After 2 1/2 years of transtioning I ran back to a relaxer. Here's the story I took my braids down and I had an apt. to get them redone but the lady who braids my hair stood me up ( I know very unprofessional) she called me two days later and told me she moved to Georgia.

So I'm left with all this thick natural hair and totally clueless on how to style it. I tried to recreate the styles of babyblue and mel , who's hair I adore so much but I couldn't do it. Everytime I would try to twist it up little balls of hair would come out. Whenever I wet it and combed it hair would come out. I tried to do a braid out with about 15 braids I would unraval them and hair would come out. I couldn't understand this because I washed, conditioned, moisturized and used a wide toothed comb also my hair was soft.

So out of an act of desperation I called my old stylist and she fit me in that same day for a virgin relaxar. When I was at the salon I felt numb, I didn't feel anything. When she called my name and proceed to put the cape on and started mixing the Affirm-no lye relaxer I felt nothing. After she was finished my head felt so light and diffrent, not in a good way. I came home and looked in the mirror and I didn't reconize my self. I wanted to cry but I couldn't it was done.

What finally broke me down was when I went to seem my mom and she burst out crying and said your hair is beautiful but this is not you and I just let it out. Had my good cry and came to the realization once again that permed hair is not for me. I would never go so far as to look down on someone who is relaxed never in a milllion years women of color are all beautiful, relaxed, natural, or texturized.

So I am going to transtion all over again and chop it off in january that would be seven months. I am going to Big chop this time so I don't use braids as a crutch not to deal with my natural texture. I know for me all of that hair I had to deal with all of a sudden at one time was too overwhelming. So gruadually I am going to embrace my texture.

On a final note the same albums inspired me before mel,babyblue, nay several others continue to inspire me today. So anyone who is in my shoes stop and think before you relax again there is a reason you trasioned in the first place. Just wanted to share my story God bless :ohwell:
*hugs* im sorry youre feeling so down....its tough when you feel like you have no choice :( you'll be okay though....7 months FLIES by, and before you know it, you'll be rockin the BAA and inspiring someone else!
superstar said:
As I am typing tears are falling from my face :crying3:. After 2 1/2 years of transtioning I ran back to a relaxer. Here's the story I took my braids down and I had an apt. to get them redone but the lady who braids my hair stood me up ( I know very unprofessional) she called me two days later and told me she moved to Georgia.

So I'm left with all this thick natural hair and totally clueless on how to style it. I tried to recreate the styles of babyblue and mel , who's hair I adore so much but I couldn't do it. Everytime I would try to twist it up little balls of hair would come out. Whenever I wet it and combed it hair would come out. I tried to do a braid out with about 15 braids I would unraval them and hair would come out. I couldn't understand this because I washed, conditioned, moisturized and used a wide toothed comb also my hair was soft.

So out of an act of desperation I called my old stylist and she fit me in that same day for a virgin relaxar. When I was at the salon I felt numb, I didn't feel anything. When she called my name and proceed to put the cape on and started mixing the Affirm-no lye relaxer I felt nothing. After she was finished my head felt so light and diffrent, not in a good way. I came home and looked in the mirror and I didn't reconize my self. I wanted to cry but I couldn't it was done.

What finally broke me down was when I went to seem my mom and she burst out crying and said your hair is beautiful but this is not you and I just let it out. Had my good cry and came to the realization once again that permed hair is not for me. I would never go so far as to look down on someone who is relaxed never in a milllion years women of color are all beautiful, relaxed, natural, or texturized.

So I am going to transtion all over again and chop it off in january that would be seven months. I am going to Big chop this time so I don't use braids as a crutch not to deal with my natural texture. I know for me all of that hair I had to deal with all of a sudden at one time was too overwhelming. So gruadually I am going to embrace my texture.

On a final note the same albums inspired me before mel,babyblue, nay several others continue to inspire me today. So anyone who is in my shoes stop and think before you relax again there is a reason you trasioned in the first place. Just wanted to share my story God bless :ohwell:

Big hugs to ya! I just wanted to encourage you in your journey. We all have set backs whether it's a cut,color, or relaxer. But, I must say that I am proud of how you are planning the next leg of your journey. To take our naturality in small bites, as so not to be overwhelmed by all of it's beautiful glory! I too am natural, a little over 3yrs. My biggest setback came w/ a hair cut that I got after I let the stylest press my hair. She cut 3-5 inches off all over to create a really cute flippy style. After 2-3 days, I got sick of the style, and wanted back all the hair that I'd grown. Oh well. So now we are both growing out our hair. Keep us updated w/ all your joys and trials! We will all be here for you I am sure! :)
Shatani said:
*hugs* im sorry youre feeling so down....its tough when you feel like you have no choice :( you'll be okay though....7 months FLIES by, and before you know it, you'll be rockin the BAA and inspiring someone else!

I agree! ***HUG***

We've all learned a thing or two during our own personal journey. You're not alone.:)
We learn from our mistakes. I'm sure you will never forget how you felt when you relaxed again. If the situation comes up again, you wont take that route. You already even have a plan so that you dont end up in the situation. Thats growth, thats great progress. Some people never learn from their mistakes. I'm not going to try to placate you and say "its just hair" because our hair is personal to us. A bad hair day can sometimes throw you for a major loop when you want to look good for an important event. It's part of our identities, and people respond to us and make judgements about us, and we do about ourselves to a certain extent and you have made a major investment in time caring for it during your transition. However IT WILL GROW BACK, and you will be more knowledgeable, and you will have just as much support here from LHCF. Things will get better. You did it before, you can do it again and LHCF will be here for you through all the ups and downs. I hope you feel better soon. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck with your next transition!! :)

::In my Donnie McClurkin Voice:: We fall down....but we get up.... :) ::hugs::
Thanks for sharing your story with us. It has inspired me personally to keep on transitioning. My texture is kinda weird right now and I don't know if I'm gonna be able to handle it. I'm gonna try like heck to ixnay the relaxer! We got 'cha back here,okay?
I just wanted to give you a big ((((((((((hug)))))))). Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm sure you will encourage someone else with your story.

We all go through those times of "I hate my hair" or "I don't know what to do with my hair." Hopefully, soon you will find the combination of products/techniques that make you really be in sync with your hair and what works for you.
Hugs for you!!!! I have a friend going through this. And like Shatani said 7 months will fly by and you'll be back in your naturalsphere!
Superstar (((hugs))) you will be okay. As you see your newgrowth coming in you'll feel better little by little :). I think right now it's really stressful because you just did it and you dont see one bit of your natural hair on your head. Dont worry as it starts to grow out you'll feel much better. Just like someone else mentioned the time flies by. I just chopped in November and i reached my 6 months natural a few weeks ago so trust me it flies by. If you need to pm or chat when you feel a little down just drop a line. We all know that you can do it ;). I hope you feel better soon. -- jainygirl
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:::BIG HUGS:::. I know how hard it is to suffer major setbacks like this. Im sure we have all done something to our hair that we regretted at some point in our lives. I went through the same situation a couple of years ago so try not to beat yourself up about it. Just look forward to the opportunity of having a second chance with your natural hair again. This time will be easier because you have more knowledge and plenty of support. when you eventually decide to chop, taking care of your hair will become much easier because as your hair grows and you familiarize yourself with the different products and techniques that work for your hair, you will get more comfortable with styling as your hair goes through its many different stages. good luck and i hope you feel better! :)
Superstar, you were so brave and sweet to share your story. Your new growth will be showing up soon. I bc'd six weeks after my last relaxer and even though my hair was short, it wasn't that short. And it was so nice and thick. So just hold on, good luck and thanks so much for sharing.:kiss: :Rose:
Girl, I've been there. I remember having my hair pressed, or 'burnt' straight by someone. I had swingin' silky shinny straight natural hair for a month. After I finally washed it out, it was a disaster. My hair was thinned, matting, tangling, and falling out. After being natural already for 2 years, I really felt silly for making such a mistake. But you know what, after 3 years since, I haven't made that mistake again and my hair has continued growing. I've surpassed my 1st growth goal, shoulder-length. I had to remember the reason why I'm natural and therefore learned what I could be doing to maintain my goal of 'healthy' natural hair, rather than things to hinder it. I've now learned that when I'm feeling like I'm just hating my hair or it's not acting right, I put it in braids. I've been in braids since last October, lol.

You're moving in the right direction. Once your hair starts growing again, you'll never forget what you learned :)