MacherieHair - Since when did those rollers become French?!

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Well-Known Member
I love her videos and hair. I remember a couple years ago reading threads about her business and how she charges your first unborn son and a strand of hair for DNA to join. But today's video REALLY cracked me up!!! How she gonna do a rollerset using those OLD OLD OLDDDD SCHOOL mesh rollers and say they're only available in France (but of course now, they are available thru her business, right?!)

Chile, please....if you don't go down to your local BSS or better yet, yo' grandmama's closet and get you some! :lachen:
Actually they are a little different. The wire mesh rollers here in the states outer covering is not as fine. The coils are also a bit flimsy compared to the ones I currently have by the manufacturer Diane. The ones I have (since the 80's :look:) are way more rigid. The french mesh rollers coils are also more rigid.

I've seen recent mesh rollers with brushes in them. Why they are in there I have no idea why.

ETA: You can find them at this site:,0,1.htm
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Actually they are a little different. The wire mesh rollers here in the states outer covering is not as fine. The coils are also a bit flimsy compared to the ones I currently have by the manufacturer Diane. The ones I have (since the 80's :look:) are way more rigid.

I've seen recent mesh rollers with brushes in them. Why they are in there I have no idea why.

I just bought some last year by Diane.
I just bought some last year by Diane.

Did they have those brushes in them? I bought a pack by Diane awhile ago and wasn't too pleased with them. They were very flimsy and the covering was not right. I had to dig in my old bag for my older ones.
Did they have those brushes in them? I bought a pack by Diane awhile ago and wasn't too pleased with them. They were very flimsy and the covering was not right. I had to dig in my old bag for my older ones.

Nope, no brushes. The bigger ones do feel "flimsier" than the smaller sizes.
Actually they are a little different. The wire mesh rollers here in the states outer covering is not as fine. The coils are also a bit flimsy compared to the ones I currently have by the manufacturer Diane. The ones I have (since the 80's :look:) are way more rigid. The french mesh rollers coils are also more rigid.

I've seen recent mesh rollers with brushes in them. Why they are in there I have no idea why.

ETA: You can find them at this site:,0,1.htm
You're absolutely right. The ones that you can find in the States are flimsy and not very durable - they are easier to sleep on though.
I loved her and got into her around the same time as Ateya but gave her the side eye when I found out she learned everything from LHCF and charges a ridiculous fee.
See I don't mind people using YT to promote their business, in fact I think its smart marketing. But at least be "selling" something original! I just think she made them look super exclusive and you have to order from her site, and I wouldn't be surprised if to order from her site you first have to be a member....its like OMG really?!?! You really feel good about yourself doing all of that when you started on a free or damn near free site?!
I remember her from here. I haven't visited her site in years. I did not realize that she was charging people now.
Actually they are a little different. The wire mesh rollers here in the states outer covering is not as fine. The coils are also a bit flimsy compared to the ones I currently have by the manufacturer Diane. The ones I have (since the 80's :look:) are way more rigid. The french mesh rollers coils are also more rigid.

I've seen recent mesh rollers with brushes in them. Why they are in there I have no idea why.

ETA: You can find them at this site:,0,1.htm

Just to help,0_2085,0,1.htm
Monthly Membership is $9.99 per month
Quarterly Membership is $24.99 per 3 month quarter
Annual Membership is $99.99


Does she have like a trial free, "see if you like it day"? I just wanna be nosey :look:

I love her hair though. I discovered her silk wrap video through AOL Black Voices, then her free blog, then LHCF.

ETA: yeah....those do look like those rollers you see everyday. But the results! :drool:
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MaCherie needs to stop it. She doesn't even allow comments under her video cuz she knows she's full of it and doesn't want anyone calling her out, lol.

But hey, I can't hate on her. She realized that she could profit off of black people's ignorance and laziness to search online and learn how to take care of their hair on their own and overtime. She is really playing on the people who want a one-stop shop for hair care info and I guess she provides it...just in the form of a ridiculous price fee.
Monthly Membership is $9.99 per month
Quarterly Membership is $24.99 per 3 month quarter
Annual Membership is $99.99


99.99 could get me 15 years worth of LHCF... i could relax tommorrow, transition 3x, BC again and still get to WL...that is crazy...i wish i knew who was paying for her memberships so i could sucker them out of some money too.:look:
99.99 could get me 15 years worth of LHCF... i could relax tommorrow, transition 3x, BC again and still get to WL...that is crazy...i wish i knew who was paying for her memberships so i could sucker them out of some money too.:look:

You will need a competitive price. Charge $99.95 and watch the money roll in. :giggle:
I always used those rollers growing up and yes, when we bought them they had brushes in them that we always pulled out and threw away. I think that the brushes are ideal for straight hair that would otherwise slide off the roller and that of course wont' cling to it like velcro...

Her hair looks great. She's lucky no one ever messed up her relaxer. I don't see how some people act like relaxers are so evil when their are people with nice results like hers. A good example of someone who is her own best marketing tool.
What length is Macherie's hair now? Is she MBL, WL? She seems to maintain at the same sort of length but I've not seen any update of her hair in ages. I know that some LHCF ladies are also members on Macherie's site - so spill the beans please! :D
I would love to know what is so great about her website that she is charging those prices?

Are there any LHCF members who are members over there also? If so please chime in:yep:
I'm not sure but the original video that she refers to the mesh rollers as being a special roller from France has been around for years..I remember watching it and wanting to try mesh rollers. That was about 3-4 years ago..
I would love to try them but there is no way I am paying that much for rollers right now. I know they pay for themselves in the long run but.....

I have the ones from the BSS and the wire moves too much.

Her hair looks good. It looks like she is not relaxing as straight as before

I'm looking for them on line.

The ones in the link that was put look like the ones in the BSS.
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