LynnieB...Where are You???

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
I haven't seen you in quite sometime and I hope all is well. I miss seeing your beautiful, thick, lusicous locks!!

Come help a sista out....:grin:

I miss her, too. Last time I read her posts she was saying she was in the political forum and doing campaign work.
Man I miss her too. I did notice that her Fotki stated she was taking a hair hiatus to focus on political issues. Hope she comes back real soon. :ohwell:
Hey Ladies!!! It's great to be back after a little hair break! I've been doing nothing but braid-outs for months now LOL so absolutely nothing new there.

Worked my butt volunteering for the O campaign and spent alot of time on political sites staying on top of issues :blush: Had to try to counter and dispel the ignorance that runs rampant here in NC. We're in the BLUE now so I'm happy about that!

I logged in only to find my sub had lapsed in the meantime and now that that's all straightened out, Imma have to get all caught up on the happenings around here slowly but surely :grin:

Thanks for the shout-out N&W and I appreciate you ladies' kind words!!

I didn't realize how much I've missed the boards so glad to see you all!

Hope you all are doing well?
lol, your hair is crazy.

My bf did a double take with this expression on his face : :shocked: because he saw how thick and big her hair is, it was blown out in that pic.

Now, that is some powerful hair :lol:
Welcome back! You're a stronger person than me to be missing for so long. When the board is down one day, I throw a hissy fit!:lachen: I'm addicted to LHCF!:yep:
LB welcome back! Thanks for all your help with campaining for the ONE! Still over here drooling over your hair.