Lye Relaxers

Can someone tell me the actual difference between lye and no lye relaxers and which do you prefer between the two? Can you also name some lye relaxers?
Lye relaxers contain the active ingredient sodium hydroxide while no lye relaxers contain the active ingredient of a calcium, guanine, or there's one other one hydroxide. Motions relaxer systems are lye, Mizani and Affirm are some examples of some other lye relaxers. Usually the relaxers in a box are no lye ones.

I have used both types in my long history of relaxed hair and I like lye better. Visit Sistaslick's profile. She should have links to her articles that she wrote on the differences between lye and no lye relaxers.
I prefer Lye relaxers because it seems like my hair is much less dry in the long run. I have tried a couple lye relaxers in the past but my favorite so far is the ORS Lye Relxer! Its the one I used for my senior prom (the pic is in my signature) and it made my hair feel silky when I washed it out and my relxed hair continued to be in a pretty good condition. If you use this relaxer I would use the Neutralizing poo that comes in a big green bottle with dark green writing and the ORS Replenishing Conditioner mixed with a little Roux Porosity Control. Here's pics of everything: