Lye or no-lye relaxers?


New Member
I've been reading posts and I see that alot of people seem to be using lye relaxers. From the time I was younger, I have always been told that lye is not good but never knew why. What is the difference between the two products and which is better?
I don't remember the difference between the two, but I do know that even though a lot of the no-lye relaxers supposedly contain lye. I don't think you can relax hair without lye although I may be wrong.
No-lye is a marketing lie

Basically a lye relaxer is Sodium Hydroxide based. A no-lye is genarally Calcium Hydroxide, sometimes Guanadine Hydroxide. Either way these are both derivatives of lye and both are drying in their chemical makeup, which is what makes them more drying to the hair.

Yes I agree with the previous post...I used Lye for years and when no-lye relaxers first started coming out, i had on put in professionally and I immediately experienced dryness...personally I will never use no-lye again.
Lye (by nature) is less drying. It takes much more work to keep no lye relaxed hair moisturized (in most cases). This is not to say that it will not work for you.