Lush's "CaCa" Henna


New Member
There's a few threads about this however, none really goes in detail on how it's used. I got 3 blocks of Caca Noir yesterday when I was in Lush and Im not sure of how much I should use and with what, the SA said for really intense dark results, to use coffee, I forgot to ask whether i should use ground coffee or liquid form. Ive never done the henna thing before so I have alot of lame questions :ohwell:

anyone who has willing to share how they use it and such. I have fine hair abd about shoulder length. Also let us know how you like it, pros and cons.

i read in one of the henna threads to use LIQUID coffee...the grounded coffee just gets stuck in your hair and makes the wash out process more difficult

(consider the coffee similiar to a herb: isn't it much easier to use a herb tea rinse rather than throwing the herbs straight into your hair?)

HTH :)
I use Lush's henna as well

I use a cheese grater to grate the henna into a fine powder. I use 2 small blocks for my SL hair.

I use hot tap water instead of boiling water because it can ruin the indigo that's in the henna.

Blend with a wisk. Add to hair.

Saran wrap or use a plastic cap for a deep brown hair or leave out for blue black hair(just be mindful of the dried henna falling out)
I use Lush's henna as well

I use a cheese grater to grate the henna into a fine powder. I use 2 small blocks for my SL hair.

I use hot tap water instead of boiling water because it can ruin the indigo that's in the henna.

Blend with a wisk. Add to hair.

Saran wrap or use a plastic cap for a deep brown hair or leave out for blue black hair(just be mindful of the dried henna falling out)

Thaks so much for helping. You use 2 blocks or 2 squares. The one I got is like a block with 3 you get what I mean? :ohwell:
why is it called caca? I woudln't trust anything labelled caca......
french / creole / spanish speakers, you get me?
I used a bar of CaCa Brun back in February. I posted what I did somewhere else so I'll copy and paste here for you. My method is a tad unconventional though, I think.

"Well, they are made like a big *** chocolate bar. There are 6 indented squares on each bar.

It's more than also has cocoa butter, coffee grounds and some random spices in it. I broke those apart, put them in a crockpot turned on low, boiled some water in a tea kettle, and poured it over the bars in the crockpot. I added about 1/4 cup olive oil so it would be more yogurty consistency and less grainy. I wasn't trying to spend 20 million years rinsing grounds out my head. I let them simmer until it was all melted down and let it sit out for about 12 hours to release the color.

Right before I applied I reheated it in a plastic container set in boiling water. I transferred to a large applicator bottle, stood in the tub and applied. It looks like a doodoo mask when it's finished. I covered in a plastic cap, wrapped with about 8 layers of cling film, covered in another plastic cap, and topped it off with a towel turban and went to sleep.

Rinsing took about 20 minutes. Then I slathered in conditioner to soften and make it easier to get the grit out...the Denman was perfect was that. I shampoed twice and I was done. I didn't condition afterward because I was late for work.
I did my first henna treatment with Lush's Caca Rouge last month. I didn't add anything to it, since it's pre-mixd with cocoa butter and rosemary, but I know many people use additives. There is a long thread about it over on the Lush forum. I used 3 squares for my shoulder length, natural hair; grated the sqyares with a cheese grater, and left it on for 5 hours.

I've always been troubled by the the name. Why would they name it s***?
They call it "caca" because that's what henna looks like! It's just a joke, a play on words. Lush has a lot of in-jokes in their product's just part of their company culture.
Thanks. what's your length, Im ABOUT shoulder length but very fine haired so Im not sure of how much I should use
I'm fine-haired and shoulder length, and I used 3 squares. At first I grated up 2 squares, but I need another to complete my head. HTH