Lush Caca Noir Henna


New Member
I read some older reviews on here from ’09. I was wondering if anyone has tried this product while transitioning. Also, Did you mix it with anything? And what type of Shampoo did you use to get it out.

Any techniques would be great. I really want my hair to be dark black:look:

I got the idea from another board and someone mentioned that Lush sold it Henna too.
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Alex at just did a review henna treatment that made her hair super dark. you should check it out.

I'm not transitioning but I used this Lush Nior Caca and I returned the remainder for a refund. Its too expensive for it to have the same results as $4.99 henna.
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i actually love the convinience of this henna, I only need 1 square at a time and add extra indigo, oils and a dash if condish. It works well.

ETA: I buy a whole block for about £7 in the UK which has about 8 bricks and lasts me a whole year. I call that a bargain.
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I have only tried the LUSH Caca Brun. I don't have a lot of hair so I was able to get 3 applications out of 1 "brick".
What I liked about it:
1) Easy to use- you don't have to mix it up 12 hours in advance, just cut it up and add hot water.
2) I got incredible shine after using it.
3) Accessible- you don't have to order on-line.
4) If something goes wrong, you have someone to sue ( the lawyer in me coming out). Good luck if something goes wrong with henna you order on-line.
But, it didn't really cover any of my grays--perhaps I didn't leave it on long enough or do it often enough.

I have decided to take the plunge and just try regular BAQ henna & indigo and make my own mixture. I want to see if there is any difference. If there is no difference, I am sticking with LUSH. Check out the reviews on MUA.
I have only tried the LUSH Caca Brun. I don't have a lot of hair so I was able to get 3 applications out of 1 "brick".
What I liked about it:
1) Easy to use- you don't have to mix it up 12 hours in advance, just cut it up and add hot water.
2) I got incredible shine after using it.
3) Accessible- you don't have to order on-line.
4) If something goes wrong, you have someone to sue ( the lawyer in me coming out). Good luck if something goes wrong with henna you order on-line.
But, it didn't really cover any of my grays--perhaps I didn't leave it on long enough or do it often enough.

I have decided to take the plunge and just try regular BAQ henna & indigo and make my own mixture. I want to see if there is any difference. If there is no difference, I am sticking with LUSH. Check out the reviews on MUA.
Right now I do not have any Grays, but I have dull dark hair. I am not really great with DIY so anything that is easier is a Plus.

Where did you get the extra indigo from to add to it? Did anyone add tea or honey?

What is MUA? Thanks!
Right now I do not have any Grays, but I have dull dark hair. I am not really great with DIY so anything that is easier is a Plus.

Where did you get the extra indigo from to add to it? Did anyone add tea or honey?

What is MUA? Thanks!

I didn't add anything to the LUSH brand-- just added water. But, I recently ordered BAQ henna, indigo and amla from AyurNatural Beauty because they are having a sale. I want to see if there is a difference. Also, go to the hennaforhair website which is very informative. They have an e-book you can download and there is a section on getting "black cat" colored hair.

MUA is a website- Makeup Alley. There are tons of reviews on the LUSH cacas on there.
I have only tried the LUSH Caca Brun. I don't have a lot of hair so I was able to get 3 applications out of 1 "brick".
What I liked about it:
1) Easy to use- you don't have to mix it up 12 hours in advance, just cut it up and add hot water.
2) I got incredible shine after using it.
3) Accessible- you don't have to order on-line.
4) If something goes wrong, you have someone to sue ( the lawyer in me coming out). Good luck if something goes wrong with henna you order on-line.
But, it didn't really cover any of my grays--perhaps I didn't leave it on long enough or do it often enough.

I have decided to take the plunge and just try regular BAQ henna & indigo and make my own mixture. I want to see if there is any difference. If there is no difference, I am sticking with LUSH. Check out the reviews on MUA.

I follow up this henna with pure indigo and end up with jet black hair :yep:
My favorite henna because of the convenience. I've used this one for probably 2+ years now.

Use a cheap cheese grater to shave it into small peices, add some hot water (not really boiling, u may ruin the henna), a few squirts of conditioner and mix. I've also developed a habit of adding a tiny bit of sea salt to my mix because i've heard it helps the indigo stain darker. Idk how much it really helps, but I always do it anyway :look:.

I wouldn't use shampoo to rinse it out btw. I have always used a cheap V05 condish (usually Strawberries & Cream) to rinse it out and it has always worked great. First rinse out as much as you can with water alone. Then massage in some conditioner, rinse that out and repeat as much as you need to get all of the henna out.

Good luck!
those who add indigo, where do you get it and how /when do u apply it

I'm curious about this as well.

I used the Lush caca noir henna all of the time. I like that a bar gives me 6 applications. It colors my gray strands a glossy red. I would love to get pure jet black hair naturally.
I haven' t used it yet but check out the henna threads and you'll get lots of info. I just ordered my Indigo from AyurNatural Beauty since they are having a sale ( I think this may be the last day). Also check out hennaforhair.
i love this!!! :bighug: to everyone who recommended it! sorry this is so long, but here's the low down on what i did:

i bought this a couple of weeks ago but didn't really have the time to put it in. plus i was a little worried because it melted some in the car while i ran errands. so it's been sitting in the bag in the fridge for the past 2wks. i decided to do it last night while i was up cleaning. i used about 2 squares, not 100% sure cuz it was all kinda melted together in a weird rectangular shape. i started grating it, but it was kinda melting a little on my hands, plus it was taking forever so i gave that up. i put the rest of the block i was grating in a plastic bag & pounded it with a hammer until i had small chunks & the bag was about to bust. i put the hammered chunks & the lil bit that i had grated in a pyrex dish,added about 1/2 teaspoon of salt, & microwaved a 16oz cup of water for about 2.5min. i poured about 1/2 the water in, but i think it was still too much cuz after mixing all the lumps out with a fork, the consistency was thinner than the yogurt one i was aiming for. i covered the dish with some aluminum foil & put it in the fridge for about an hour. i saw online where someone thought that made it thicken up & the indigo release better. idk if it's true but i also didn't want to put it on my head warm, & the consistency was the same when i got ready to use it :perplexed.

i then applied it to my hair in the kitchen since i didn't want it to get all over the bathrooms i had just cleaned. i pretty much just glopped it on, making sure to rub it into my scalp good so the roots would get good coverage. i piled my hair on top of my head in a molded conehead fashion, uncovered & went about cleaning. idk if it was the caca noir, a delayed buzz from happy hour, or the fact that it was about 2am, but i got really sleepy all of a sudden. i chilled on the sofa for a bit listening to music cuz it wasn't dry enough for me to feel comfortable laying down. i actually drifted off for about 15min. flash forward to 3:30, i'm done for the night so throw an old towel over my pillow & call it a night

i woke up about 7:30 & rinsed it out in the kitchen using the vegetable sprayer & semi hot water. i'd say about 10min of rinsing. then i used suave coconut condish to cowash it about 3times to get out all the residue. i only say about 5 shed hairs which for me is like a miracle from God cuz i shed like a chemo patient on the regular, always have & thought i always would. the coverage seemed pretty even & it was definitely darker than my normal color. i threw a turbie towel on & did some stuff online for about 15min. when i took off the turbie, i had soft black, fluffy, soft curls!. i think it may have relaxed my curls a tad too. but my hair was nicely black, not harsh like some dyes or rinses can make you look, but really natural black. & even tho my hair was naked & semi dry, it felt really soft. i applied silicon mix condish, saran wrapped my head & put the turbie towel back on. i might do a lil dryer/heating cap action before rinsing depending on how i feel

my hair is type 3something & natural. it's fine & thin, & is about bra strap length stretched & just touches my shoulders when i wear it curly. natural color is a dark brown/light black with just a slight shade lighter brown in the front. i have henna'd before about a year or 2 ago, but never hendigo'd my hair. so far, me likey alot!