@Chicoro @snoop
I’m natural. My hair strands are medium thickness and my surface texture isn’t silky, but it isn’t coarse I guess it’s smooth-ish. I wear my hair curly ALL the time. I haven’t had it straight since late 2017. I don’t have a really good idea of my hair length because I never straighten and I have a ton of shrinkage. It’s probably a bit longer than it was when I started shampooing regularly 4 years ago, but that’s mostly
because I’ve had the damaged hair slowly cut off. I’m hoping that now I can start accumulating length.
In terms of the shampoos I use I have been consistent for years.
- once every 4-6 weeks I clarify with Kinky Curly Come Clean. This shampoo is strong/uses very strong surfactants. I love this shampoo, it gets my hair super clean and it absorbs water extremely well after I use it.
- every week I double shampoo.
-First with an “all purpose” shampoo. I use Innersense Color Radiance Hairbath. This is also a fairly strong shampoo, but not as strong as the Kinky Curly. Recently I’ve started using this shampoo only on my younger hair.
- then I follow it with a moisture shampoo. I use Elucence Moisture shampoo