Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2022

I just washed my hair and my hair felt great. Not soft, mushy or stretchy at all. I did do a bond treatment and a protein treatment though. I brushed through my hair and barely got any breakage. The baggy is a winner for me!
Congratulations! What is on your hair for the baggie method? Do you keep your hair wet? How long do you leave on your baggie each day? How many days do you leave it on? What is your leave in? What is your sealant? How is the hair styled in a pony a braid, braids? How do you know it is working? What is different?
What is on your hair for the baggie method? Right now I'm using a thick buttery cream and sealing with grease daily.

Do you keep your hair wet?
My hair stays damp

How long do you leave on your baggie each day?
I only baggy at night

How many days do you leave it on?
6 days a week. the day I wash my hair I do not baggy the ends

What is your leave in?
I use either Camille Rose Curlaide or As I Am Double butter Cream

What is your sealant?
Blue Magic hair grease

How is the hair styled in a pony a braid, braids?
I use a mesh donut bun former to keep my ends stretched and put a pony tail on top of it

How do you know it is working?

I moisturize and seal daily and check for broken stands. I see very few.

What is different?

I think baggying only at night helps with my hair not staying too wet and prevents an odor from developing
I Need to Beware of Velcro Ends:

If I end up with ends that feel, look and/or act like velcro at the end of my wash and condition process, then, I've not been successful. I have re-discovered that I have to add oil in almost every step, even in the shampoo process.

  • Tonight, I added hot oil to my dry, dirty hair. Then I added a freshly made flax seed gel to lubricate and give it slip.
  • Then, I washed with a cream baby body and hair wash. No oil was added to the body wash. After the rinse, my ends started to feel like velcro. Danger!
  • I did a hot oil rinse. Added essential oils to warm hazel nut oil. Pulled that through my hair and the velcro feeling left. Rinsed it out with hot water.
  • Then, I added a heaping tablespoon of pure Shea butter to my conditioner, which I melted over heat, along with honey and olive oil to that conditioner. I applied the mixture to my head. I sat under the dryer for 30 minutes with a plastic cap. Velcro ends disappeared again.
Photos are of my hair at the first step: Oiled dry, dirty hair with warmed oil. Then, put flax seed gel over that and let it sit. My hair looked and felt deeply, moisturized.

I've never used flax seed gel as a pre-poo before. I wanted extreme slip so I can STOP ripping and breaking my ends. It worked well this time.
My hair just laid down like a gentle kitten.

No comb was used to detangle. It was 95% finger detangled with a brush and toothbrush to smooth down the hair when I styled it in my 5 braid ponytail, which I will wear for the whole week.

It took a SUPER long time to do my hair. I was heating oils, making gel and oiling before and after washing. Lots of work, but it made a big difference.

Hair Dry Oil with Flax Gel Nov 27th 2022 A.jpegHair Dry Oil with Flax Gel Nov 27th 2022 B.jpegHair Dry Oil with Flax Gel Nov 27th 2022 C.jpeg
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What is on your hair for the baggie method? Right now I'm using a thick buttery cream and sealing with grease daily.

Do you keep your hair wet?
My hair stays damp

How long do you leave on your baggie each day?
I only baggy at night

How many days do you leave it on?
6 days a week. the day I wash my hair I do not baggy the ends

What is your leave in?
I use either Camille Rose Curlaide or As I Am Double butter Cream

What is your sealant?
Blue Magic hair grease

How is the hair styled in a pony a braid, braids?
I use a mesh donut bun former to keep my ends stretched and put a pony tail on top of it

How do you know it is working?

I moisturize and seal daily and check for broken stands. I see very few.

What is different?

I think baggying only at night helps with my hair not staying too wet and prevents an odor from developing
Thank you for making the time to answer my questions in detail. And the formatting of the responses is so pretty! I appreciate the information and responses.
Took my hair down just now to prepare to wash. I have been continuing with the baggie. I wear mine all day. No odor in my hair.

My hair is super moist and soft.
Zero dry and crunch on my hair.
No velcro ends.
No tangles or matted hair.

I tweaked some things last week. See post #1084 above.

I will repeat what I did last week. I have already made my flax seed gel to use for my pre-poo along with the hot oil. Last week I put on the hot oil first. I think I will continue to put on the hot oil first, then the warm flax gel.

I will also do an oil rinse after I shampoo.

I will sit under the dryer with my deep conditioner.

Things seem to be working.

I need to keep my out for mushy hair. Trying to estimate when to do my hard protein treatment. I think it will be mid or end of December 2022.
Okay, so I've spotted the culprit in my breakage and lack of retention on my ends: Shampoo!!

My problem is after shampooing. Shampoo leaves my ends velcro, dried up, brittle and tangling. Hence the breakage and lack of length retention. I MUST address the tangles and try to minimize the 'Velcro Hair Ends at the beginning of my wash and condition process.

  • Prepoo- Leaves my hair and ends feeling great!
    • Warmed oil on dirty hair.
      • Oil removes shedded hair easier​
      • Breaks down the product buildup that creates tangles​
      • Can thoroughly detangle hair at the front end of the process.​
    • Flax Seed Gel put on over oiled hair.
      • Gives hair tremendous slip.​
      • Hair lays down and tangles gentle come out.​
  • Shampoo - The CULPRIT!! The Problem!
    • Leaves hair tangled and with velcro feeling ends.​
    • Leaves hair matted even if I braid my hair up when I wash it.​
    • Conflict is that I like to cleanse my hair with shampoo. Will continue to use shampoo.​
  • Oil Rinse - The FIX!!!! The Solution!
    • Use 1 simple, natural oil that is warmed up. (No silicone mixes or junk oils with mineral oil)
    • Hair returns IMMEDIATELY to pre-poo softness and manageability.
    • Ends become soft and slippery again
  • Deep Condition with Heat for 15 minutes (Dryer tube attachment tore last week. Need another option!)
    • Add Shea butter to conditoner​
    • Add oil to conditioner​
    • Add honey to conditioner​
    • Next time (New!): Plan to add salt (sodium chloride table soft) to conditioner to help with 'softening hair'​
  • Continue with Baggie Method with Gooped on Vaseline

After adding the salt, I don't think I will be tweaking my regimen. When I do Aphogee 2 Step, which will be every 6 to 8 weeks, I'll do it right after the shampooing step. After Aphogee 2 Step I'll go right back and follow the same process as listed above.

I think this routine will carry me through the next 10 months until July 2023.
The ends of my ridiculously lopsided hair are fine; little to no splits or single-strand knots. The right side is back to the length it was when I cut it last December, maybe even a little longer, and fairly even. The left side - which I had not cut - barely grew, and is as straggly as ever. I give up; I’m going to pretend that this is an intentional asymmetrical cut.
The ends of my ridiculously lopsided hair are fine; little to no splits or single-strand knots. The right side is back to the length it was when I cut it last December, maybe even a little longer, and fairly even. The left side - which I had not cut - barely grew, and is as straggly as ever. I give up; I’m going to pretend that this is an intentional asymmetrical cut.
Do you sleep on the left side? Is the texture of your hair on the left different than the texture on the right?
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My ends are babied daily. I’m pretty sure I’m retaining most of my length but I won’t be able to check my hemline until I straighten again and that won’t be for a while.

I want to try using a coconut oil based grease for my ends once I finish my current jar of blue magic just to help prevent any hydrgal fatigue (if it exists lol:look:). I will join the 2023 thread for sure!
Do you sleep on the left side? Is the texture of your hair on the left different than the texture on the right?
Both sides of my head have the same mix of textures. I used to sleep on the left side, but when I first noticed the lopsided growth pattern maybe 5-6 years ago, I made an effort to vary my sleep position, and I don’t think I sleep on the left side often enough anymore for it to affect the growth to this extent.
I haven’t had a haircut/trim in almost 6 months. I’ve been treating my ends nicely (olaplex 3 almost every week and gentle detangling), but it’s time for a trim. I’m going to see if I can get a curly cut this month.
Congratulations on consistently treating your ends well over a long 6 month period! That is so good!

How do think the Olaplex has improved your hair? Have you gained more length than usually? Or, are you able to better maintain healthy, thicker more beautiful length?
My ends are babied daily. I’m pretty sure I’m retaining most of my length but I won’t be able to check my hemline until I straighten again and that won’t be for a while.

I want to try using a coconut oil based grease for my ends once I finish my current jar of blue magic just to help prevent any hydrgal fatigue (if it exists lol:look:). I will join the 2023 thread for sure!
Good for you on retaining your length! I love the anticipation of using a new product. Be sure to let everyone know how that coconut grease treats your hair once you get it and start to use it.
I am tapping out of this thread and challenge as of today.

I measured my hair length:
-Crown or top braids stretched at 23.5 to 24 inches
-Nape or back stretched is at 22 inches

I took down my baggie and finger detangled to remove shedded hair. I will do my process. My hair feels moist. I re-started the baggie in mid October 2022. Hair feels so much better.

Final Results:
Crown - lost 2 inches (Went from 26 inches to 24 inches)
Nape - Zero net gain, did not retain (Started at 22 inches and still at 22 inches)

I was pleasantly surprised that my nape was 22 inches. That is because I thought it had broken off and was shorter than when I started in 2022. Incidentally, this section was 23 inches in 2021. So I lost an inch in 2021, but was able to hold it at 22 inches from Jan 2022 to December 2022.

What I learned:
  • My hair is currently in a break and growth cycle at tailbone length.
    • Good: I see that tailbone is new break point for my hair. Before it was waist length, and before that it was bra-strap length.​
      • This is the length I was at when I overtimed 10 inches in 2012. So, I 've gotten my length back!​
      • The quality and health of the hair on my head as greatly improved! This is from employing Shea butter consistently.​

    • Challenge: Trying to identify what my hair needs and wants to thrive.​
      • After Shampoo is when I get most breakage!​
      • My hair needs oil or special treatment immediately after shampoo. Oil is working.​

    • My hair does better with wet baggying using vaseline and protective styling.​
      • Technically, I DID not do protective styling in 2022.​
      • I often wore my braids loosened and on my shoulders.​
  • Warmed oil and warmed Flax Seed gel greatly moisturize my hair!
  • I abandon my self care and hair care when I am stressed. My hair broke because of my neglect. This year was so stressful but I am proud I came through well.
Thank you!
@Chicoro I was scrolling through IG and I saw a post from Ecoslay advertising their oil based shampoo -peppermint schnapps- and I thought of you.

@Chicoro I was scrolling through IG and I saw a post from Ecoslay advertising their oil based shampoo -peppermint schnapps- and I thought of you.

Thank you!
Saving Over- Bleached Hair Routine: Convergence! Her routine is very similar to the ones we do for our hair, if you skip the bleaching part.

Why I am interested? I was struck by the similarities. She uses oil, uses hair masks with Shea butter, no heat, oils hair, washes weekly if she can, doesn't use heat, talks about combing hair from the ends up, uses protective styles, uses a leave in and sleeps on a silk pillowcase.

Physically and chemically, afro textured hair is completely different than this kind of hair. Bleaching expedites hair damage. I am in no way saying bleached blond Caucasian hair is the equivalent of afro textured hair. NOPE! What I AM saying is that bleaching renders the hair strand to a more delicate, easier to break strand. Afro textured hair is delicate and easier to break even when natural. Thus, her processes nurture a delicate hair strand. Our processes nurture a delicate hair strand. Hence, the similarities in the regimens. Tis' all.

I attended a seminar where a scientist presented a white paper showing even cut hair 'heals' itself. But, for now, I'm choosing "Hair Is Messed Up for Life, Alex, for 100," for the condition of her hair.

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Remember, My Pretties,

Once you damage your hair strands you can NEVER, ever, repair that hair. All you can do is mask the damage of that affected hair. The lady in the post above is only masking her hair damage. She ain't fixed nothin'.

Do whatever you can to try to avoid damage at any cost!
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Okay, so I've spotted the culprit in my breakage and lack of retention on my ends: Shampoo!!

My problem is after shampooing. Shampoo leaves my ends velcro, dried up, brittle and tangling. Hence the breakage and lack of length retention. I MUST address the tangles and try to minimize the 'Velcro Hair Ends at the beginning of my wash and condition process.

  • Prepoo- Leaves my hair and ends feeling great!
    • Warmed oil on dirty hair.​
      • Oil removes shedded hair easier​
      • Breaks down the product buildup that creates tangles​
      • Can thoroughly detangle hair at the front end of the process.​

    • Flax Seed Gel put on over oiled hair.​
      • Gives hair tremendous slip.​
      • Hair lays down and tangles gentle come out.​
  • Shampoo - The CULPRIT!! The Problem!
    • Leaves hair tangled and with velcro feeling ends.​
    • Leaves hair matted even if I braid my hair up when I wash it.​
    • Conflict is that I like to cleanse my hair with shampoo. Will continue to use shampoo.​
  • Oil Rinse - The FIX!!!! The Solution!
    • Use 1 simple, natural oil that is warmed up. (No silicone mixes or junk oils with mineral oil)
    • Hair returns IMMEDIATELY to pre-poo softness and manageability.
    • Ends become soft and slippery again
  • Deep Condition with Heat for 15 minutes (Dryer tube attachment tore last week. Need another option!)
    • Add Shea butter to conditoner​
    • Add oil to conditioner​
    • Add honey to conditioner​
    • Next time (New!): Plan to add salt (sodium chloride table soft) to conditioner to help with 'softening hair'​
  • Continue with Baggie Method with Gooped on Vaseline

After adding the salt, I don't think I will be tweaking my regimen. When I do Aphogee 2 Step, which will be every 6 to 8 weeks, I'll do it right after the shampooing step. After Aphogee 2 Step I'll go right back and follow the same process as listed above.

I think this routine will carry me through the next 10 months until July 2023.
Shampoo is what caused a major setback for me too, this year. smh. So, I feel your pain.
It's been a minute! I'm happy everyone seems to be doing well.

I cut my hair into a short bob, due to damaged ends. My hair became excessively dry after a medical issue and was just breaking. My regimen at the time was not helping. Currently, I wear my hair stretched or flat-ironed.

I don't know what my hair goal is anymore. I'm rethinking everything.
How did you turn our breakage and situation around?

Unfortunately, I was rotating 3 harsh sulfate-based dandruff shampoos for a few years before I realized they were the culprit.
I was leaving them on for 15min before washing out! :eek:
Slowly, the ends to midshafts were becoming dry as hay, until they were not absorbing any moisture--- even when wet! I finally had to chop off several inches. Now, I'm keeping it short, until all the damaged strands have grown out. I've stopped all dandruff shampoos, using only moisturizing, sulfate-free ones. Started Olaplex religiously.
My hair is 90% better now, I would say. Moisturizes and styles easily. I'm happy with that, but super sad at the amount of progress I had to chop off.
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I got my hair trimmed yesterday after 6 months from my previous trim. I asked my stylist if I had waited too long and she said the timing seemed perfect.
I later learned that she thought I had been there 4 month ago so she was surprised when I told her it had been 6 months. I think I’m going to stick to a 6 month schedule.
she said my curls are super healthy all the way until the last few inches. I’m not sure if that is still left over hair from my baking soda days, or if that hair is just old.
I haven’t used baking soda in close to 4 years and I think all of that hair is gone. It could just be that since I color my gray my hair is a bit weaker and by the time it gets that long it is just more porous, but I can definitely feel the difference when I wash my hair. My hair is smooth and as I go further down the length it gets noticeably rougher.
I got my hair trimmed yesterday after 6 months from my previous trim. I asked my stylist if I had waited too long and she said the timing seemed perfect.
I later learned that she thought I had been there 4 month ago so she was surprised when I told her it had been 6 months. I think I’m going to stick to a 6 month schedule.
she said my curls are super healthy all the way until the last few inches. I’m not sure if that is still left over hair from my baking soda days, or if that hair is just old.
I haven’t used baking soda in close to 4 years and I think all of that hair is gone. It could just be that since I color my gray my hair is a bit weaker and by the time it gets that long it is just more porous, but I can definitely feel the difference when I wash my hair. My hair is smooth and as I go further down the length it gets noticeably rougher.
Congratulations on discovering a definitive and successful trimming schedule that works well for you!
It's been a minute! I'm happy everyone seems to be doing well.

I cut my hair into a short bob, due to damaged ends. My hair became excessively dry after a medical issue and was just breaking. My regimen at the time was not helping. Currently, I wear my hair stretched or flat-ironed.

I don't know what my hair goal is anymore. I'm rethinking everything.
Rethinking things can bring about some fabulous life changes!
I got my hair trimmed yesterday after 6 months from my previous trim. I asked my stylist if I had waited too long and she said the timing seemed perfect.
I later learned that she thought I had been there 4 month ago so she was surprised when I told her it had been 6 months. I think I’m going to stick to a 6 month schedule.
she said my curls are super healthy all the way until the last few inches. I’m not sure if that is still left over hair from my baking soda days, or if that hair is just old.
I haven’t used baking soda in close to 4 years and I think all of that hair is gone. It could just be that since I color my gray my hair is a bit weaker and by the time it gets that long it is just more porous, but I can definitely feel the difference when I wash my hair. My hair is smooth and as I go further down the length it gets noticeably rougher.
It sounds to me like you have arrived at a point where you clearly understand how you got here. What’s wonderful about this is you’ve cultivated knowledge about yourself and your hair that can never be lost, and that will serve you for a life time. The incredible thing about all of this is that you now have a solid foundation of healthy, well cared for hair. That means if you decide to grow your hair to longer lengths, when you reach your length goal, your hair health and beauty will be at the optimal level! Bravo!