Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2018

I ran out of my Shea butter mix and have not done my hair in the last 3 days. I am surprised at how dry my hair has become in just this amount of time. It goes to show, daily ends care really is important.

I hope everyone is doing well with their hair ends.
I last trimmed in October, if feels like eons ago :blush: I will be straightening today and will take off at least an inch.

Eta: Done. What a difference an inch makes, it looks and feels like a different head of hair. I mustn't wait so long next time, a trim every 12 weeks no longer.
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I've been doing pretty good with remembering to moisturize and seal my ends. Last week I washed my hair while in twists which is a big no no for me because of how my ends tangle. I sealed pretty heavily with Shea butter, but I already had some SSKs so I'm a little nervous. I'm going to straighten this weekend or next week and trim my ends so we'll see.
LCOB'd with AVJ/water mix, SM JBCO leave-in, avocado oil and slathered and sealed my length and ends with my SB mix. Ends are smooth and hair is shiny.

This is my routine on repeat every 2-3 days except I now use SM JBCO leave-in on wash day and then during the week use Giovanni direct leave-in. All other factors remain the same. My hair and ends are thanking me for this routine especially the Queen Shea!
I have not been keeping up with posting like I should have been. I started a new job, and let myself get wrapped up in working a lot of overtime.

Despite this, I've been washing my hair weekly and deep conditioning every time for at least 30 minutes. I've been moisturizing and sealing and putting my hair up all week long. It's usually twisted and put into buns or other updos. I have slacked a little on moisturizing and sealing, but I do it when I remember which is usually every 2 or 3 days. I sleep with a satin scarf or bonnet every single night.

I forgot to record that I cut about 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches of my hair about 3 weeks ago, while my hair was still straightened after I took the starting photos. My ends are so much better now and they retain moisture very well. Now I'm between APL and BSB, instead of BSL. I'm an average grower, so if I focus on retention I will be on track to being full BSL by the end of the year - hopefully full MBL.

I am pleased I how my hair looks and my ends are not so thin anymore. I feel like I am well on my way towards having healthy, luscious ends!
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I was going to wait 2 months before getting my hair trimmed again but I scheduled one at six weeks for March 10th instead of March 26th. I found another stylist that is even better than the one I used last. I didn't even think that was possible but here I am :yep:.
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This is my routine on repeat every 2-3 days except I now use SM JBCO leave-in on wash day and then during the week use Giovanni direct leave-in. All other factors remain the same. My hair and ends are thanking me for this routine especially the Queen Shea!

On repeat, my hair has been in a bun all week and was very dry when I took it down. Repeated the steps above and hair feels brand new!
My ends were feeling a little rough on wash day. On Monday I took out my twist and did a major search and destroy. I' trying to hold off until the end of May to dust my ends.

I was pleasantly surprised that I had to clip less than I thought. I didn' get them all but it should hold me.

I was thinking if I really want to find the splits inwould gel my hair. Gel always brings out the worse. I may try that when I have more time.
My ends were feeling a little rough on wash day. On Monday I took out my twist and did a major search and destroy. I' trying to hold off until the end of May to dust my ends.

I was pleasantly surprised that I had to clip less than I thought. I didn' get them all but it should hold me.

I was thinking if I really want to find the splits inwould gel my hair. Gel always brings out the worse. I may try that when I have more time.

The contrast between your story and mine stopped me. Your ends were feeling a little rough and you trimmed them and gel would have brought the worst out of them. The ends of my twa have been feeling very rough compared to the length, and the other day the whole thing was very frizzy. I put a generous amount of olaplex number 3 on it, covered it with sunflower oil and added gel then raked and scrunched et voila! My ends were totally transformed, and have been soft and behaving ever since. I don't any more feel a need to trim them. It's crazy how different types of hair respond in totally different ways to the exact same thing!