Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2015/2016

I'm in. Just got a well need trim/ cut for the new year.

1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc

2. Current Hair Length

3. Why are you joining this challenge?
To maintain healthy end so I can obtain long, THICK healthy hair.

4. What have you tried to improve your ends? Nothing as of right now. Just a fresh trim/cut.

5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends?
Trim or dust ends more frequently.

6. Will you update us 1x a month?


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I'm in. Just got a well need trim/ cut for the new year.

1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc

2. Current Hair Length

3. Why are you joining this challenge?
To maintain healthy end so I can obtain long, THICK healthy hair.

4. What have you tried to improve your ends? Nothing as of right now. Just a fresh trim/cut.

5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends?
Trim or dust ends more frequently.

6. Will you update us 1x a month?

Gotcha Added :yep:
I will post a picture of my straight hair tonight. The plan is to basically wear it out/leave it alone for a week and then back to my usual twist outs and buns. If I need to I'll lightly apply an oil mix to my ends, but I don't want to weight my hair down when it's the first time it's been straight in over 2 years.
He didn't ask if I wanted a trim! And I think my ends look pretty good. Excited about taking this hair into to the new year.

I just trimmed off the rest of the bone relaxed ends in my crown area. I had two inches that were hanging on. I have gotten some good growth in that area. It's 3 inches now. I dusted the rest of my hair. I really need to make sure I moisturize and seal my ends with these cornrows. I won't be wearing my hair out or down for a very long time. Not until my crown has grown 4 inches.
I straightened on Sunday, and I'm feeling so discouraged right now. My hair is so thin it's see-thru like ALL OVER. I had box braid extensions in for 5 months, I'm wondering if that's the (main) cause of the thinning. And maybe the BKT I did around a year ago. It seems like my hair is 50% thinner than it was a year ago. I could tell it was thinner after I removed the braids, but tbh I didn't mind bc it made it more manageable to wash, whereas before the braids I used to complain how thick it was and hard to comb. I also went through and did S&D the last three days, seems like my perpetual split end problem is back bc I'm cutting the same strands over and again, brand new scissors.

It's almost midnight NYE and I'm off to a party... a pity party.:sad:
I finally got my ends trimmed (I know y'all like "thank God " lol) I'm using this app via Snap on my BlackBerry, so Idk how the pictures are going to upload. Does anyone know how to turn them the right way? They're always sideways and it kind of bugs me



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I've been M.I.A, but I will have you know I've been wigging it since last week. Being lazy I've just spritzed my hair with my tea concoction and reached for my sisters Hemp grease (which I love) and just braided my hair and did the GHE method.
I straightened on Sunday, and I'm feeling so discouraged right now. My hair is so thin it's see-thru like ALL OVER. I had box braid extensions in for 5 months, I'm wondering if that's the (main) cause of the thinning. And maybe the BKT I did around a year ago. It seems like my hair is 50% thinner than it was a year ago. I could tell it was thinner after I removed the braids, but tbh I didn't mind bc it made it more manageable to wash, whereas before the braids I used to complain how thick it was and hard to comb. I also went through and did S&D the last three days, seems like my perpetual split end problem is back bc I'm cutting the same strands over and again, brand new scissors. It's almost midnight NYE and I'm off to a party... a pity party.:sad:
I think it's the braids too.
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whosthatcurl thanks so much, I've been so focused on length, this makes me realise that thickness is more important to me. I miss my density!

shortdub78 thanks for the confirmation. I just wasn't paying enough attention during weekly rebraiding. Almost 3 years in and I feel like I'm back at square one. HEALTH BEFORE LENGTH FROM NOW ON!
I straightened on Sunday, and I'm feeling so discouraged right now. My hair is so thin it's see-thru like ALL OVER. I had box braid extensions in for 5 months, I'm wondering if that's the (main) cause of the thinning. And maybe the BKT I did around a year ago. It seems like my hair is 50% thinner than it was a year ago. I could tell it was thinner after I removed the braids, but tbh I didn't mind bc it made it more manageable to wash, whereas before the braids I used to complain how thick it was and hard to comb. I also went through and did S&D the last three days, seems like my perpetual split end problem is back bc I'm cutting the same strands over and again, brand new scissors.

It's almost midnight NYE and I'm off to a party... a pity party.:sad:

:bighug: I'm sorry you are having hair woes. And yes keeping extensions in so long can thin your hair out and distress your scalp. The good news is that if from here on out you love up on your scalp and hair, it can thicken back up.
Today I'm going to rock a Princess Leia hair-do with faux curly hair as I protect my hair in 2 side buns underneath saran wrap. My edges need a break from the wigs ya heard?!
I went and bought the super expensive Ouiduad Curl Recovery Extreme Repair mask. I was not expecting the price, but I'm really looking forward to trying it out because from the last time I flat ironed, I have a few strands that haven't fully reverted. I can still do my wash and go but I would like to be able to straighten slightly more often and still keep my curls.

I also got the detangling comb, which I'm hoping will work well. So I'll be back tomorrow with the results.

ETA: Also, I'll be doing the trim of my crown area for sure tomorrow.
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I'm doing a full head baggy with aloe vera juice and coconut oil.
My ends need some tlc :yep:

Prettymetty - AVJ and coconut oil are sooo moisturising! I used chicoro's recipe for a moisturizing pre-poo a couple of times in the past and all I can say is wow! Your hair will thank you for sure.

My ends are splitting again despite my thorough S&D sessions over the last 10 days or so. They appear daily, I see them in my bang area:perplexed.

I just finished reading the "Retaining length for Fine Haired Ladies" thread and am going on the basis that I have fine hair so I'm going to start incorporating light-medium protein weekly, tweaking if necessary to light px weekly or medium px every two weeks if necessary, in order to reduce or eliminate my split ends.

I had a LOVELY wash session on Christmas morning, I thought I had posted it here but I can't find it so I am going to try to remember what I did and start a new regi:

1. Finger detangle small sections and apply Aphogee 2 min and Vatika Egg Protein (I need to use these up before finding a single replacement*) to each section then twist (on dry hair).

2. Under a plastic cap for one hour then lightly rinse twists with lukewarm water.

3. Diluted co-wash with neutrLab pH Balanced Cocoa Curl Cleansing Con.

4. Mix ORS Replenenishing con with CON Moisture Extreme con and EVOO, steam using a hot turbie and plastic bag for two hours.

5. Rinse, ACV rinse, Oil rinse with sunflower oil for ceramides.

6. African Pride LI on wet hair. When almost dry Elasta Mango Butter mixed with sunflower and olive oils, then seal with castor oil.

Everything will be done in twists, low manipulation is something I've never really tried before.

I am going to do this weekly for a month and assess my split end situation on the way.

If it gets better to where it's no longer affecting my retention, great, I'll continue until I need to tweak.

If it gets only slightly better, I'll incorporate Aphogee GTK spray mid week and reassess after another month.

If it continues the same I'm going in for a Komaza analysis, then I can find out what the problem is, my porosity and such all in one go.

* Aphogee 2 Min contains mineral oil, and I no longer use shampoo so no-go. Vatika Egg Protein doesn't contain hydrolysed protein and the egg is too far down the list for it to be of very much use. I do love the thick balmy-silky texture though so maybe I will combine with a reconstructor, SAA or even Aphogee GTK and continue to use it until I find a suitable replacement.

Sorry for the long post but I'm serious about fixing my ends, i must have cut 4" last year and need to use this thread as a journal - i need to be in cruise mode by the end of the year.
Last night, I put in flat twist and put the ends on perm rods. Wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. My flat twist outs don't usually come out so good. And my ends seemed a little crazy on the perm rods. But it came out decent enough to wear. It should get better with length.
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc
2. Current Hair Length
NL/SL (so very uneven)
3. Why are you joining this challenge?
I need to figure out how to grow out the middle back section of my head, those ends constantly break while the left and right side of my head are shoulder length, and I dont get it.
4. What have you tried to improve your ends?
5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends?
Sealing my ends after moisturizing, dc more often and more patience while detangling
6. Will you update us 1x a month?
たぶん。。。Yea :P 

Ladies sorry my starting pics are late but I finally got round to taking some. I live alone so no help, and I am using my 12" tablet I pressed a btn or sth so some of them have a dumb frame... yadda yadda.

In order they are front left, front right, side left and right, back left and right.

I would be over the moon if I could reach apl at the front (currently at solid CBL) for my birthday at the end of July. Thats 3" in just shy of 7 months but considering it's taken me 22 months to get the 3" from mid chin to CBL :nono: I'd have to be doing everything right lol. Enough talk.


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I BC'ed earlier this moring, so I'm starting anew.

I've already prepoo'ed and chelated. Now I'm going to be a protein treatment, DC w/steam, detangle, blow dry and trim to even things up.

After that I'm going to get my hair cornrolled and go back to my wigs.
I BC'ed earlier this moring, so I'm starting anew.

I've already prepoo'ed and chelated. Now I'm going to be a protein treatment, DC w/steam, detangle, blow dry and trim to even things up.

After that I'm going to get my hair cornrolled and go back to my wigs.

Whoa Whoa! Congrats! Welcome to the natural side! EnExitStageLeft. You took pitchcas?
I have the Ouidad Curl Recovery Mask in right now. I am super pleased that I barely needed any of the mask to cover my entire head of hair and I'm HL so that's amazing. Based off of the youtube videos I watched on the product, I was probably only going to get 3 - 4 uses out of the product. You know how people love to be heavy handed with conditioners . Anyways, if this works like it says it's going to, then despite the price, it could end up being a keeper.

The Ouidad detangling comb worked for the primary length of my hair, but I think I will rely on another comb for the roots.

Lastly, I've been seeing an increase in SSKs (:/) due to my increased wearing of Wngs for the last month, so I will have to go back to twist-outs.