Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2015/2016

While putting in the strugglest of struggle braids, I was really surprised how tame my ends were. I don't know if it was the Aphogee 2 step or the s-curl. Whatever it was, I liked it!
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc - Relaxed
2. Current Hair Length - BSL
3. Why are you joining this challenge? - I love blunt, healthy ends
4. What have you tried to improve your ends? - Trimming
5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends? - Trimming, Sealing with castor oil, grapeseed oil
6. Will you update us 1x a month? - Sure!
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I updated the list of challengers. If I missed you please let me know.

1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc: Natural

2. Current Hair Length: HL

3. Why are you joining this challenge? I need a new thread home since I'm not doing any length or growth challenges

4. What have you tried to improve your ends?
M&S, trimming, cutting out curly styles

5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends? Continue S&D and dusting, protect my ends, trim once or twice make ends even

6. Will you update us 1x a month? Yes, at least

My ends are in good shape. I just want to thicken my hemline and get a nice full u-shape. I'll continue to wear my hair in a bun, straighten about every 3 weeks, and seal with argan oil.
I'd like to join. This will be my first challenge.

1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc: Relaxed

2. Current Hair Length: MBL

3. Why are you joining this challenge? I've been experiencing splits recently and just want to maintain my ends.

4. What have you tried to improve your ends?
M&S and trimming.

5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends? Hide my ends through protective styles, S&D, trim, use protein, and seal with a butter or pomade.

6. Will you update us 1x a month? Yes

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[USER=174670 said:
FoxxyLocs[/USER];20815917]1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc: Natural

2. Current Hair Length: HL

3. Why are you joining this challenge? I need a new thread home since I'm not doing any length or growth challenges

4. What have you tried to improve your ends?
M&S, trimming, cutting out curly styles

5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends? Continue S&D and dusting, protect my ends, trim once or twice make ends even

6. Will you update us 1x a month? Yes, at least

My ends are in good shape. I just want to thicken my hemline and get a nice full u-shape. I'll continue to wear my hair in a bun, straighten about every 3 weeks, and seal with argan oil.

Hey lady. You know I'm always begging you. Are you taking any pictures soon?
I'd like to join. This will be my first challenge.

1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc: Relaxed

2. Current Hair Length: MBL

3. Why are you joining this challenge? I've been experiencing splits recently and just want to maintain my ends.

4. What have you tried to improve your ends?
M&S and trimming.

5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends? Hide my ends through protective styles, S&D, trim, use protein, and seal with a butter or pomade.

6. Will you update us 1x a month? Yes

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Welcome to the challenge.
Joining here!!!

1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc Natural2. Current Hair Length BSL Curly and MBL Straight
3. Why are you joining this challenge? To get overall healthy hair from root to ends
4. What have you tried to improve your ends? Cutting hair as needed & keeping hair up in braids
5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends? I don't hang on the straggly thin ends, going to look into mustard oil as an oil rinse/amla oil for scalp massaging, keep my hair moisturized with my shea butter mix, take hair skin and nail vitamins from HSN, use tea rinses, and ayurvedic hair pastes.
6. Will you update us 1x a month? Yes, every 24th of the month
Washing my hair today and will use a heavier oil to seal to air dry instead of using the serum. It worked at first but air drying is zapping the moisture out of my ends so quickly.
I want to join.

1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc? Relaxed
2. Current Hair Length: Hip
3. Why are you joining this challenge? The hair on my crown needs attention
4. What have you tried to improve your ends? I've trimmed the rest of my hair (it's blunt) so that hair is in good condition. But the crown is short so it doesn't get trimmed.
5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends? I'm going to trim the top this weekend and then just wait for it to grow back out. I also want to start trimming my hair at least every 4 months. Also, continue deep conditioning a minimum of every week.
6. Will you update us 1x a month? Yes.
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc

2. Current Hair Length

3. Why are you joining this challenge?
Healthy ends are the key to retention! Also, who doesn't love healthy looking ends aesthetically.

4. What have you tried to improve your ends?
  • Dusting and/or Trimming quarterly
  • Heavy Sealing
  • Low Manipulation
5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends?
This winter is supposed to be nasty :cold:, so I will continue heavy sealing by LCOPing. In addition to low manipulation, I have been trying to incorporate more protective styling. I will be using a lot of satin lined beanies and hats this winter. I'm following Lucia's challenge, so I may skip the Winter Solstice dusting and try to hold out till Spring. However, I'll do "Notice and Destroys" I'm too lazy for S&D, but if I notice something amiss, I'll destroy it with the scissors :look:

Essentially, I'll be heavy sealing and hiding my ends, :yep:

6. Will you update us 1x a month? Yes
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I used a butter on my crown, edges, and ends. It's from qhemet. I had it for awhile. It isn't too heavy. My hair liked it. Especially my crown. I am doing the green house effect method to help bring moisture, but I only do it for a couple of hours, if I did it overnight, I would have a problem.
I used a butter on my crown, edges, and ends. It's from qhemet. I had it for awhile. It isn't too heavy. My hair liked it. Especially my crown. I am doing the green house effect method to help bring moisture, but I only do it for a couple of hours, if I did it overnight, I would have a problem.

I used QB on myself and exclusively on DD over the past few years and love it but I think our hair got use to them. The butter smells soo god! I too have been doing the GHE for an hour or two a day and prior to shampooing and my hair is loving it.

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My ends still feel nice today, I am just going to GHE tomorrow and not put any products on my hair. I will do a hot oil treatment and scalp massage Thursday. Mo think I mentioned this already, but I'm not going to use any serums until I use some heat. I usually use a serum to add slip and seal in moisture on wash day, but I used oil to deal with and my hair felt nice once completely dried.
I am under the dryer at the salon. She did a nexxus emergencee treatment and now I have Silk elements mega moisture dc. Hopefully my hair is easy to detangle during the rollerset process
Newbie and I'm in!

1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc

2. Current Hair Length
An inch from shoulder length

3. Why are you joining this challenge?
My ends are atrocious and I'm slowly nursing them back to thickness and health

4. What have you tried to improve your ends?
Welp, started out with a mini-cut. I can/should still cut about 1-1.5 inches off but I will take off .5 inches every 4 weeks to try to keep some of my length. I need a real regimen and that's why I'm here!

5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends?
I need to finally nail this protein/moisture balance thing. I'm also going to start moisturizing/sealing daily. Will try to trim every 2-4 months to keep ends fresh. Lastly, will look for better ways to hide my hair. I'm thinking wigs..

6. Will you update us 1x a month?
Welcome ladies.

Ms. Dee Raven I haven't seen you in a while :yep: :wave:

I know. I'm sorry. I was thinking when I read the posting and saw monthly update stipulation that I totally failed in this regard in the last challenge. Though I will say, I totally up'd my DCing game over the last year, and with the exception of the crown, my ends are looking really good thanks to this year's challenge.
My jbco hair food comes in the mail today. I love getting hair deliveries just as much as shopping online for clothes. I plan to use it as a heavy sealant.
I bought the Tresseme split ender bandage today. I'm looking forward to seeing how well it works. I was originally looking at the CD Monoi oil split end treatment but it's super expensive, better to try with a cheaper version.

Has anyone had success with any of these products?
DCing at the moment, will LOC it up and hide under my wig for a week and repeat.

L- Aphogee Leave-In & Cantu SheaButter Leave-In
O- Grapeseed Oil
C- Mizani Coconut Souffle
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Giving up heat is going well. I took my flat iron out of my bathroom and put it up in my closet. Out of sight, out of mind!