Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2015/2016

Welp, just finished wash day. I decided to relegate It's a 10 deep conditioner to the protein treatment section, and used instead my beloved Mixed Chicks deep conditioner for the second week in a row and SUCCESS. My hair's softness is back. I noticed less breakage as well. So I'm thinking that the Ouidad Hair Recovery one week followed by It's a 10 was too much protein-ish products for my hair. So I'll alternate using the two when I need a protein treatment.

I tried finger combing my hair again as the first step of detangling and it's definitely a keeper. My hair is super coily, so doing the WnGs brings on the SSKs badly. But this is really helping to prevent that. It also just seems kinder to the hair.

Lastly, I bought a trial size of PM Tea Tree Invigorating Shampoo yesterday to replace my staple, Nioxin 5 cleanser. The lady at Ulta told me that the Nioxin product I've been using is for people experiencing hair loss, which is not my situation. So I'm in the market for a new scalp cleansing shampoo. Basesd on the online reviews, the Tea Tree Shampoo sounds like it will do the job as I have a really sensitive scalp. Does anyone have one they recommend?
Cowashed with vo5 kiwi lime condish and twisted with SM curl enhancing smoothie, focusing on the ends. Will scrunch in some grapeseed oil at takedown.

My ends feel pretty good, detangling last night didn't take forever. Esp since I wore my hair out for like a wk and slept once with it out on a cotton pillowcase :look: Will trim ssks and any splits on Tues.
I slept in 3 bantu knots. I moisturized and put in the knots so that I can have some texture today. I'm just going to wear a bun.
Washed and did LOC with NG leave-in, Natural Oasis shine balm and MHC Type 4 hair cream. Flat twisted my hair and put a little extra Type 4 hair cream on my ends. My ends are tucked away. Will be wearing this style until I rollerset in a few weeks for a special occassion. Then flat twist it is for the rest of February.

Still cutting splits as I find them. But I'm definitely retaining. My ends look OK, but I think they should look much better after my trim at the end of March. This will be the longest I haven't dusted/trimmed my hair.
I've been M.I.A for the last couple weeks, but I will say that I've been massaging my scalp daily, oiling my scalp every other day, oiling my hair shafts/and grease my ends every other day.
I couldn't take it anymore. Dusted my ends for root work. I did it in 4 braids which is not a real trim but it helped tremendously.
I did a Deeeep S&D yesterday, my ends felt dry but I think a lot of that was to do with my last wash session. I bought Aunt Jackies Super Duper Softening Con so I'm excited to do a CoWash and try that out.
My ends feel so soft. Ms. Jackie used something new on my hair Tuesday. She said it was a deep conditioner...It was in a small, glass bottle with a dropper. She massaged the treatment into my hair and scalp before doing my rollerset. The label was in Spanish and the only word I saw clearly was "tratamiento"
My ends feel so soft. Ms. Jackie used something new on my hair Tuesday. She said it was a deep conditioner...It was in a small, glass bottle with a dropper. She massaged the treatment into my hair and scalp before doing my rollerset. The label was in Spanish and the only word I saw clearly was "tratamiento"

Was the bottle green?
Spent most of yesterday doing more S&D, hope to have got rid of at least 90% of my splits (a lot of them were 2-3" from the end of the strand, I had to be brutal smh). NO MORE TWISTS, they cause extra stress and damage to my strands.

Pre-poo'd with QH Placenta oil, focusing on the ends. I really like this, its cheap and non-greasy - I mixed it with a little EVOO for added protection.

Co-washed 2x with Palmers Olive oil cowash. This is more cleansing than neutrLab Cocoa Curl Cleansing Con yet still left my hair feeling moisturized. A big plus is it costs less for a bigger bottle.

Rinsed, then applied more QH placenta oil and layered sunflower oil straight on top. Another rinse, then applied Aunt Jackies Super Duper Softening Con. I REALLY like this conditioner! It is dirt cheap, has a nice thick consistency, went on with lots of slip, spread well and softened my hair instantly. Not sure about the blue colour though lol. Put on a hot towel and plastic bag, and DC'd for 30 mins.

My hair was so soft after rinsing, a real contrast to my last wash session which left my hair very stiff and clumpy (I believe I used too much protein).

I think this will become my regular routine - cheap products, easily available and excellent results. I will use ORS Con to pre-poo every other wash for maintenance, but still need to finish up the Vatika Egg Protein and ApHogee 2 min so will use these whenever I feel like I need a stronger protein until they are gone.

Sealed my ends today with shea butter mixed with Mizani Butter Rich mixed when styling. I love MBR but it's pricey; by mixing with shea it will last longer and give extra protection to my ends. If I don't get any more splits during February I'll be making progress. I'm at a point in my journey where I'm ready to stick with what works, till I gain back some thickness and cure my constant split-ends. I noticed that they look really thin and worn out, I dunno maybe henna or cassia will help add strength. Something to consider for the future.
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My ends started sticking together after I flatironed which means I probably used too much product. Its causing breakage when its down too long so my wash day has moved up because I need to keep my strands.
Tues I blowdried my hair after DCing with the SM JBCO treatment masque and Crece Pelo DC. I trimmed the ssks and splits I found. I had a ton of ssks from a hurried wash n go I did 2 months ago. Before that I didn't have any.

Beyond that I only found a few very small split ends, so what I'm doing must be working! Applying grapeseed oil to my hair and ends everyday til I can catch my aunt to cornrow it.
Moisturized with Darcy's Shea Butter Curl Moisturizing Cream, Sweet Cocoa Bean Moisturizing Hair Whip and sealed with grapeseed oil.
Last week, I didn't need to M&S my hair (or apply an extra layer to my ends) multiple times during the week. Qhemet Biologics burdock root cream, amla & olive cream and aethiopika butter have worked wonderfully moisturizing my hair.
I tried the PM Tea Tree shampoo and I don't think my skin liked it. My scalp wasn't as squeaky clean either. So I looked up Nioxin and it says that you can use it without having hair loss, so I'll probably go back to that.
I'm going to moisturize my ends today, but I have to be light with it. My blowout is almost a week old and it's getting oily/weighed down. Maybe I should dry poo
I plan on going back to roller setting and flat ironing the roots. I hope it comes out fine! My hair thrives when I do them. My ends looked pretty good when I flat ironed my hair yesterday.
Last week, I didn't need to M&S my hair (or apply an extra layer to my ends) multiple times during the week. Qhemet Biologics burdock root cream, amla & olive cream and aethiopika butter have worked wonderfully moisturizing my hair.
I love that butter! All three of those products work really well for me. I can't use them all together though.
I love that butter! All three of those products work really well for me. I can't use them all together though.

I'm so impressed with those 3 products that I'm considering giving away other products (except APB) and relying on the QB products to moisturize and seal. The only problem is my Moma, my daughter and best friend like to talk slick so they ain't getting nothing! Lol.
Just sealed with TW nutri shine butter. I love the shine and smell. I was supposed to flat iron and trim but got lazy.
I got a fresh set of cornrolls for my wigs, so I had to blow dry prior.

When my mom was about to braid it, she was like "Good god girl, Is your hair getting thicker? I don't miss all:nono:". I literally spit out my drink I laughed so hard :lachen:. She would always have to pray before doing my hair when I was younger. I don't miss it either....Pine Tar Grease and hot combs *trembles*:lol:.

Anywho, other then my mama making me feel like a million bucks, my ends are good. I'm still going to dust them again prior to my next cornroll set though (3 weeks from now).
I think I will wear cellie braids instead of cornrows, so I can wash my hair more frequently when I want to wear my wigs.
My ends look scraggly but they feel good :look: Put my back into flat twists toward my crown. The front are in two strand twists that I sealed with MHC Type 4 hair cream. I put them on perm rods for two days. Today my hair is nice and soft.

Still cutting out splits when I find them. I'm not sure if they are new splits or splits I just couldn't get to before :perplexed: My gray hair definitely splits faster and more often than the rest of my hair. :sad: