Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013/2014

Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

[USER=174670 said:
FoxxyLocs[/USER];18109459]I straightened my hair on Wednesday and trimmed my ends. Overall they looked pretty good. I trimmed about 1/2 inch, a little more in some places but I was happy with how my ends looked. My last real trim was November I think, and I've been dusting monthly. Will continue my regimen.

How much do you dust monthly? Why do you dust monthly? And do you get more than 1/2" a month of growth? Are you in maintenance mode as far as your length?

I have more questions :lol: jk
How much do you dust monthly? Why do you dust monthly? And do you get more than 1/2" a month of growth? Are you in maintenance mode as far as your length?

I have more questions :lol: jk

Ask away! I dust probably 1/16 - 1/8 inch every month. Very small amount. I just clip the ends of my twists or braids. When I trimmed yesterday, I had very few knots or splits. The ones I did have were right at the ends.

I dust monthly because I do get ssks pretty regularly unless my hair is straight, which it almost never is. When I wasn't dusting every month, I ended up having to trim a lot more (1-2 inches at a time).

I really don't measure my growth, but judging from how my hair grows out when I have braids, I would say I'm right at 1/2 inch per month.

I'm not in maintenance mode yet. Full HL is my final goal and right now I'm a smidge past WL. Now that I have a good regimen for my ends, maybe my progress will be a little faster.
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

[USER=297946 said:


How is it going with the 4Naturals line? I have the reconstructor and its been staring me down for a hot minute now :lol:. I would love a review if you have used it.

I used the partial line last weekend (shampoo, reconstructor, daily treatment and afro stretch). I like all of the products. My hair still shrinks with the shampoo but it feels clean, moisturized and soft when I am finished. It doesn't strip because I can easily separate my hair into sections right after I shampoo it without tangles.

The reconstructor I like. It feels good going on and my hair felt strong afterwards. I definitely DCd after it though.

I like the Daily Treatment. It is gel like and easy to apply. It also feels hydrating. But I only used it last week before I switched over to NJoys Growth Oil. I will use it again later.

Afro Stretch cream is watery cream vs a heavy cream. It does stretch the hair, not a lot but enough to notice. It makes my twist hang and my twist outs are fuller with more body. It plays well with other products and gives me good definition. I can not use this product with out a leave-in on my low porosity hair. It won't hold enough moisture. I think it would work fine on normal porosity hair though.

Conditioner is definitely just an instant and not a DC. It reminds me of Kenra but not as thick. It makes my hair feel sooo soft but it doesn't smooth it like the AO Blue Chamomile. if they made the leave-in like this product it would be fabulous. I will use this as a prepoo or a cowash before a DC.

After using the whole line, it definitely needs a leave-in and a DC. I give the line an 8 out of 10 because it is missing those two products. But it gets an 8 because I have never ever ever been able to use a whole line and my hair turn out well in each stage. My low porosity hair usually has an issue with almost every single product.

I will play with bits an pieces of other lines to fill in the gaps but I will stick with this line for now. I can't even think of another line that may work for me.
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

[USER=297946 said:

Maybe you can try the RO Condish as a leave in.

What is RO?

I have leave-ins. I just wanted to use one line. I know it's not that important :lol:
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

^^:lol: I thought it was a brand name.

I may try it as a leave-in. Some of the ingredients seem a bit questionable but I may try it. I'm still playing around with a few things. I bought the KCKT and will try making a spritz out of that. And still playing around with tea blends.
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

foxxy, your hair is so beautiful in your siggy!

Hi ladies, first check in! I just put in some medium sized twists that I'll be wearing for the week. I tested my ends by using shea butter on them. For some reason, it's so easy to tell bad ends from good ends when I use shea butter on my twists and they still coil nicely. They don't fray at all but I'm still having little crescent-shaped breakage pieces when my hair is wet and I don't know what's wrong with it. I feel like I'm doing everything but somewhere it still breaks. It's not alot but I am currently at my wits end. It can't be a trim, I just hacked off almost 2 inches!
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

foxxy, your hair is so beautiful in your siggy!

Hi ladies, first check in! I just put in some medium sized twists that I'll be wearing for the week. I tested my ends by using shea butter on them. For some reason, it's so easy to tell bad ends from good ends when I use shea butter on my twists and they still coil nicely. They don't fray at all but I'm still having little crescent-shaped breakage pieces when my hair is wet and I don't know what's wrong with it. I feel like I'm doing everything but somewhere it still breaks. It's not alot but I am currently at my wits end. It can't be a trim, I just hacked off almost 2 inches!

Hey Mskraizy. Have you done a protein treatment lately? My ends are doing the same thing. Strong when dry but not great when wet.
They don't fray at all but I'm still having little crescent-shaped breakage pieces when my hair is wet and I don't know what's wrong with it.

Do your products contains cones? My hair did that with certain silicones, particularly the heavy ones. An anti-breakage serum works for that too as well as ceramides for me.

Sent from my Gramatically Incorrect iPhone
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

I know low manipulation is preached but not detangling my ends with a comb does not appear to be helping my ends. Letting my ends stay curling while I am trying to twist them seems to lead to them drying out and staying frizzy.

I don't know that I have to detangle my ends every time I moisturize and seal but I am going to do a little test. Then ends that I detangled look much more hydrated. My non-detangled ends look frizzy and bushy.
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013


I manipulate my hair daily. Detangling only on wash day is a :nono: for my hair. I have baby fine strands and my hair will almost mat together if I don't. Plus I shed alot, so it would just be horriblw if I waited.
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

[USER=297946 said:

I manipulate my hair daily. Detangling only on wash day is a :nono: for my hair. I have baby fine strands and my hair will almost mat together if I don't. Plus I shed alot, so it would just be horriblw if I waited.

Thanks. I shed a lot too. I can do ok without detangling the full length every day. But not doing something to my ends seems to not work. They just get bushier and bushier. It's good to hear that you are doing it another way and it works for you.
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

Ask away! I dust probably 1/16 - 1/8 inch every month. Very small amount. I just clip the ends of my twists or braids. When I trimmed yesterday, I had very few knots or splits. The ones I did have were right at the ends.

I dust monthly because I do get ssks pretty regularly unless my hair is straight, which it almost never is. When I wasn't dusting every month, I ended up having to trim a lot more (1-2 inches at a time).

I really don't measure my growth, but judging from how my hair grows out when I have braids, I would say I'm right at 1/2 inch per month.

I'm not in maintenance mode yet. Full HL is my final goal and right now I'm a smidge past WL. Now that I have a good regimen for my ends, maybe my progress will be a little faster.

I like this reggie! Now how do you dust when you hardly straighten? Do you blowdry your hair?
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

I dust when my hair is in small-medium twists or braids. I only blow dry when I'm preparing to straighten.

I was researching blowdrying techniques because I want to blowdry my hair, just for a change. I saw that you were in some of those older threads contemplating blowdrying your hair. How did it work for you? Were you still able to retain length? How did it go?
I was researching blowdrying techniques because I want to blowdry my hair, just for a change. I saw that you were in some of those older threads contemplating blowdrying your hair. How did it work for you? Were you still able to retain length? How did it go?

I tried blow drying using the tension method, round brush, and comb attachment. I also experimented with heat settings on the dryer.

I liked the comb attachment best. It's gentle on my hair as long as I detangle beforehand, and gives me the best results. I use warm air instead of really hot because I found that the extra heat didn't make a difference.

It didn't affect my hair health or length retention, but I found that it just wasn't necessary for styling if I wasn't going to straighten. Now I use flexi rods if I want to wear my hair in a stretched style, and only blow dry before flat ironing.
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

Hey @Mskraizy. Have you done a protein treatment lately? My ends are doing the same thing. Strong when dry but not great when wet.

I did one a last Friday, but it wasn't like a full on treatment. I just slathered some egg on top of my deep conditioner...:look: I didn't think about it until after I put my deep conditioner in my hair. I'll do an actual "treatment" this Friday or Saturday or whenever I have the time and then wash, then deep condition and see how my hair fares after that.

Do your products contains cones? My hair did that with certain silicones, particularly the heavy ones. An anti-breakage serum works for that too as well as ceramides for me.

Sent from my Gramatically Incorrect iPhone

My garnier sleek and shine leave in I think has one or two cones in it. And I use ORS Replenishing Conditioner to deep condition as well...I try to keep my products fairly simple since my wallet was on the verge of a heart attack.

I use suave shea butter and almond shampoo, suave naturals conditioners (or tresemme depends), garnier sleek and shine leave in, ors replenishing deep conditioner, my oil mix which is 50/50 castor oil and avocado oil, and my shea butter mix whenever I feel necessary but not all the time.

That's it on a routine basis. And they have actually gotten my hair in a much healthier state since last October. I dunno, maybe my hair is bored or something.
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

I am going to do like FoxxyLocs and dust 1x a month if needed. Now that I am using protein I think my ends will be better, but I don't think it will fix the damage already done. My ends are looking much better, but I have spots that still are in rough shape. My hair is no where near even so I may do a rollerset next weekend to dust my ends.

I think the lunar chart says next weekend is the weekend for cutting for length, so I will do it then.
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

Ask away! I dust probably 1/16 - 1/8 inch every month. Very small amount. I just clip the ends of my twists or braids. When I trimmed yesterday, I had very few knots or splits. The ones I did have were right at the ends.

I dust monthly because I do get ssks pretty regularly unless my hair is straight, which it almost never is. When I wasn't dusting every month, I ended up having to trim a lot more (1-2 inches at a time).

I really don't measure my growth, but judging from how my hair grows out when I have braids, I would say I'm right at 1/2 inch per month.

I'm not in maintenance mode yet. Full HL is my final goal and right now I'm a smidge past WL. Now that I have a good regimen for my ends, maybe my progress will be a little faster.
1/16-1/8 inch per month? Wow, I thought I had the tiniest trims at 1/4 in. Let me get on your level w/the trims! I'll see if I can go a little more tiny w/my middle/crown & back areas.
1/16-1/8 inch per month? Wow, I thought I had the tiniest trims at 1/4 in. Let me get on your level w/the trims! I'll see if I can go a little more tiny w/my middle/crown & back areas.

Lol! My mom taught me to do 1/8 in. trims every 8 weeks. That was always my trim schedule growing up. I've increased it to monthly now because of the ssks. But yes it is truly a micro trim, but it does the trick for me.
When you all trim in twists, are you worried the hair will be uneven or choppy? What about if you hair is in layers? I want to learn how to trim my own hair, so i dont have to rely on the salons.
When you all trim in twists, are you worried the hair will be uneven or choppy? What about if you hair is in layers? I want to learn how to trim my own hair, so i dont have to rely on the salons.

I'm trimming such a small amount when I dust, I really can't mess it up. I wait until my hair is straight to do a real trim.
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

When you all trim in twists, are you worried the hair will be uneven or choppy? What about if you hair is in layers? I want to learn how to trim my own hair, so i dont have to rely on the salons.

No I don't wear my hair straight so as far as I know it is always uneven.

If you wear your hair straight, then I think its best to trim when it's straight or at least do a rollerset and trim it that way.

I find trimming after a rollerset to be quite simple because the hair is sectioned, straight and I can see the ends much easier. Maybe that will work better for you.
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

I did a rollerset on friday to prepare for a trim on Saturday. I really hated to trim my ends but they were horrible as usual. I incorporated protein and have been moisturizing daily. So after all of that I was sure there was no recovery to what I was seeing.

I took out the rollers, combed through each section and then combed through with a smaller tooth comb. Any hair that wouldn't go through the smaller tooth combed with ease with ease was trimmed off. So I trimmed about 1/2" to 1".

On my right side near the back, I can tell that some of that is still damaged. From my analysis she was mentioning that to me and asked me what I was doing there. I think I damaged it trying to get my hair into a puff when it really is too short and curly to withstand that strain. So I have been trying to stay away from puffs and headbands since then. I can definitely tell where the hair was aggravated though.

But this is the cleanest my ends have ever been even after my big chop. So I will continue with the protein and DCing. I will try to do the daily moisture but will definitely not go longer than every other day. And since the weather is warmer I am going to start adding in additional cowashes.
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

My ends are feeling bushy already but they aren't tangled. When I detangled yesterday the come went through my hair easily. I also finger coiled my hair and it was easier. There was no tangling of the ends around my fingers.

I'm still not sure what is the best way to seal my ends. I have tried oil and pomades but they seem about the same.

I plan to wear finger coils for 15 weeks. I am hoping that my ends stay healthy with this style.
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

i have been doing weekly light protein treatments. i don't want to dust again until the summer. i don't think there is reason to. i really don't do much to my hair. i just wash it, condition it, finger detangle and bun it. i don't comb my hair that much. i don't plan on using a comb again unless it's time to prep for a relaxer or straighten my hair.
Re: Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2013

Still "buttering" and babying (currently using a heavy "grease" like pomade) my ends daily. I plan to Texturize/Texlax (11 weeks post), straighten and dust my hair next week. I've been dusting every 2 months and I can definitely see an improvement in the health of my ends;little(very little) to no tangling :happydance:. This is a triumph above many for me. I have baby fine strands and my ends use to tangle up horribly if someone even looked at them to hard :lol:.

To prepare from my T-Lax I will be doing a heavy Protein treatment using Mizani Kerafuse (my hair is going to love this :lick:) and following with Moisturizing DC using Naturellegrow Slippery Elm, Marshmallow root and cinnamon dc :lick:. I clarified and chelated this past wash day, so that is already out the way.
As usual I always say one thing and do another but my ends are fine. I'm really incorporating protein every week though and I did a henna gloss which made my ends feel good LOCB has been a godsend! I can't wait until I start rollersetting next month. Airdrying does not work for me and I'm too lazy to "lightly" blowdry...