Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2012


Well-Known Member
This challenge is for everyone who wants to focus on healthier ends. We know our hair is always growing and that healthy ends are key to retention.

If you
1. had healthy ends but damaged them in some way
2. have ends that are dry, brittle, bushy
3. have ends that are thin, breaking or brittle
4. have breakage you just want to get rid of
5. or fill in the blank

this challenge is for you.

To join, post
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc
2. Current Hair Length
3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends
4. What you have tried to improve your ends
5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends
6. Optional: share your current hair measurements either in inches or body lengths (SL, APL). You may want a record of where you started.

Retention is an ongoing thing so if you join please be committed to updating us either WEEKLY/BIWEEKLY so we can share what is working, not working and any ideas.

:kiss3: Poranges
:kiss3: HautePinkHeels
:kiss3: LuvlyRain3
:kiss3: B_Phlyy
:kiss3: leona2025
:kiss3: divachyk
:kiss3: NewHairWOWeave
:kiss3: Aggie
:kiss3: Carrie_A
:kiss3: Khaiya
:kiss3: greenandchic
:kiss3: faithVA
:kiss3: Chaosbutterfly
:kiss3: Royalq
:kiss3: Kamilla16
:kiss3: Victorian
:kiss3: sqzbly1908
:kiss3: djkforeal
:kiss3: silenttullip
:kiss3: DaDragonPrincess
:kiss3: Nightingale
:kiss3: LexiKing
:kiss3: NappyNelle
:kiss3: youwillrise
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1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc

2. Current Hair Length

3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends
-Some dryness, a few split ends.

4. What you have tried to improve your ends
-Moisturizing more in ALL forms (DC, moisturizing daily)

5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends
-Using Silk Dreams products exclusively.
-Keeping ends protected as much as I can.
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc

2. Current Hair Length
About an inch away from APL

3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends
Some splits and some ssks

4. What you have tried to improve your ends
Regular dusting and search & destroys

5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends
Continue regular dusting and search & destroys. Also, low manipulation protective styles and making sure my ends stay moist.

6. Optional: share your current hair measurements either in inches or body lengths (SL, APL). You may want a record of where you started.
I'm an inch away from APL at my longest layer.
Nape: 9 inches
Crown: 8 inches
Front: 9 inches
Sides: 8.5 inches
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joining will be back with my answers after my nap


1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc-Natural
2. Current Hair Length- somewhere in the abyss between sl and apl
3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends- ssks are my biggest issue
4. What you have tried to improve your ends- nothing much:look:
5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends-my goal for my hair this year is cosistency. when i am consistent with my regimen my ssks are under control
6. Optional: share your current hair measurements either in inches or body lengths (SL, APL). You may want a record of where you started. - i stopped measuring inches months ago
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1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc
Natural 4b/4a

2. Current Hair Length
Neck length

3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends
Dryness and SSK

4. What you have tried to improve your ends
Just trimmed off 1/2 inch

5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends
More occlusive sealant
Regular dustings


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. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc: Relaxed/Texlaxed

2. Current Hair Length: I believe I'm MBL. Pictures in my siggie.

3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends: In the past I have been pretty close to wl 2 times and each time I trimmed back to MBL or BSL because of thin ends. Also I have some areas at the nape and sides of my ears that has major breakage from dying and relaxing. I'm experiencing a little breakage. Maybe too much protein.

4. What you have tried to improve your ends : Staying away from the heat. I had a considerable amount of heat damage throughout all of 2011. I was flatironing weekly and sometimes twice a week. I also got a really good trim.

5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends: More staying away from the heat. I'm doing no heat styles like buning and braidouts. Also I'm leaving the plastic bristle brush alone.
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc
2. Current Hair Length
3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends
Uneven hemline/thinner on right side
Seeing a few more split ends and mid shaft splits than normal
Main concern: areas of what I consider trichorrhexis nodosa-- white dots along the shaft that snap easily

4. What you have tried to improve your ends
This is a new issue so nothing to date
5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends
Continue to protective style and increase dusting frequency
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc Relaxed
2. Current Hair Length SL
3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends have ends that are dry, brittle, bushy
&have ends that are thin, breaking or brittle

4. What you have tried to improve your ends: CLIPPING EVERY 3 MONTHS, KEEPING THEM MOISTURIZED
5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends JBCO,CLIPPING EVERY 3 MONTHS, MORE PSING
Joining this one too since I was in the last one. My hair is still in a weave for protection right now.
Heck. I'm in too many challenges but oh well.

To join, post
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc

2. Current Hair Length
3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends
uneven SSK, bushy, thinning
4. What you have tried to improve your ends
Not a whole lot
5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends
More regular dusting. Nixing bobby pins, I really haven't had the patience to do twists. I've been braiding to try to avoid SSN. I've been combing my hair to get rid of shed hair which was getting trapped in the knots. Considering rollersets once a month to help stretch the hair.
I really like Saravun's castor cream and castor butter and Silk Dream Nourish oil. I plan to rotate these prods to preserve these ends.
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc

2. Current Hair Length

3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends
dry, brittle, bushy

4. What you have tried to improve your ends
Heavy sealing and using a dc regularly has helped but i still need to take it up a notch

5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends
Going to incorporate baggying and more consistent moisturizing and sealing.

6. Optional: share your current hair measurements either in inches or body lengths (SL, APL). You may want a record of where you started.
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1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc

2. Current Hair Length
BSL - U shape

3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends
Slightly bushy with some split ends.

4. What you have tried to improve your ends
Sealing ends nightly, dusting, protein and henna.

5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends
More of the above, and more trimming until I get it right.

6. Optional: share your current hair measurements either in inches or body lengths (SL, APL). You may want a record of where you started.
I will need to do that later.
I'd like to join this challenge!

1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc
I'm relaxed.

2. Current Hair Length
Full APL

3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends
I'm always fighting against thinning, splitting, and breaking ends. For some reason that I honestly don't know, I'm also seeing a number of single strand knots.

4. What you have tried to improve your ends
I've been protectively styling and trying to keep them moist while cutting, searching and destroying and dusting. I think the worst is over with, but I will have to work hard to maintain their health while my hair grows.

5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends
Besides regular dustings and bunning daily, I will be baggying, using lots of castor oil and castor oil products on them, and going back to conditioning them (both protein and moisture) with heat.
I'm going to start doing cassia treatments with the addition of amla, hibiscus, fenugreek, and brahmi for thickening.
I want in!

1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc

2. Current Hair Length
4-4.5 inches throughout head

3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends
Bushy and rough, just started experiencing ssk.

4. What you have tried to improve your ends
Nothing yet

5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends
More intense DC, moisturizing often, lay off my denman a bit, mud wash on just the tips of my hair, sealing with castor oil. Thinking about tryong the deeper moisture method

6. Optional: share your current hair measurements either in inches or body lengths (SL, APL). You may want a record of where you started.

Front- 4 inches
sides- 4.5 inches
crown- 4 inches
nape- 3 3/4 inches
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc

2. Current Hair Length

3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends
-dryness, a few split ends

4. What you have tried to improve your ends
-Moisturizing (but started slacking... I know!)
5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends
-Using SCURL nightly, focusing on ends when moisturizing.
-Keeping ends off clothing!
about to moisturize and seal with hairveda whipped ends and hairitage hydrations peach aloe pomade. gotta get back in the habit of doing this on a regular
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc
2. Current Hair Length
3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends
breakage and split ends
4. What you have tried to improve your ends
two teaspoons of molasses dailyalong with my vitamin regime
5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends
rollerset once every 3-4wks to keep my ends streched
6. Optional: share your current hair measurements either in inches or body lengths (SL, APL). You may want a record of where you started 1.5 inches away from apl
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I am in
1. natural
2. i think apl, I need to detangle
3. not taken care of
4. nothing
5. protective styles and dc treatments
Okay ladies I need some serious HELP!!!!! MY DD ends are horrible, I don't know what I am doing wrong, she has a bunch of split ends and they are SOOOOO dry. I must admit I am slacking on the moisturizing and sealing daily. Do you think I should do that and if so what do you recommend I use (product wise) I don't add barrettes to her ends, hardly ever use beads or rubber bands maybe once a month if that I usually style her hair in ponytails with twists. She won't let me do any real ps like buns she hates them. She is 7 btw. I wash her hair every two weeks, no co-washing, I DC after every wash under the hooded dryer. HELP?!
Okay ladies I need some serious HELP!!!!! MY DD ends are horrible, I don't know what I am doing wrong, she has a bunch of split ends and they are SOOOOO dry. I must admit I am slacking on the moisturizing and sealing daily. Do you think I should do that and if so what do you recommend I use (product wise) I don't add barrettes to her ends, hardly ever use beads or rubber bands maybe once a month if that I usually style her hair in ponytails with twists. She won't let me do any real ps like buns she hates them. She is 7 btw. I wash her hair every two weeks, no co-washing, I DC after every wash under the hooded dryer. HELP?!

Give us a little more tiffjust2002.

Is your daughter relaxed or natural?
What DC are you using?
After the DC what are you applying to her hair?
How are you detangling her hair?
What do you moisturize and seal with when you do it?
Give us a little more @tiffjust2002.

Is your daughter relaxed or natural?
What DC are you using?
After the DC what are you applying to her hair?
How are you detangling her hair?
What do you moisturize and seal with when you do it?

She is natural
I DC with either Aussie Moist 3 min miracle I don't use a hooded dryer with this on I just do the body heat with a towel wrapped around her head over the plastic cap or I use Curls Deep Conditioner I forgot the name something with Tea lol
I detangle with a wide tooth comb or sometimes with my fingers usually a wide tooth comb while the conditioner is still in
I use whaterever I have on hand to moisture some time of moisturizing lotion like a hair milk or a butter that the first ingredient is water and I seal with coconut oil but before I had coconut oil I was sealing with EVOO
She is natural
I DC with either Aussie Moist 3 min miracle I don't use a hooded dryer with this on I just do the body heat with a towel wrapped around her head over the plastic cap or I use Curls Deep Conditioner I forgot the name something with Tea lol
I detangle with a wide tooth comb or sometimes with my fingers usually a wide tooth comb while the conditioner is still in
I use whaterever I have on hand to moisture some time of moisturizing lotion like a hair milk or a butter that the first ingredient is water and I seal with coconut oil but before I had coconut oil I was sealing with EVOO

You may want to try a Protein/Moisture Balancing conditioner like AO GPB in case she needs a little protein.

Where I am its winter (didn't check to see where you are), so she may need something heavier to seal than coconut oil or EVOO. Someone previously mentioned the LOC method (liquid, oil, creamy ?). So you may want to put on a moisturizing liquid, then follow it with an oil, then follow it with a heavy cream or butter.
You may want to try a Protein/Moisture Balancing conditioner like AO GPB in case she needs a little protein.

Where I am its winter (didn't check to see where you are), so she may need something heavier to seal than coconut oil or EVOO. Someone previously mentioned the LOC method (liquid, oil, creamy ?). So you may want to put on a moisturizing liquid, then follow it with an oil, then follow it with a heavy cream or butter.

I was wondering about that protein issue, I beleive that AO is on sale at I will buy some. I am going to try that LOC method and how often would you think I need to do this daily? Or? Also the AO is that a rinse out conditioner or a deep conditioner?

Thanks so much for your help!