Lurker Since Middle School! Now I'm a Newbie!


New Member
:grin: Hi LHCF! where do I began? Anywhoo I'm a newbie and I've been a lurker since...middle school! lol but I'm a recent 08 High School graduate. I've been relaxed since I was like 8-9 but decided to transition when I was in HS. Dec of 07 was my last relaxer and I've been transitioning ever since! I've currently been transitiong for a year and I plan on going fully natural probably um....before I leave to go to the airforce (in march or april of 09 I dunno) but anywhoodle...sorry for the long rant...I have sooo many questions and I'm happy to be here....Here's a few pics of my hair present and past


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Man, you're smart. I wish I would have lurked when I was in middle school. I think I was busy eating dirt or something.
What school did you go to? I was at Miller Grove High School, but I moved back to Alabama my junior year.
Gurl I don't stay too far from miller grove! I went to stn mtn freshman year then move and went to stephenson high second semester of 9th grade and graduated from there!
Oh ok!! My aunt stays right around the corner across from the elementary school. My cousin graduated from Stephenson a while back, I think 03 or 04. My mom and fam still live in Lithonia, so I'm over there all the time.
:grin: Hi LHCF! where do I began? Anywhoo I'm a newbie and I've been a lurker since...middle school! lol but I'm a recent 08 High School graduate. I've been relaxed since I was like 8-9 but decided to transition when I was in HS. Dec of 07 was my last relaxer and I've been transitioning ever since! I've currently been transitiong for a year and I plan on going fully natural probably um....before I leave to go to the airforce (in march or april of 09 I dunno) but anywhoodle...sorry for the long rant...I have sooo many questions and I'm happy to be here....Here's a few pics of my hair present and past
Awww, 10 years ago I just graduated from high school :spinning:

LOL, welcome!
Thanks! Those pics I posted are salon presses and the dominican salons...I've recently cut it since and plan on getting it cut 1 mo gin for the new year lol! I might do a post on what cut to get
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